Stretching Touch-ups for Very Coily Spiraly Hair


Hi Ladies,

I've been planning to do a touch-up for my texturized hair, but I'd like to stretch it out some more. My new growth is not hard to deal with yet, but I've been feeling pressured to texturize just in case.

When I was natural sometimes I would find my hair getting knotted up all by itself!--no manipulation, no nothing. I tried conditioner washes, no conditioner washes, deep treatment, gel, everything. My hair grows out in zeroes and clumps together into the size of a pen spring. It will just randomly knot up all by itself. I texturized because I didn't want my hair to be breaking off because of the tight coils and knots.

Now I'm feeling nervous for the same reason, and I feel almost forced to do a touch-up even though I don't want to, just to prevent knots and breakage. I would like to give stretching a shot just to see if I can make it work. I usually wear my hair in a pony puff now. Will this be okay to stretch out the relaxer? My last touch-up was in March

Do any of you ladies have tips for stretching very coily hair? i.e. preventing knots, dealing with 2 textures, etc?

Question...I know you said you last relaxed in many inches of new growth do you have?

To me it would seem a little to early to relax (mind you I slowly became a stretcher over the last year or so). I'm currently dealing with 3 textures (bone straight ends, 3 inches of texlaxed hair, and a half inch of new growth), I am 4a/b tight coils. I deal with my textures during my stretch by taking each week as it comes. What I do week 9 may be different than week 10, may be different than week 11, etc.

I would try finding a good moisturizing conditioner that has excellent "slip". I would also find a good detangler (I use Paul Mitchell Detangler spray). I try to only comb with my Jilbere shower comb and my bone combs. I loose very little hair if I'm patient. I try to only do major combing when my hair is wet (very wet). I am now trying to learn to use my fingers as much as possible. It's ok to wear your hair in a pony puff as long as you are detangling properly before you put it up. Also don't wear your pony in the same place on your head everyday.

Also using a good leave in is critical. Daily moisturizing is also very important.

RabiaElaine said:
Question...I know you said you last relaxed in many inches of new growth do you have?

To me it would seem a little to early to relax (mind you I slowly became a stretcher over the last year or so). I'm currently dealing with 3 textures (bone straight ends, 3 inches of texlaxed hair, and a half inch of new growth), I am 4a/b tight coils. I deal with my textures during my stretch by taking each week as it comes. What I do week 9 may be different than week 10, may be different than week 11, etc.

I would try finding a good moisturizing conditioner that has excellent "slip". I would also find a good detangler (I use Paul Mitchell Detangler spray). I try to only comb with my Jilbere shower comb and my bone combs. I loose very little hair if I'm patient. I try to only do major combing when my hair is wet (very wet). I am now trying to learn to use my fingers as much as possible. It's ok to wear your hair in a pony puff as long as you are detangling properly before you put it up. Also don't wear your pony in the same place on your head everyday.

Also using a good leave in is critical. Daily moisturizing is also very important.


Hi RabiaElaine,

Thanks for the response. :) I have about an inch of new growth right now. Your suggestions are very helpful, and I'll try detangling in the shower b4 I do my puff. I've basically just been leaving my hair alone generally. My fear was my new growth getting all knotted up and tangled since I am not manipulating it. But detangling every day during my CW sounds good.

Does anyone have more suggestions?
If you feel as though stretching will do more harm than good, then maybe you should relax, especially if your hair tangles with no manipulation.

I think that if your hair is currently fine then don't touch up yet, only touch up when you see the beginning of problems due to stretching. I wouldn't touch up just b/c you are afraid your going to encounter problems...if you think your close to running into problems though, I would get my relaxer/order it whatever you have to do so that when the day comes when you need to relax you can do it as soon as possible.

I have the same problem, I streched for about 14 weeks, but I don't think i can do that again. Next time will have to be max 10 - 12. I've seen that alot of people w/ our hair types can only stretch that long. I was definatley getting knots and breakage.

I think for now your doing fine, try a little longer, and just be prepared to relax when you need to.