Stretch Creme For Tight Curls


Well-Known Member
I was in the store the other day and I saw a jar of hair stretch cream. I don't remember the name of it but it's for kinky tight coiled curls. Has anyone tried such creams before? And if so, what were your results?
Did you like it? I'd like to hear y'all's opinion before I buy it...
I tried it and it was heavy. Not sure if it was a cream. It seemed more like an old brand of grease. My hair is very fine though. Seems like it had different instructions in the past. It was when this brand first came out so it may have improved since then.
I tried it and it was heavy. Not sure if it was a cream. It seemed more like an old brand of grease. My hair is very fine though. Seems like it had different instructions in the past. It was when this brand first came out so it may have improved since then.

Ditto word for word.
Oh wow grease??? What a disappointment. I think there are other brands out there that may not be a grease consistency. I'll search the web.