

New Member
When I was a baby, I got stitches in the back of my head (middle nape area) and the doctor said that my hair would never grow right in that area. Do y'all think that using things like Dr. Miracles Nape Repair or any other stimulating oils or things of that nature would even benefit me? Or am I just going to have to wait till the area above my nape grows longer to cover? TIA
Is it a large area? My hair grew back where I got stitches in my head following my car accident. But I was so afraid of going bald I was constantly tending to it with a rosemary spritz and carols daughter khoret amen oil. It did grow back so I'm sure yours can too depending on how it's stitched
I had a doctor tell me about my eczema that no one knows what causes it and I'd never be rid of it. All i could do was use steroid cream.
Well, I found out later that it comes from allergies and if I stay away from the allergen, I don't break out.
So you never know until you try, your doc could have been wrong.
It will grow back unless the hair follicles are damaged. I had a bad relaxer experience when I was 4 years old and all of my hair came out in the back. The stylist told my mom that my hair would probably never grow back. For years, I probably had a maximum of about 2 inches of hair in the back....that is, until I learned how to take care of my hair properly. Now, the back is where I have most of my length :)