Stress= breakage or shedding?


Active Member
Does stress cause breakage or does it cause shedding? I've been under a lot of stress and in the past 10 weeks my hair had thinned out so much. All of my blood tests came back normal. Not sure what to do.

I lost my MBL hair from being absolutely slammed with stress in the period of like 6 months in 2010. I stayed clogging up shower drain and I developed the most insane dandruff problem almost like cradle cap that stayed for months. I just hid in a wig and finally cut my relaxed hair off because it was obvious that my hair was thin as hell and I was ashamed of wearing it in public.

Your best bet is to try to keep your regimen as minimal as possible and bulk up on supplements like nioxin vitamins, biotin and sulfur treatments. Good luck
Sounds like me. I hope I can turn this around soon.


I lost my MBL hair from being absolutely slammed with stress in the period of like 6 months in 2010. I stayed clogging up shower drain and I developed the most insane dandruff problem almost like cradle cap that stayed for months. I just hid in a wig and finally cut my relaxed hair off because it was obvious that my hair was thin as hell and I was ashamed of wearing it in public.

Your best bet is to try to keep your regimen as minimal as possible and bulk up on supplements like nioxin vitamins, biotin and sulfur treatments. Good luck
I've experienced shedding recently and I know it had to do with the unexpected death of my dog. Losing a love one can trigger the hair growth cycle to start over, except it nearly started all at the same time.

Needless to say I was a bit freaked out especially after I found out that it can last for 6 months. I drink Nettle and Horsetail tea religiously as well as taking them in supplement form. It's slowed down, and thankfully it doesn't show. That's because my hair doesn't shed a lot normally, so perhaps it's just looking like it would it it did.

I truly do think that Nettle and Horsetail have helped me retain my thickness and lessen what could have been very bad. (I'm natural BTW and I wear twist outs and braid-outs.)
YES! I always notice more breakage and shedding when i'm stressed. I had some stressful things occur recently and have noticed more shedding than usual (even this morning i noticed longer shed hairs in the shower... i knew what was up). Before, it has caused major setbacks for me. Now I just try to take it easy and step up on my hair game when this happens.

I agree that being on your p's and q's with supplements, finding products that help with or target shedding may help but, imo, the best bet is just trying to deal with and cope with whatever is the stressor. With me, no matter what i used in the past to slather or pop to combat the stress related shedding, i noticed that i didn't see the best improvements until i either dealt with the stressor or found a coping mechanism to lessen it (and its effects on my body).

For me, one stress buster was walking around a lake in a green, peaceful park with just my music and a water bottle (and maybe a friend or two) for 2-5 miles several times a week helped. Also working out in gym let out a lot of stress and relaxed my mind too. (the other things -suppliments, products, etc- helped, but once the stress was minimized or I at least had a way to channel or cope, then my hair thrived more... i know its easier said than done, but its worth a try). I know some stress cant be avoided or completely minimized but just take care of your self, and your hair will heal soon after! (hope this helps)
OP, I like Alter Ego garlic for normal shedding. Not sure if will help control the type of shedding you're experiencing.
Super complex b vitamins or stress tabs will keep your hair on your head.
I am going through this right now, I just had my mom braid it up and my sister is going to make me a quick weave cap. I just went ahead and cut the see through parts. I experienced this before that's how I found the board. But my drains are full of clumps of hair.
yes. I have a bald patch on my hair line because of stress. That was three years ago and it's slowly growing back in. I think the reason that it's growing back is because I'm not worried about what other people think.