Stretch or Corrective...what you think?


New Member
Every time I self relax, I am under processed. My last relaxer was last Thursday. I was planning on upgrading myself to another 12 week stretch, but my hair is so under processed that it won't even lay down. Should I wait 4 weeks to get a salon corrective? Or should I just grin and bear it for the 12 week stretch?

I am kind of reluctant to go to a salon to get my relaxer done b/c either they're cheap and use cheap products and handle my hair and scalp roughly...or they charge me upwards of $70. What should I do?
I would get a corrective because for me underprocessing= DAMAGE. There's more heat, more detangling, more manipulation, more frizz, more mess and more stress:spinning:. I think a corrective would be best for my hair but if you can get away with leaving it alone (ie bunning or something similar) for 12 weeks then I would go for it:ohwell:.
I would get a corrective because for me underprocessing= DAMAGE. There's more heat, more detangling, more manipulation, more frizz, more mess and more stress:spinning:. I think a corrective would be best for my hair but if you can get away with leaving it alone (ie bunning or something similar) for 12 weeks then I would go for it:ohwell:.

So how long do you think I should wait for the corrective?
Most ppl wait 4 wks before doing a corrective. Personally, my obsessive personality won't allow me to wait that long, so I am an exception to the rule, and if it bothers me sooner, then I handle it and baby my hair for the next 8-10 weeks.
I got horrible breakage from being underprocessed. I personally would deep condition like a mad woman and relax again in 5-6 weeks. Make sure you do a couple of medium protein treatments between now and the time you get your corrective.