Stinking Thinking- Terminal Lenght Thoughts

Country gal

Well-Known Member
Ladies, I have been guilty of having terminal lenght thoughts today. I flat ironed my natural hair. It just seems like it is the same lenght it was last year. I was wondering if this is the end of the road for me. Will I be destined to have almost APL hair? How the heck can I get it to bra strap from here. Does anyone else have the stinking thinking blues concerning hair length?
What's your regimen like?

Do you exercise, eat right, drink lots of water? Massage your scalp, moisturize daily, limit heat usage?

Unless you've been doing all these things, then I don't think you should be thinking about terminal length.
What's your regimen like?
I don't think you should be thinking about terminal length.


Countrygal, how do you know for sure you're not getting any progress? I know you have an album somewhere, right? are you updating it routinely?

and loca has a point, are you doing everything you can to retain what you're growing?

........i just don't buy SL as a terminal length stuff for us, not unless there's a legimate physical reason involved (illness, a genetic condition, ineffective hair care routines or products).
well... i doubt thats your termial length... im wont say its impossible though.... sowwie lol,,, but do you have a history of damaging your scalp with weaves etc? I think even relaxers can cause damage to the follicles that can shorten your growth phase,:nono: and doing so for years could make your termial length shorter,, i dont know... i have some areas in front and underneath that just never seem to grow long , they fall out at near shoulder length and theyre finer than the other hair and i wonder if its due to relaxer residue left in years ago , i dont know..... id be patient with your hair... baby it and see what happens
How often are you flatironing your hair?

I just knew you was gonna be up in here and stuff :lachen::lachen::lachen: You will be proud of me, I twisted up last night :yay:

Back on topic: CG there is no way in h-e-double hockey sticks your hair isn't growing and you are at your terminal length. Something must be stopping the process and we just got to figure out what it is :yep:
Truthfully, I do. I got my hair cut.... into layers because of the mats I experienced months ago. It was so thin on the ends I couldn't help it.... so I'm back to right above APL. :sad: That sucks.
I just knew you was gonna be up in here and stuff :lachen::lachen::lachen: You will be proud of me, I twisted up last night :yay:

Back on topic: CG there is no way in h-e-double hockey sticks your hair isn't growing and you are at your terminal length. Something must be stopping the process and we just got to figure out what it is :yep:

:look: Whaaaaaaa??? :lachen:

:woot: Go you - speak the truth!
CG, I feel as you do. I've been chasing the same 2 inches for MONTHS.

I do as I should and rarely use no avail:sad:
I don't flat iron often. Maybe once a month. I also don't take vitamins. I do exercise and drink lots of water. I don't massage my scalp. I deep condition weekly and wash my hair frequently.
CG, that can't be your terminal length. Maybe it's just in a resting phase right now. They say shoulder length is the hardest hump to get over. How do you usually wear your hair? When I was manipulating my hair too much I noticed it seemed stagnant. But now that I've left it alone for a while it seems like my growth has picked back up. Now if I could just stop trimming. :look: Also, could it be your color?
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Once my sister went natural, her hair doesn't seem to grow as well as it used to, either.

The problem is she wears her hair out, and IMO doesn't detangle/straighten enough so that she can see/realize she needs a good trim/cut to remove the gnarly ends.
I don't flat iron often. Maybe once a month. I also don't take vitamins. I do exercise and drink lots of water. I don't massage my scalp. I deep condition weekly and wash my hair frequently.

I wonder if you start roller setting would it make a difference, you know, minimizing the kinks and bends in your hair, minimizing the hair tying itself in knots and being smoother all around in general.

Even as a relaxed head, I see that I get much more breakage when my hair is not straight/semi-straight.
Heyyyy CG ;-)

I use heat. I'm not gonna lie, I never gave up heat and probably never will. I air dry and then flat iron twice a week. I have found that the Vatika Oil is helping my growth. I have been wearing my hair up so that I can protect the ends because I don't do vitamins, weaves or braids. I seem to be retaining length.. good luck... I'm CONVINCED that SL is isn't it for us!!!
Okay, I am a little offended. I don't consider myself shoulder length. Maybe in the front but the back is past my shoulders.:perplexed

I haven't colored my hair in two years so it's back to it's natural black color. I think my hair is going through a very stagnate stage.

Hey, DC. :grin:
Okay, I am a little offended. I don't consider myself shoulder length. Maybe in the front but the back is past my shoulders.:perplexed

I haven't colored my hair in two years so it's back to it's natural black color. I think my hair is going through a very stagnate stage.

Hey, DC. :grin:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: No you di'int!!! Gal we can't see the back of yo head in your siggy! :lachen:
Okay, I am a little offended. I don't consider myself shoulder length. Maybe in the front but the back is past my shoulders.:perplexed

I haven't colored my hair in two years so it's back to it's natural black color. I think my hair is going through a very stagnate stage.

Hey, DC. :grin:

You grew all your color out? I thought that unless you cut that color out, it's still in your hair. It was permanent dye right? My highlights from 6 months ago are still hanging on at the very end of my hair but I'm not cutting them off.

Until your hair is APL, it's still considered shoulder length. But I've seen quite a few posts from people on the board feeling like they're stuck between the two (SL and APL) which is what I meant by the getting over the hump comment. If I'm not mistaken there's even a Stuck at SL support thread. I didn't mean to offend you CG. You know I've seen your hair in person more than once.
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I believe your on the verge of a growth spurt..your hair was just resting will be out of the gates in no have had great progress...just move it along solder :yep:
Well I am in the in between stage. The proof is in the pic. See my pic below. You can grow out permanent dye. Majority of the color is gone except for the ends.

Okay, I am a little offended. I don't consider myself shoulder length. Maybe in the front but the back is past my shoulders.:perplexed

ooooooooooh. i didn't mean to offend you either!

Until your hair is APL, it's still considered shoulder length. But I've seen quite a few posts from people on the board feeling like they're stuck between the two (SL and APL) which is what I meant by the getting over the hump comment. If I'm not mistaken there's even a Stuck at SL support thread. I didn't mean to offend you CG. You know I've seen your hair in person more than once.

Between what glamazon said and the SL myth, this was what i had in mind when i responded. sorry if you took offense Countrygal, that wasn't my intent at all.

you're at a difficult inbetween stage and i think if you can find away to keep your hair up and protected enough, you will definitely cruise right past it.

it can be such difficult period of time for us due to the monotony of protective styling.
ooooooooooh. i didn't mean to offend you either!

Between what glamazon said and the SL myth, this was what i had in mind when i responded. sorry if you took offense Countrygal, that wasn't my intent at all.

you're at a difficult inbetween stage and i think if you can find away to keep your hair up and protected enough, you will definitely cruise right past it.

it can be such difficult period of time for us due to the monotony of protective styling.

Ladies, I am playing offended. I am not really upset or offended. I do consider myself past shoulder length. I think I will do more roller sets.