Stretchers Four, Five, Six Months! Yaye or Naye?


Well-Known Member
Have any of you ladies stretched for 4, 5, 6 months and/or beyond then voila, long flowing hair...or hair breakage so bad you wanna slap the person who ever thought of stretching?
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I've been stretching for almost 7 months, at this point, I'm just going to call it a transition b/c I can't see getting a touch up anytime soon. The henna has helped me. I've got to admit though that my styles are not cute, but, my hair is healthy and growing. I may get it straightened in the spring just to see my progress.
Interesting, I have been stretching for about four months now, and I am thinking of going a bit longer. I really want to see my texture and have healthy hair, but I wasn't sure if all this stretching without plans of transitioning was going to be a hinderance or the best hair experience of my life..:rolleyes:
I've been stretching for almost 7 months, at this point, I'm just going to call it a transition b/c I can't see getting a touch up anytime soon. The henna has helped me. I've got to admit though that my styles are not cute, but, my hair is healthy and growing. I may get it straightened in the spring just to see my progress.

I know how you feel. Tomorrow makes it 27 weeks for me. I' suppose to relax this week and guess what? Not going o happen. I love how strong my New growth feels as opposed to the relaxed overprecessed ends. I cannot wait to see the progress when I ge those twists out.
^^^ Wow 27 weeks. Now thats inspirational. But, I just want to know from ladies who have done the long stretches was it all that you dreamed of???
Idk guys.... I'm about 6 months post and I think my hair is being hurt by this because there is much more breakage than when I'm 0-8 weeks post. It's also bad for me because if I'm not getting a relaxer then I'm not getting a trim and I think my ends suffer from all the stress AND not being trimmed. I'm never stretching this long again! It causes more harm than good in my opinion. Having two TOTALLY different textures of hair on your head is DEFINITELY not good in excess! From now on I'm getting a relaxer and trim every 3 months and I really think my hair is going to be in overall better health.
Idk guys.... I'm about 6 months post and I think my hair is being hurt by this because there is much more breakage than when I'm 0-8 weeks post. It's also bad for me because if I'm not getting a relaxer then I'm not getting a trim and I think my ends suffer from all the stress AND not being trimmed. I'm never stretching this long again! It causes more harm than good in my opinion. Having two TOTALLY different textures of hair on your head is DEFINITELY not good in excess! From now on I'm getting a relaxer and trim every 3 months and I really think my hair is going to be in overall better health.

Thanks Pretty, this is the kind of answer that I was looking for. Both sides of the stretching glory. I am currently 4 months post and I am contemplating going longer. We'll see. But if your hair is breaking why haven't you relaxed yet? Are you transitioning?
Well, I am 41 weeks and some change. At first, it seemed like I got a lot of breakage until I started using products to stop breakage (Emergencee every 2 weeks) and soften my NG (my favorites being milk and profective break-free). I also had to learn what my natural hair liked as well as the relaxed (frequent washing).

The main thing for me was not trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. If my hair didn't want to be straight, I shouldn't force it to be. Since I have been doing more frequent washing and putting my hair up in a pony under running water, my hair has been cooperating so much better. I barely get breakage now even being in Iraq with the harsh water and weather. I think it works as long as you try different methods and take the time to figure it out.
I go for around 46 weeks. Here's my 1 year progress...

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Totally agree with the girl to love. I'm 15 weeks post, going for 21 weeks and I would not advice any newbies to stretch this long. It really takes you knowing:
1) your hair
2) what products work on your hair - what strengthens, what moisturizes. This is not the time to experiment b/c of the fragile state of the your hair.
I started using a new product people were raving about and I experienced severe breakage. I had to do an Aphogee treatment to stop. Thank God I already know my hair's likes and dislikes so I could rectify the problem.
Totally agree with the girl to love. I'm 15 weeks post, going for 21 weeks and I would not advice any newbies to stretch this long. It really takes you knowing:
1) your hair
2) what products work on your hair - what strengthens, what moisturizes. This is not the time to experiment b/c of the fragile state of the your hair.
I started using a new product people were raving about and I experienced severe breakage. I had to do an Aphogee treatment to stop. Thank God I already know my hair's likes and dislikes so I could rectify the problem.

I agree. I stick to my staples. the last time I stretched was for 11 weeks and I had breakage there was hair all over the bathroom floor. Now I barely have any. I did a lenght check 2 weeks ago and Im happy. I have about 2.75 inches.
Idk guys.... I'm about 6 months post and I think my hair is being hurt by this because there is much more breakage than when I'm 0-8 weeks post. It's also bad for me because if I'm not getting a relaxer then I'm not getting a trim and I think my ends suffer from all the stress AND not being trimmed. I'm never stretching this long again! It causes more harm than good in my opinion. Having two TOTALLY different textures of hair on your head is DEFINITELY not good in excess! From now on I'm getting a relaxer and trim every 3 months and I really think my hair is going to be in overall better health.

I agree with this post. I've stretched for nine months before and I know it's possible to stretch indefinitely; however, some breakage is inevitable. It simply required to much time and energy (IMO) to keep the two textures 'happy' and to prevent prevent breakage at the line of demarcation. I would only go that long again if I was serious about transitioning.
I have decided to do 4 month stretches instead and call it a day. I'm satisfied with relaxing 3 times/year. :yep:
stretching past 3 months is not for me BUT..............

i have noticed that since i've been relaxing my hair: its retained its thickness and strength: so as of now: when stretching past 3 months: my hair tends to snap more "not at demarcation'' but where my texlaxed ends meet my see-thru thin overprocessed ends

so hopefully over time: as my see-thru ends get trimmed off completely: i'll be able to stretch for 6 months (goal).
There is a member here - I believe her name is Sylver - she stretches for 6 months at a time and wears her hair down everyday. She is relaxed bone straight and her natural texture is 4 a/b. If you search you should find her profile with a fotki link. I, myself am going on 6 months and plan to continue till April.
There is a member here - I believe her name is Sylver - she stretches for 6 months at a time and wears her hair down everyday. She is relaxed bone straight and her natural texture is 4 a/b. If you search you should find her profile with a fotki link. I, myself am going on 6 months and plan to continue till April.

Yes, Sylver is a pro at stretching! :yep:
Thanks Pretty, this is the kind of answer that I was looking for. Both sides of the stretching glory. I am currently 4 months post and I am contemplating going longer. We'll see. But if your hair is breaking why haven't you relaxed yet? Are you transitioning?

I'm in college so I would have to go home (3-4 hours away) to get my hair relaxed by my trusted person, which can be very difficult so I just told myself I ould relax when I go home for Christmas break. I'm definitely not transitioning! lol I did that about a year ago and my breakge was horrible! I used the best products for my hair and nothing could stop it but so much. Yes my hair grew, but I had to do some serious trimming after about a year (2-3 inches!:sad:) If I ever wanted to be natural I would just do the big chop and wear a wig or something for a few months. I have heard many times that it better not to wait more than three months in between relaxers. Your hair will grow regardless if you take care of your scalp and body and protect your ends so why put your hair through extra stress and risk damaging it? Hope this helps!
ITA, I've only stretched successfully with braids, or i get a lot of demarcation breakage, also my ends suffer and dry out no matter how much conditioning i do, i dedced to stretch 3 1/2 months the most and switch to using a mild relaxer instead.

Idk guys.... I'm about 6 months post and I think my hair is being hurt by this because there is much more breakage than when I'm 0-8 weeks post. It's also bad for me because if I'm not getting a relaxer then I'm not getting a trim and I think my ends suffer from all the stress AND not being trimmed. I'm never stretching this long again! It causes more harm than good in my opinion. Having two TOTALLY different textures of hair on your head is DEFINITELY not good in excess! From now on I'm getting a relaxer and trim every 3 months and I really think my hair is going to be in overall better health.
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for me right now its a good thing, am currently stretching for 31wks (7.5 months- to relax in time for easter, hope so anyway). I am currently 17wks (4 months). For me biweekly amla and brahmi rinse is the key been doing this since september and have little breakage so far; without this I cant stretch beyond 3 months.
Also I only comb twice a week on wash days- detangle in shower thatS it.

In my opinion for this to work you need to know your hair, also your regimen has to change, hair needs a more potent or regular use of hair strengthener ( proteins, ceramides, herbs whatever), when stretching.
I also trim or dust my hair as needed whether relaxed or not.
Do what is best for you, for me I will definately be stretching till march except something goes wrong along the way. I hope not.
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I go for around 46 weeks. Here's my 1 year progress...


How do you do that.? You have very thick hair like mine and 8 weeks post I can barely tame it....I know I need to to start stretching it just seems like it would be too hard ...Ya pray for me!!
traycee, the best advice for newbies is to add 1-2 wks at a time, so it does not get overwhelming and you can deal with it step by step.
for me prior to joining this board i usually relax my hair once in 3 months, so stretching for 4-5 months is o.k.
right now though i will be doing this long stretches till i reach healthy full BSL (with trims and all), once i get to this length will settle for relaxing 3 times a year.
My last relaxer was May 4 so I am about 7 months now. I am now getting use to the two textures. Besides the tangles on wash day my hair is pretty good during the week. I have an excuse to bun everyday since I am in the Army:grin:. My hair has grown a lot stretched out it's mid-back length. In my siggy was August and my hair is way longer now.
I'm about 14 weeks post that almost 4 months, and besides the fact that my hair looks a mess now, and it's hard to style, I am starting to get some breakage at the demarcation point, not a lot but now I know I wont be stretching past 10 weeks anymore.
Have any of you ladies stretched for 4, 5, 6 months and/or beyond then voila, long flowing hair...or hair breakage so bad you wanna slap the person who ever thought of stretching?

I guess I am an exception. I stretched for 5 mos with braidouts, and my hair seriously flourished. Now, I've never had long hair, but it was longer than it had ever been before. It still is. I'm going to do 4 mos this time. I only stretched 3 mos last relaxer. I had an epiphany recently. It's nonsensical to relax too much, if your hair only grows .25 inches a month. At 3 mos, I only have .75 inches of ng. I think most people should at least have an 1 inch of ng, so I can not relax any sooner than 3 mos. Perhaps my beliefs are odd. My mother sure thinks so. :grin:
I guess I am an exception. I stretched for 5 mos with braidouts, and my hair seriously flourished. Now, I've never had long hair, but it was longer than it had ever been before. It still is. I'm going to do 4 mos this time. I only stretched 3 mos last relaxer. I had an epiphany recently. It's nonsensical to relax too much, if your hair only grows .25 inches a month. At 3 mos, I only have .75 inches of ng. I think most people should at least have an 1 inch of ng, so I can not relax any sooner than 3 mos. Perhaps my beliefs are odd. My mother sure thinks so. :grin:

I'm going to try to go for 12-16 weeks. My hair grows fast though lik .50 -
.75 per month, I didn't know how fast it grew until I got highlights, now I can actually see how much it grows. I don't think I'll get too much breakage, I just relaxed in October after being natural for 9-10 years. I figure if I can go that long without a relaxer, surely I can make it for 12-16 weeks.:yep:
I guess I am an exception. I stretched for 5 mos with braidouts, and my hair seriously flourished. Now, I've never had long hair, but it was longer than it had ever been before. It still is. I'm going to do 4 mos this time. I only stretched 3 mos last relaxer. I had an epiphany recently. It's nonsensical to relax too much, if your hair only grows .25 inches a month. At 3 mos, I only have .75 inches of ng. I think most people should at least have an 1 inch of ng, so I can not relax any sooner than 3 mos. Perhaps my beliefs are odd. My mother sure thinks so. :grin:

MY SETIMENT exactly without 1 inch of newgrowth, you will overlap, even with 1 inch you can still overlap. At 4 month I have 2.5in of newgrowth, so for me no relaxing before 4 months.
With successful stretching hair appears thicker, and I think its because of less overlapping.
If you get 1in a month as some people do then surely its ok to relax every 2 months.
I remember reading in one of the hair books, that its better to relax every X inches of newgrowth than every X number of months, and i think this makes sense.
MY SETIMENT exactly without 1 inch of newgrowth, you will overlap, even with 1 inch you can still overlap. At 4 month I have 2.5in of newgrowth, so for me no relaxing before 4 months.
With successful stretching hair appears thicker, and I think its because of less overlapping.
If you get 1in a month as some people do then surely its ok to relax every 2 months.
I remember reading in one of the hair books, that its better to relax every X inches of newgrowth than every X number of months, and i think this makes sense.

I think this makes sense. I might stretch 14 weeks and so Suzy might stretch 8 but might have more new growth than what I have.
How do you do that.? You have very thick hair like mine and 8 weeks post I can barely tame it....I know I need to to start stretching it just seems like it would be too hard ...Ya pray for me!!

:pray: for ya... :look:

Months 1-7 I wash and go and use a scarf to tie down the NG at night. Months 8-10 I wear kinky twists or braids. I've spent a lot of time learning to detangle and keep manipulation low.

castor oil
coconut milk (haven't tried it with lime)
keeping it super moisture (dc dry w/ heat)
oil rinses

...also help
Have any of you ladies stretched for 4, 5, 6 months and/or beyond then voila, long flowing hair...or hair breakage so bad you wanna slap the person who ever thought of stretching?

I have stretched since June 7, 2007 and when I took my braids out and finally did my hair, "voila, long flowing hair"....APL hair.:grin:
After reading the replies to this thread. I have come to the conclusions that long stretches post 4 months, can truly be beneficial if it is completely at a low manipulation state. I will be four months post around christmas. Now I am thinking I want to go longer, but I will see how this turns out and from then on I will stretch longer.

Thanx everyone for their insight. I ::heart:: LHCF