Straightening after Washing


New Member
Im relaxed and i flat iron after i wash my hair. Is it ok to use the flat iron/hot comb more than once a week if i want to wash my hair more often since i will be doin streneous exercises during the week?
Not really. I would find ways to airdry your hair and get less attached to it being straight all the time. The hair grows much better with less heat.

It is better that you aren't using the heating appliance on DIRTY hair, but more than once a week is still a bit too frequent.
You might can get away w/twice a wk, every other wk (2 times one wk, the next wk only once, 2 times the next wk, etc.). If your hair is healthy and you already knows its limits you can try it. If not, I would stick to what Tracy and MizAvalon said.

I use to use direct heat once every 2 weeks and that was bad enough, as soon as I cut it out totally, my hair has become much longer and healthier, perhaps you can try rollersets then a dry wrap, it takes long but in my opinion is worth the sacrifice. My hair appears straighter now with rollersets than it did with the flat iron.
Another good way to straighten your hair after washing it is to put in whatever products you use as a leave-in or oil, put your hair in 2 ponytails (Pippy Longstocking), braid or twist the ends, and let it air-dry (Thanks, armyqt!) Your hair will have more bounce, shine and be more manageable. You could probably get away w/ flat-ironing it only once and it will last until you wash again. It's worked for me so far. I MAY flat-iron my hair every 4-months or so, otherwise, I wear a braid-out every day.