Straightening natural hair before relaxing?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone...Is it okay to flatiron hair prior to getting it relaxed? My last relaxer was Dec 2011 and I've been getting Senegalese Twists since May 2012. I've been told to wait at least one week after removing the twists before getting a relaxer. I am 4z and will not be wearing it natural during that waiting period and want to have it straight. TIA
One of the bloggers I follow does before she relaxes. It sounds like a good idea but I'm too lazy to do it.
Do you know if she was natural when she first started doing it? My hair is natural and will be just below APL when I get it relaxed.
I flatironed my hair before I did my virgin relaxer. I was able to move faster than I would have been able to if I tried to relax with my hair in it's natural state or blow-dried. I have 3c/4a hair.
:wave: I flat iron my hair before getting a relaxer. I typically do this anywhere from 3 to 5 days ahead. Preferably 5! I do one quick pass over the ng to knockout some of the kink. I'm not looking for bone straight results; I'm just wanting to take out some of the ng kink. Flat ironing helps in many ways: 1) deshed hair; 2) my stylist navigates the ng better and 3) relaxer takes better. Win all the way around.
Thanks ladies. I just wanted to make sure it would be ok because I don't want a set back after starting over for 2+ years.