Strand test


New Member
After reading all the posts about lye vs. no-lye, and pondering my next relaxer...Is it possible to test the hair with both kinds of relaxer to see how one's hair will respond before applying it to the whole head? My first idea was to take individual strands and do a normal strand test, but...this wouldnt really tell you about the long term whole picture my next idea is, Find two discrete areas on the head that are in good condition, or the most representative of your overall hair health..apply both types of relaxer on and care for them both equally, etc. and see what happens after about a week. Is it reasonable or is there a better more logical way?
how bout getting some human hair weave in a "kinky" texture and try it that way. i really don't know, just throwing out ideas. I'm sure it won't be a true representation, but it will give an idea of the effects.
True but then you wont know how it will effect YOUR unique head of hair...which one straightens to what extent in what amount of time, which one will possibly cause damage, etc.....hasn't the hair used for weave been treated with something anyhow...