Step away from the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I have been natural for a little over a year now and through much trial and error, my hair is now in GREAT shape! I thought I would share two things that have really made a difference in my hair. First, I stopped using shampoo. I have been doing daily conditioner washes since November 2003. My hair is much softer and more manageable. I did notice that I constantly had dry frizzy spots in the top of my hair. After each CW, I used to pat my hair dry with a towel. About two weeks ago, I decided to not use a towel and apply my products to my soaking wet hair. Now I have no more dry frizzy spots. I also have not used any heat in my hair for about 4 years. Thank you LHCF for your contributions to my hair.!!!!!!!!!
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the tips. I stopped using blow dryers and diffusers about two weeks ago and I have really noticed an improvement in my hair. When I let my hair dry naturally,it feels softer than it would if I had applied heat.
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!

good tips! i try not to rub with my towel...i just wrap it around my head and let it sit there for a while....i hate sitting around dripping wet...hehehe

the thing ive learned is that my hair is much happier when i just leave it alone! it was hard for me to get out of my relaxed mindset...that i could (or should) comb it and style it and play with it EVERY a hair person, so it was hard for me to just braid it and leave it alone (except to wash)...but ive learned that this really is the best thing for it...silly me!
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!

i never use a towel on my hair, but im a lil iffy on not using shampoo for such a long period of time.....
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!

I haven't been able to step away from shampoo yet...I'm still in the TWA phase so everymorning I CW and apply my products and in the front, I apply a little bit of gel(non-alcoholic of course) hold it down. After about a 11/2, I need to shampoo......haven't found a way around this yet....but I do love CW.
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!

I dont towel dry either, I just drape it around my shoulders to catch the drippies. I still love a good shampoo though
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!

I also don't towel dry anymore and I only shampoo maybe once or twice a month. I've noticed a big difference in my hair since I've stopped doing a lot of things and using towels and shampoo was a couple of them.
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!

I so wish I could not shampoo as often but here in NM we have some serious duststorms and my hair is usually itching about 3 days post poo. I have one of those towels that just wraps around but I don't agitate. I just let it soak up the water. I wash in 4 braids so my hair is never just piled up. That has greatly reduced my detangling time. By the way Kha, I saw your album you have some great picks. Queneesha
Re: Step away fron the towel and the shampoo!!!!!!

queeny20 said:
I so wish I could not shampoo as often but here in NM we have some serious duststorms and my hair is usually itching about 3 days post poo. I have one of those towels that just wraps around but I don't agitate. I just let it soak up the water. I wash in 4 braids so my hair is never just piled up. That has greatly reduced my detangling time. By the way Kha, I saw your album you have some great picks. Queneesha

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Thanks Queeny! Fortunately for me I live in a area where I don't have to worry about dust, smog, etc. I can only imagine the precautions you have to take to protect your hair from the elements. I've heard of other ladies washing their hair in sections or braids, I'm going to try that very soon! Detangling would really be a breeze.