"Stringy ends"

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
So I went to the salon today to get a relaxer. While I was under the dryer (dc'ing) the stylist said to me, "Are you going to get a trim?" (Now I haven't had her trim my hair the last few times and she knows I'm trying to gain length.) Since it had been a while I said, "Well, take a look and see what you think."

So, when I got in her chair, she informed me that I had "stringy ends." :nono: I was like, "Well, what can I do about it?"

"Nothing," she said. "That's just how your hair grows."

She took off about half an inch :cry: While doing so she informed me that you SHOULD get your hair trimmed once a month :rolleyes: Whatever.

I will say that despite my reluctance the blunt ends do look better than the stringy ends . . . now I'm just wondering how I can help my ends stay blunt . . . I've been baggying and watching how I treat them . . . wonder what else I can do?
Yeah I'm in the same position actually. I did a self trim last week to even out my ends. My crown grows a lot quicker than my nape which leaves my hair looking quite :look: to me... I notice it, and it was enough for me to step back and say, ok let's make this look a little better.

What I've decided to do was just really baby my ends, make sure my nape is getting extra moisture. As much as it's going to KILL me, lay off of the flat iron and embrace the wash-n-go, or wash-n-bun, or braidout/twistout/flexirod out... lol. My goal is to really hit FULL apl all around by Feb 09. And I think that really babying my ends will get me there, but also I realize when things just start growing out of control just to trim the longest length maybe 1/2 inch every 4 months should make things better. That's as much as I cut this time around, and you can't really beat your natural growth pattern. I just try to tame it before it gets too out of control, lol.
I don't know about the comment: that's just how your hair grows???, but what I will say is 1/2 in. is not a lot. I trimmed the same amount a few weeks back & haven't though about it. As a matter of fact it's almost back:grin: HOWEVER the fact that you're trying to retain length means you DO want to try & trim as little as possible, in the future try just having her dust the ends or better yet do them yourself. Hair doesn't just GROW stringy, it's possible you just needed to get rid of those split ends, and unless the damage goes up any further, you will find yourself needing to trim MUCH LESS the better condition your hair becomes. KEEP BABYING THOSE ENDS & keep them moist:yep:

Oh yeah & you DON'T need to trim once a month, UNLESS as I said before there is more damaged ends to be gotten rid of.
1/2" is a lot to me. w/o mega tek, that would be like cuttin off 2 months of progress!

but you've got a good plan. baggyin, moisture, low manipulation. those 3 are KEY for me
1/2 inch is not bad at all...especially since you have not had a trim in a while. now, i wouldnt chop off .5 inch every month, but every 4 or 5 months.

now, you can start off fresh. continue to baby those ends (mositure moisture moisture and low manipulation) and hoepfully you wont need another .5 inch cut off until March.
I dont agree with "thats just how your hair grows". Just try to baby the ends, limit heat, and protect the ends during the relaxer process.
I had to cut off quite a bit of my hair last month because my ends were a hot mess. Mine were due to me putting my hair in a bun and twisting it around and around and I was using rubber bands... I know, I know.... Why?

I've learned my lesson and am starting over again. I agree with the other ladies to just baby your ends and be smart about the things you do to your hair and those .5 inches and more will be back before you know it.
1/2 an inch is pretty good. I got a "trim" last week. The woman cut off between 1 and 2 inches (I KNOW THATS RIDICULOUS, AND I WON'T BE LETTING HER "TRIM" MY HAIR FROM NOW IN)... however, I am glad as my ends were SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO old, scraggly, really uneven and thin. I hadn't had a trim in about 5 years so I really needed it and thankfully, I'm still on course for APL in the next couple of months I think.

I'm trying to do the following to keep my ends healthy and blunt so you can try these:

  • Baggying: I'm baggying my entire head every night and baggying my buns during the day. Try to hide the ends of your hair from the 'the elements': wind, rain, etc.
  • Moisture: Moisturise (especially the ends) and seal at least every night.
  • Minimal heat: I don't want to use a blowdryer or flat iron too often. Maybe once every 2 to 3 months.
  • Detangling: I only want to do this while my hair is wet or when I'm in the shower.
  • Deep conditioning: Twice a week, paying attention to my ends.
  • Brushing/Combing: Minimal, especially on the ends.
Good luck!
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She said nothing about your ends being split? I'm guessing that by saying "stringy" she just meant that your hair was UNEVEN. Because of the shape of the head, it is inevitable that most people's hair will become uneven over time as it grows.

I would only trim if I was wearing styles that look better with a blunt cut on the ends.
So I went to the salon today to get a relaxer. While I was under the dryer (dc'ing) the stylist said to me, "Are you going to get a trim?" (Now I haven't had her trim my hair the last few times and she knows I'm trying to gain length.) Since it had been a while I said, "Well, take a look and see what you think."

So, when I got in her chair, she informed me that I had "stringy ends." :nono: I was like, "Well, what can I do about it?"

"Nothing," she said. "That's just how your hair grows."

She took off about half an inch :cry: While doing so she informed me that you SHOULD get your hair trimmed once a month :rolleyes: Whatever.

I will say that despite my reluctance the blunt ends do look better than the stringy ends . . . now I'm just wondering how I can help my ends stay blunt . . . I've been baggying and watching how I treat them . . . wonder what else I can do?

The only problem I have with this, trimming once monthly, is that they are recommending it to keep a style, not length. If you are going for length, don't trim nearly as much. You can do protective styling to deal with the scragglies. I've been tempted so many times to blunt cut it but every wash, it just gets longer and longer and it's not one scraggly hanging way down there, it has brothers now!!! Yea!!! So, if you want to retain length, don't trim to maintain the hairdo, trim every so often for splits. Even with splits, there are ways to get around it...jojoba/rosemary oil.