Steam rooms and hair


Well-Known Member
Quick questions:

Do you put a plastic bag over your hair while in the steam room?

The first day I went I put a normal amt of cheapy conditioner on my hair and I think I fried my ends. now I'm not sure what the protocol is.
i don't, although i might get a better dc if i did. but when i went in without the cap, my ends weren't fried afterwards. how did you fry your ends in the steam room? i'm sorry this happened to you. the steam room is the one that is actually moist inside and the sauna is the one with dry heat right? i don't know how the moisture didn't prevent frying. were you right in front of the vent or something?
I don't use a cap at all. I just wet my hair REALLY well...put on a TON of cheapie conditioner (Suave)....put my hair in a high bun...then sit in the sauna. Though I don't see anything wrong with using a cap...but I don't wanna be lettin my soul glo at the gym...don't wanna scare the non-blacks.:nono:
Ackee, I'm not sure it was my first time in the SR so I stood at the door with my hair in a bun but the ends were not tucked (duuh) I went in an out a couple of times. I noticed it was hottest at the threshold so a vent was blowing directly on the top of my silly lil'head. Gosh!
aww sorry chica. well i hope it's not too bad. i'm sure you'll be babying those ends till they come back around
LOL at Divine Order! I used to feel the same way until I saw the yt girls sporting their shower caps in the steam room and in the pool.

gn1g, I have done both, with a cap and without. It did not seem to make a difference with me. I think tucking your ends under or forming a bun should help those ends, and make sure you apply lots of conditioner!
This is the ultimate deep conditioning treatment for me.

I love to wash my hair before and then slather my hair up with a rich conditioner and put a platic cap on and let the steam work.

I take one in there with me and put it on when I get in the room, half the time you can't see the other people anyway.