stop spray bottle from getting "musty"


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all I want to know what you do to prevent the contents of your spray bottle from getting that musty moldy smell.

I used to keep a spray bottle with just water and like after a week or so the mist would smell like mildew. The same this has happened with my brand new spray bottle that I've been using for my aloe-glycerin mix. I don't want to keep throwing away my mix but it seems like I'm either not storing it properly or i'm not using it fast enough because it gets that smell and I wouldn't dare spray it on my hair.:nono: I've been keeping my spray bottle in my closet with all my other hair products.

Are you supposed to just fill it only with what you're going to use on your hair that day, or do you store it in the fridge, or do you add something to the mix as preservative (and if so will that change the effectiveness of the aloe-glycerinn mix), or does it depend on the spray bottle? The ones I've been using are found in the travel supply section at the Wal-mart ($0.97).
you need to add some type of preservative/antimicrobial/antibacterial. a few I know of are honey, alcohol, vitamin E, and tea tree oil (what i've been using... it smells though :ohwell:)
I don't store mine anywhere special, but I do put lavender and tea tree oil in mine, so maybe that makes a difference. I also only make up a batch that last for about a week.
I don't store mine anywhere special, but I do put lavender and tea tree oil in mine, so maybe that makes a difference. I also only make up a batch that last for about a week.

I agree, I only add a few drops of either lavender /rosemary essential oils. The spritz only lasts about a week its never gone musty on me yet.
1. I refrigerate all of my spritzes....
2. I add tea tree oil or Lavendar oil - just to keep down on any microbes.
3. I freeze my teas and mixes till I am ready to use them in a spritz.
Only use distilled water whether you keep your mix in the fridge, for a week or anything else.

Regular water always helps feed the mildew or help to make a mixture go rancid.
i'm going to try the peppermint oil and refridgeration.

it's funny though because the bottle of aloe vera juice I have has never been refridgerated, i keep it in the kitchen cabinet, and it has yet to mold up; mind you the bottle says "no preservatives" added, organic, yaddah yaddah.