Stretch With Me... Relaxers, Heat, Shampooing, EVERYTHING!


Well-Known Member
What are you attempting to go the longest WITHOUT right now?

Mine? Relaxing.

Ive never been a person who "stretched" my relaxer because I knew what it meant to "stetch" my relaxer. But there was a time that I thought I could transition to natural hair without relaxing (smart). I have always had the same regiment (my whole life)...Wash, condition, blow dry, flat iron. My hair has never made it past shoulder length; most likely becase my hair hasnt known what it means to be without heat. But then again, I used to be a frequent hair cutter too. So I had my longest length Feb. 2011 when may hair was just shy of APL. That growth was post my BKT treatment (Kerating Express - Brazilian Smoothing Treatment). After the first one, my hair would wash, blow and flat iron so well. After the second one, my hair felt... lets just say different... I waited a good six months between applications; but the second one took very differently to my hair. Since then (and because of stress I believe), my hair has just not been the same. When I started my journey (what does HHJ mean?) in June 2012 (the same time I found this site), it started because a friend of mine on Instagram was showing her beautiful progress since starting a biotin regiment. I immediately brought this vitamin for my neck length, extremely protein overloaded, hair in hopes that I would have the same golden, fabulous, swingalicious hair I once had. It was then that I startedd to look up other vitamins that are formulated to increase growth and strength of hair. Googled introduced me to a thread on here that spoke about vitamins, which led me to another thread that discussed products that promote health, which led me to other threads that were helpful, which led to $250 worth of products in my first month, which led to a $6.95 subscription charge... and here I am today SL with dry, still kinda damaged hair, that wants to be glamorous once again(pics of my growth in my album (Hair Journey)...

Through it all, stretching my relaxer is my first step in correcting my hair mistakes and opening the door to possibly, one day, STOPPING THE HEAT.

I will say this (for everyone who wants to tell me to just leave the heat alone)... I hate weaves and wigs, my hair is too short to do braidouts and bantu knots, I bunn enough and I like the sleek look of a body-filled wrap. I do rollerset, but I'm saving up to grab a Pibbs dryer (I've got the table top Golden Hot and my hair comes out too crunchy with that thing)...

But this isnt about me, its about you... So tell me what you are stretching or going without for a bit? And how long do you plan to keep it up?
relaxing...... again...... I wanna go as long as I can.
i don't start shedding....

that may be around 10 or 12 mos

my ng get mean around that length....

grab the relaxed hair & wont let go:naughty: then:poke: then I:crying3:
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I guess texturizing...I don't want to touch it up till November.
I want to stretch washing my hair from every 2 days, to every 3.
Relaxer for me ,I'm already at 10 weeks and 4 days and basically looking up what relaxer I want to use because the availability of mizani isn't accessible for me right now but I just said a couple of days I want to go double that so 20 weeks but it depends how my detangling goes when washing and if I get fed up with the time it takes I am going to relax at least at 12 weeks
Relaxing. Last time I went 12 weeks and this time I am trying to go 14. I want to do this gradually so I see how my hair reacts. My hair does start to shed a bit around 10 weeks. But I notice that when I mix the Aphogee 2 minute in with my conditioner and water, spray it on my hair in the morning before I bun it stops. I like wearing my hair in curly styles anyway and they always looks much better when I have a bit of new growth. So let's see if I can make it 14 weeks guys!
Lilmama1011 said:
Relaxer for me ,I'm already at 10 weeks and 4 days and basically looking up what relaxer I want to use because the availability of mizani isn't accessible for me right now but I just said a couple of days I want to go double that so 20 weeks but it depends how my detangling goes when washing and if I get fed up with the time it takes I am going to relax at least at 12 weeks

Every try Linange? It (to me) is such a GREAT relaxer... Conditioning elements, non-irritating, easy application... PLUS the neutralizer is a conditioner!
DominicanBrazilian82 said:
Every try Linange? It (to me) is such a GREAT relaxer... Conditioning elements, non-irritating, easy application... PLUS the neutralizer is a conditioner!

No I haven't
DominicanBrazilian82 said:
Every try Linange? It (to me) is such a GREAT relaxer... Conditioning elements, non-irritating, easy application... PLUS the neutralizer is a conditioner!

Will research it
DominicanBrazilian82 said:
What are you attempting to go the longest WITHOUT right now?

Mine? Relaxing.

Ive never been a person who "stretched" my relaxer because I knew what it meant to "stetch" my relaxer. But there was a time that I thought I could transition to natural hair without relaxing (smart). I have always had the same regiment (my whole life)...Wash, condition, blow dry, flat iron. My hair has never made it past shoulder length; most likely becase my hair hasnt known what it means to be without heat. But then again, I used to be a frequent hair cutter too. So I had my longest length Feb. 2011 when may hair was just shy of APL. That growth was post my BKT treatment (Kerating Express - Brazilian Smoothing Treatment). After the first one, my hair would wash, blow and flat iron so well. After the second one, my hair felt... lets just say different... I waited a good six months between applications; but the second one took very differently to my hair. Since then (and because of stress I believe), my hair has just not been the same. When I started my journey (what does HHJ mean?) in June 2012 (the same time I found this site), it started because a friend of mine on Instagram was showing her beautiful progress since starting a biotin regiment. I immediately brought this vitamin for my neck length, extremely protein overloaded, hair in hopes that I would have the same golden, fabulous, swingalicious hair I once had. It was then that I startedd to look up other vitamins that are formulated to increase growth and strength of hair. Googled introduced me to a thread on here that spoke about vitamins, which led me to another thread that discussed products that promote health, which led me to other threads that were helpful, which led to $250 worth of products in my first month, which led to a $6.95 subscription charge... and here I am today SL with dry, still kinda damaged hair, that wants to be glamorous once again(pics of my growth in my album (Hair Journey)...

Through it all, stretching my relaxer is my first step in correcting my hair mistakes and opening the door to possibly, one day, STOPPING THE HEAT.

I will say this (for everyone who wants to tell me to just leave the heat alone)... I hate weaves and wigs, my hair is too short to do braidouts and bantu knots, I bunn enough and I like the sleek look of a body-filled wrap. I do rollerset, but I'm saving up to grab a Pibbs dryer (I've got the table top Golden Hot and my hair comes out too crunchy with that thing)...

But this isnt about me, its about you... So tell me what you are stretching or going without for a bit? And how long do you plan to keep it up?

Heat. It's oh so tempting but I know my hair and doing flat ironing will damage my ends real quick.
I haven't used direct heat on my hair in over a year. I've used my hooded dyer to DC twice since then for like maybe 10-15 minutes each time, and that's only because it's super relaxing. I've been feeling the flat iron itch lately because of my NG and I'm retaining really well and want that full swang. I'm going to try to stay strong though and keep telling myself, "Woman, that lack of heat is why you're retaining so well dummy!" lol, I think I may tape a note to my bathroom mirror with that on it.
PinkSunshine77 said:
Heat. It's oh so tempting but I know my hair and doing flat ironing will damage my ends real quick.

I'm working on being strong enough to withstand heat! My hair doesn't hate heat. It still grows and stays healthy. But I'm sure I would retain MORE length without it :)
Hi:)! I have been heat free since March 2011 and I don't miss it at all- no flat or other heat appliances either. I do want to get an Instyler, though because I stretch 6 months at a time to give my hair a rest from drying I experience due to thyroid/ hypertension meds. This is the second year doing long stretches and no heat. The growth and retention I have experienced( from neck length to almost grazing APL) will keep me using these methods for a lifetime.
Direct heat. I'm a terrrrrrible roller-setter, but I intend on using cold rods because they are easier for me. I may have trouble at first because they may not create a tight enough set to get my roots straight, but I'm willing to make the effort. I will also try flexi-rods as well... I haven't actually implemented this new routine yet, lol, but I will starting September 1st :yep: Fresh month, fresh start...
I usually stretch my Texlax 14-16 weeks. Last time I stretched 24 weeks. I didn't mind, but my hair did lol. So this time my goal was 16 weeks.

However, I'm at 14 weeks now & relaxing in just 2 weeks feels too soon. I may go 18-20 weeks. I'll listen to my hair & see how it's feeling :lol:

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Stretching my relaxer/Texlax time. I'm currently 15 weeks and 1 day post. I found this site in the spring and began my first stretch ever in the middle. I only made it to 15&1/2 weeks but I was happy to get past my usual 6-8. This time, I began planning the stretch before I texlaxed. I've been working for the stretch with every single thing I've done, or not done, to my hair since then. Ive spent a bunch of money because I'm a PJ. I've found my staple. My original plan was to go 20 weeks but since my current stretch is going so well,I'd like to take it to 6 months.
On Thursday I'll be 12 weeks post, I'm getting a touch up at about 14 weeks but after that, I intend to stretch till the end of March. I think 20 weeks is the longest I've gone before a relaxer but I'd have to double check that, I'm In.
Heat! I've been pretty good, I've only used the blowdryer about three times since April. However, I want to cut out all heat indefinitely. Maybe even go completely heatless all of 2013?! Air drying in twists, cowashing, and proper detangling should get me there.
Relaxing! I haven't relaxed since Aug. 30th. I am going to strech til Dec 30th maybe longer, depending on how my hair acts.
This past weekend I tried the Organics Mayonaise conditioner with olive oil and their shampoo and my hair loved it! I will be using this for awhile.