Struggles of the fine haired natural


New Member
I'm starting to realize that my hair is pretty fine, although of medium density, and that this poses some issues on its own. So my question is: What struggles have your fine tresses posed for you and what have you learned about overcoming them? (products, techniques, what to do and not do, etc)
Im still learning.
The hardest area for me right now is retention due to tangles and splits. If i slack on moisturizing and detangling properly, I get breakage. I have to pay close attention to my moisture level and how I style my hair so that I won't rip through it or find broken pieces everywhere. I am slowly but surely learning to pay closer attention to the products that I use and I am trying to narrow down what I know works for me.

I use to really want stright thick hair but my hair doesn't do that. I now do a lot of textured sets and i really like them (i.e. braid outs with rod curled ends; bantu knows, twist outs -the list goes on). They make my hair look fuller.
My hair has always been fine but now because of health reasons it is thin also. I am coming to the realization that I have to avoid heavy oils because it makes my hair look even thinner. I also can't wear stick straight hair or even straighten it very much. If I straighten, it has to be a light press, no oils and a heat protectant is a must.

Moisture and protien balance are very important or my hair will begin to break so I have to dc often and occasionally a mild-medium protien treatment. I henna as often as possible to increase the thickness and recently, I began trying thickeners. Small Talk by Tigi worked great at first but, then it began to cause my hair to break. I'm on to Superstar by Tigi now.

I'll be glad when it grows back and is thicker.
Lucky for me, wearing my hair out has never been a big thing for me. All I ever wanted was to have long hair. Long hair that if I wear out makes a huge puff...or at least all the hairs make it into the pony puff. Long hair that when braided has tails that dangle down at my shoulders and beyond, not tiny 2 centimeter tails. So wearing twists all the time and styling the twists has been working well for me. I don't use leave-ins or moisturizing products. I just baggy nightly and wash at least twice a week with one of those including a DC. I might throw in a CW somewhere in the middle. By washing hair in twists (and maybe because I don't use products), my hair doesn't tangle and doesn't knot. In fact what I have to worry about is the twists coming undone. My hair is still at that in-between stage where styling my twists in a protective style isn't quite that easy as I could use a few more inches and it grows slowly, but keeping it in a style that ensures it won't endure a lot of manipulation means less tangles, and therefore fewer headaches. I also find that because I'm not combing it, it's not breaking much. Again it's minimal manipulation that works for me.

ETA: Extension braids also help me with retention. :yep:
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Good luck, Grnidmonster.

I'm still pretty new to hair care but I always knew my hair was fine. I really thought it was thin, too, and could never look healthy unless worn in an above neck length cut. Even when I went natural 13 years ago I didn't have much hope for my natural hair, until I found lhcf.

I'm still learning, but I've found that a weekly protein treatment (I use joico k-pak reconstructor) followed by a dc maintains soft, pliable but strong hair. I no longer hear snap crackles and pops as I detangle. As of now, I detangle while my hair is wet and loaded with conditoner. I've heard that some fine haired ladies cannot do this, so I'm watching carefully for any signs of breakage. But so far, my hair seems to be thriving. I've henna'd a few times, as well. All of these methods have allowed my hair to look much fuller than it is even when I flat ironed recently. I hope to find more methods to help my hair to be it's very best. Threads like these help to keep us all informed. Thanks OP
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Thanks to all who have added so far. I think that we can all learn something from each other. I guess I should add my own. I'm still trying to get into the hang of dealing with my fine strands as a natural. But i'm quickly realizing that my hair does best left alone. It doesn't like to be manipulated much or else I end up with breaking strands or knots. I'm a 4a as well, and I find that things like the denman put too much stress on my fine strands, so I have to use a wide tooth comb or my fingers to detangle.

I'm still on a search for the perfect moisturizing combo. However, I do notice that my hair does best with light protein treatmens (aphogee 2min) and spray and leavin conditioners rather than heavy butters.
I limit the heavy "butters" for lighter oils and rollerset. Strands are too fine for a blow dry. Can't's too drying for me...but my hair really likes Hask Henna and Placenta treatment.

I've spared no expense on other product lines, but have found this works the best for me.
I limit the heavy "butters" for lighter oils and rollerset. Strands are too fine for a blow dry. Can't's too drying for me...but my hair really likes Hask Henna and Placenta treatment.

I've spared no expense on other product lines, but have found this works the best for me.

ooooh, henna and placenta treatment? going to research :sekret:
Single strand knots...I have to make sure I stay on top of my moisturizing. Fine strands with single strand knots are no joke. Even being gentle will cause breakage.
Single strand knots...I have to make sure I stay on top of my moisturizing. Fine strands with single strand knots are no joke. Even being gentle will cause breakage.

Oh gosh I HATE single stranded knots! And I constantly get them if I mess with my hair too much. I end up just having to cut them out 90% of the time because the knots are so tiny and tight. :wallbash:
Oh gosh I HATE single stranded knots! And I constantly get them if I mess with my hair too much. I end up just having to cut them out 90% of the time because the knots are so tiny and tight. :wallbash:

Tell me about it! I had never heard of them before coming to lhcf. But I bet they are a major cause with why I was so frustrated with my nearly 10 year natural fro before I bc'd my natural hair. I noticed so many of them after wearing twists for a couple weeks that I haven't worn twists since. To be fair, I don't think it was the twists that caused the knots. It was just the first time I saw them and cut many of them out.

Adw425 and Naturalgurl say they no longer get single strand knots since adding the sour cream treatment to their regimen. I've added it, as well. Anything to get rid of those progress enders!
Coconut oil is my friend and that I shouldnt play in my hair too much, which means for me DC , wash the same day, Conditioner ( if I feel like it) and style w/ coconut oil in 10 big braids let dry and unravel and im good to go for the week. I realize that I dont have to keep my hair in extensions all the time because at teh same time yes it grows yes I retain but in the end I Find myself clueless about what to do with it when im not wearing extensions. Ive been doing braid-out on a weekly basis my hair is doing well.

I have to pay attention to what I do to my hair and baby my ends as I dunno what to avoid those knots and split ends. It can be overwhelming if im being slightly lazy with my hair.

Also, Aair-drying my loose mane is NOT an option. I do have fine hair but my hair is dense and it wont take long for my strands to curl on each other.
Fine haired 4a here.

I henna. Wash and dry using the curlisto method and leave it alone for four or five days...detangle with a wide-toothed comb. The denman ate my hair up. I can't make myself give it away, though...

I shed, but my hair loves butters and heavy stuff but hates oil!

Oh, and I'm silicones and sulfates are out.
My hair adores Joico K-Pak. Keeping my moisture protein balance straight does wonders for my hair. I also make sure to control my pH levels for porosity, this eliminates tangels and gives me silp.
The only issue I have with fine has is that I get split ends all the time! To mitigate this, I get regular trims, detangle the ends very gently, and put extra conditioner on them when I deep condition.
Checking in too. Because my hair is dense it always gave the impression of being thick which caused my hair so many problems growing up and the hair care I received as a child by my mother and hair dressers. Now that I am no longer wearing extension braids, I have realised that my natural hair is fine. It has been a serious challenge to figure out what works and what stops the tangles and snaps. I have experimented with many things. In the end, I now have gone back to washing my hair in sections (which takes forever but I have less hair in the bathtub), not wearing my hair out too often, combing with a lot of oil and wearing protective styles. And of course, my protein products.

Almond Eyes
I'm at the point in my journey where my hair splits just "because" I'm experimenting with herbal rinses to see if they reduce or eliminate the problem. I won't have any real results until the end of the summer. Coconut oil & shea butter are my staples.

My hair is "fairy" fine nappy with the odd thick coarse strand sprinkled randomly throughout. I rarely wear it out because the wind blowing it around cause tangles! I bun, twist, knot, braid, rollerset etc...
Henna worked well for me for about a year but I got tired of the bright burgundy hair...i'm almost finished cutting it all out! hair is dense with fine strands and has those same single strand knots and random splits. My hair does best when I keep it moisturized and simple.

I wash 2x/ week with CON green label (until I run through my stash :sad:), DC with Moisturefuse, and do twist outs or braidouts with KCCC. I use EVCO and mango butter to seal and manage the fly aways and use aphogee whenever I need protein.
My Fine hair does not like abuse - of any kind.... So I have to pamper it. I deep condition with THICK creamy products and the heat used with DCing helps some.

Henna is coming soon.
Another fine hair's a struggle to find what works cause as soon as it does, it stops working and then you're right back at the drawing board...

Hair loves butters but not on wet hair, only is good with oils too...i still struggle to figure out protein/moisture balance...

Did henna for awhile but i dunno if that is really me thing rhassoul tho...lately been adding too much shea butter which cause my strands to be weighed I gotta tweak that

Split ends I think are from the abuse of straightening my natural head in the last two years without a heat protectant, not dc'ing properly etc. Now I feel the consequences, I've held off trimming and just been searching and destroying those splits and knots...If I can hold off til I'm brastrap I think I'll get rid of those dead ends

It aint easy...
I've just learned to be careful when manipulating. Other than that, I've not really had any issues. My only issue with it being fine is that it doesn't look full.
Ah! The struggles of fine-haired naturals. I don't even know where to begin. My fine hair is always getting on my nerves (it needs moisture, but it gets weighed down easily; it needs protein, but it's protein sensitive). Although I have so much more to learn, I've acquired a wealth of information from the ladies of LHCF. What I've learned that works for me is:

1. Don't overmanipulate the hair: the constant combing and tugging leads to breakage. To cut down on manipulation, I wear a wig when I'm not wearing twist-outs & I keep my bonnet on when I'm in the house. I also fingercomb.

2. Conditioning is key: I have to use a deep conditioner every week.

3. Protein is key: Although I'm protein sensitive, I have to use protein every week. Too much moisture=breakage for me.

4. Wash in sections: it really cuts down on tangles. For the first time last night, I also applied my conditioner in sections. I realized that all of my hair wasn't being moisturized b/c I was just putting a glob of it onto my hair.

5. Take care of the ends: this is not so much of a fine-haired tip; it's more of a natural tip. My ends get dry really easily, so coating them with castor oil is a must for me.
no manipulation.

My hair is in plaits and I wear a half-wig...when it gets longer I will keep it in creative protective styles
Ah! The struggles of fine-haired naturals. I don't even know where to begin. My fine hair is always getting on my nerves (it needs moisture, but it gets weighed down easily; it needs protein, but it's protein sensitive). Although I have so much more to learn, I've acquired a wealth of information from the ladies of LHCF. What I've learned that works for me is:

1. Don't overmanipulate the hair: the constant combing and tugging leads to breakage. To cut down on manipulation, I wear a wig when I'm not wearing twist-outs & I keep my bonnet on when I'm in the house. I also fingercomb.

2. Conditioning is key: I have to use a deep conditioner every week.

3. Protein is key: Although I'm protein sensitive, I have to use protein every week. Too much moisture=breakage for me.

4. Wash in sections: it really cuts down on tangles. For the first time last night, I also applied my conditioner in sections. I realized that all of my hair wasn't being moisturized b/c I was just putting a glob of it onto my hair.

5. Take care of the ends: this is not so much of a fine-haired tip; it's more of a natural tip. My ends get dry really easily, so coating them with castor oil is a must for me.

So true to the bold. It's like its never satisfied. I'm like, ok hair, what do you really want from me? You're happy one minute, then not the next. Seriously, a constant battle. What protein treatment do you use?
Right now, my proteins are the KBB Deep Conditioner (aloe vera & natural enzymes), and mayonnaise.

I also have the KBB Luscious Locks Hair Mask that I'm going to use during my next wash. If all goes well, I'm start using it as my monthly treatment.
1. Protein treatments must be done on dry hair w/ no heat (if done any other way, my hair has a fit)
2. Don't over manipulate (and I'm good)

I just hate that my hair doesn't look as full as other naturals :look: