Steam for hair, skin, and wellbeing!!!


Well-Known Member
I have been shopping around for a steam room, and this is finally what I settled on. I plan to use this to deep condition my hair, relax and detox after workouts, facials and skin treatment. I am excited. I know it looks bootleg as helz :lachen: but I am gonna be up in that sucker everyday getting my hair, skin, and body right. I chose this one because it is cheap and I may lose interest and I would hate to invest thousands of dollars on one of my momentary whims.

A powerful steam therapy system for stress relief and body renewal. Easy setup - no assembly required. Enjoy steam sauna in your own home. Model JYS-B4.
Steam Therapy Benefits:
  • Stimulate blood circulation
  • Clean and nourish the skin
  • Increase metabolism
  • Relax tired muscles and joints
  • Eliminate fatigue
  • A good practice in weight control
  • Flush out toxins from the body
  • Relief from colds
  • Provide a cardiovascular workout
  • Relief for muscle and joint pain
  • Helps condition the circulatory system
I have been craving steam and play nagging our facilities director to have a steam room put in our fitness center. I have even considered getting one built in my house, but I know I cannot afford that. Wow! I have been dreaming about something like this. Plus, I know that in the last three months, I have spent this much money probably on conditioner, oils, butters, leave-ins, ect.
Steam Rooms and Hair

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Q: How do steam rooms affect your hair? Does it damage it, or is it healthy for your hair?

A: As with many environmental conditions, steam can have beneficial effects for certain hair types, but only as long as the level and durations of exposure are controlled and kept to reasonable levels. It also depends on the hair type being exposed. Hair that is porous will absorb moisture more readily, and release it in much the same manner, and could easily swell more rapidly and thus be damaged by prolonged exposure to steamy environs.

Because of this, there are cases where steam can be beneficial, as well as cases where steam could be harmful to the hair. The key is to know your hair and know how much steam to which you should expose the hair. If you have a problem with dry hair, taking a steam can give the hair some much needed moisture. Follow up a 15-20 minute sauna or steam bath with a good acid-balanced conditioner and cool water rinse and you could lock in the extra moisture and leave with better conditioned hair than when you arrived.

If you find that your hair is adversely affected by a sauna or steam bath – for example if your hair becomes puffy and frizzy when steam-exposed – try using a smoothing serum (with a silicone base) or a light oil shine spray to treat the hair before you sauna, or keep your head wrapped in a towel or bathing cap to minimize the amount of moisture your hair is exposed to. Silicone serums and spray oils coat the hair shaft and prevent moisture from penetrating as rapidly (if at all in some cases). This keeps the hair from being over-saturated by the warm moisture of the steam.

Probably the greatest benefit of steam for most people is the tendency of steam baths to open the pores of the skin and allow free flow of sebum and clearing of the ducts and glands in the skin. Since the scalp is made of skin with hair follicles growing from it, a steam can help to alleviate common scalp issues, such as dryness and flaking, and excessive-oil production. The warmth and moisture help stimulate circulation and flush out toxins from the skin.

So, to answer your question: Steam rooms are like every other luxury or pleasure in life. They are best experienced in moderation and with some level of understanding of the intentions behind their use.


Found this during my research, it makes a lot of sense:yep:
tnorenberg said:
You can't get locked up in that thing can you? My worst fear.

It has an automatic shut off, and eventually would run out of steam even if you did get trapped:lachen:

When I get it I will post pictures of me in it (I know they are going to look soo doofy and 80's), with my face blurred of course. :lachen:

I waffled a little and decided on getting a used Aromaspa. It looks much nicer and My home gym is literally like a spa!!!!!!

Such a treat.

I have my elliptical, my firm, tae bo and pilates tapes, and now my aromaspa steam capsule.

I have NO excuse not to be looking damn cute in about six months. The steam is going to do wonders for my hair, skin, and body. I will test it out tonight and let you ladies know how I like it.

This is what the spa looks like:

Yes, that is me in the photo....Just Kidding:lol: I am tooo happy, I will be back tonight to give everyone a review.

The other one I ordered will be shipped back to folica for a refund. These spas are pretty expensive but I lucked out and found a used one online for about 1/3 of the price.;) :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Please lets us know as soon as you try it I want one too.d How much does this new one cost does folica sell it too?:) :) :) :) I'm just too excited for you:grin: :grin: :grin:
cicilypayne said:
Please lets us know as soon as you try it I want one too.d How much does this new one cost does folica sell it too?:) :) :) :) I'm just too excited for you:grin: :grin: :grin:

Folica only sells the one from my first post for about $250.

To purchase the aromasteam new you are looking at about $2000. I didn't think it was that bad since I was going to install a steam room in my home and that cost at least 5-6 Thousand dollars and that is on the very low end.

I purchased this one used for about $760 including shipping. It is very nice and worth it. Now I have every luxury of the gym in my own home!

It is also supposed to be much more sanitary than a gym steam room where people can come into the room sick and pass their germs to you (Not saying that this happens, it is just what I have read and it is one of the reasons I am paranoid about being in steam rooms with more than 3 other people).
That is so cool! I hope you enjoy your "bod pod"!:D

ITA with your comment about hygiene & public steam rooms. I'm funny about public hot tubs for the same reason. I can't help it though, I have a degree in microbiology. I know what's in those things!:lol: