Starting over after 4 years

Well for those of you whom have been on this site for a while may have come across me .
I was a lhcf addict .On every day .
in 2006 I had achieved 10 inches of hair I stopped it dawned on me that I had stopped visiting and posting .I had a texturizer disaster after a "trim" from a dominican salon and now I am starting over .
Once again I will track my progress and I am happy to be back .Missed ya'll .
The prodigal daughter.
Now I'll be stalkin ya'lls pages to get inspiration. yuh hear :)
peace n blessings
Well for those of you whom have been on this site for a while may have come across me .
I was a lhcf addict .On every day .
in 2006 I had achieved 10 inches of hair I stopped it dawned on me that I had stopped visiting and posting .I had a texturizer disaster after a "trim" from a dominican salon and now I am starting over .
Once again I will track my progress and I am happy to be back .Missed ya'll .
The prodigal daughter.
Now I'll be stalkin ya'lls pages to get inspiration. yuh hear :)
peace n blessings

nothing wrong with a fresh start!

happy hair growing!

Welcome back!! I too am in the same boat as you, after reaching APL last year, I seriously neglected m hair and due to overprocessing, lack of moisture and conditioning am starting over with about 2 inches of hair!

It's a good place to be though cause we already know HOW to grow the hair and have learned from our mistakes, so it won't be nearly as challenging as it was in the intial stages. Enjoy the journey, I'll be watching and cheering you on!

Hi Dee, welcome back, and the best to you on your hair journey, peeked at your album, and you'll have no problem reaching your goals, your hair is very pretty!