Starting from short hair-PICS

Have you tried ORS Smooth-n-hold pudding?it's a creamy gel, maybe you can get samples first.

I would wait and not cut, but as others said, be prepared for your hair to be uneven for a long time. Don't worry, it'll catch up.

What relaxer do you use? Is it lye or no lye?
You are applying it to newgrowth only, right?
Are you covering the hair that is already relaxed with some product to prevent relaxer overlapping and/or relaxer running over your hair when you wash it?
Are you doing a mid step reconstruction (rinse relaxer, apply reconstructor, wait 5 minutes, neutralize, neutralize, neutralize)?
Are you doing a protein treatment the week before and/o the week after your relaxer?
I'd do searches on self relaxers as there are lots of tips in here.

If you do decide to relax your nape, you could consider doing it every other relaxer. Make sure to neutralize your nape very well and if you are going to a salon, insist on that because as you are on the wash basin sometimes it's easy for a stylist to overlook that area.

My recommendation would be patience first. There will be times when you think your hair is not growing, you will have setbacks, etc, IT IS ALL OK. You have decided to learn about your hair and that is the best thing you will do. Whether you later decide to stay relaxed or to transition to natural is up to you and your hair journey, but getting the basic knowledge (lye/no lye relaxers, protein/moisture balance, stretching/not stretching, protective styling, porosity,etc) will help you along the way.

I'm a rollersetting pusher and I used to have your hair length when I in my early 20s, almost shaved back and all. I also have a friend with natural hair and I do her rollersets using the smallest rollers I can find (even those carton bobbins that thread comes in) and her hair has responded very well. I truly believe that with correct rollersetting techniques, your hair will retain length and achieve thickness.

Do not jump into bandwagons eagerly, read about them and decide if that is what you want for your hair. As another poster said, products help but technique is more important. You will find your staples in time.

I'd read Sistaslick's articles or buy her book!

Don't listen to those close (or not so close) to you that will not support your hair journey. Some will laugh at your goals but be patient because :)

Good luck!

btw: I'm sitting under my dryer,and will soon post about my roller set process, feel free to check it out tomorrow.

thank you for all the information. my relaxers are no-lye. its been 4 weeks since my last relaxer and my hair is holding up well with the new products ive discovered on this forum. I think im going to look into rollersets also.

Thanks everyone for the great info!!
Hi and welcome

There's a lot of info on the board just search and ask questions ... as you have now.

There are some general problems that the un lhcf-educated relaxed head may be harbouring

1. over processed hair
2. not balancing protein/moisture
3. not using a moisturizing leave in
4. porosity problems
5. not protecting ends

I don't think you need to cut your hair, you just need to find out what are the roadblocks that have prevented you hair from retaining length and correct them.

for me (when I was relaxed) the first things I did were

1. gradually increase time between relaxers (as you're doing now) When from 4 week to 12 weeks over time

2. began using a protectant before relaxing (to avoid over processing, I would apply before I went to the salon)

3. started using a leave in and sealing

4. began co-washing

5. began protective styling (mostly bunning) once my hair was long enough

6. began Deep Conditioning (DCing), either protein or moisture, every week

7. began taking MSM and Biotin

eventually I began texlaxing my hair my self

Good luck with your hair journey, I know you will reach your goals :)
im hesitant about taking vitamins but i have started to use castor oil, hopefully i will see results from that soon. I think my main roadblock was not keeping moisture in my hair. i now know i have to do and that is moisturize twice a day.

Does anyone use products made by Garnier, Dove, L'Oreal, etc?? How do they work??
OP, I was in the same exact situation you are in when I started my hair journey. I say :
-don't cut but do go in for a light trim every 3-4 months.
-You must start deep conditioning (leaving the conditioner on your hair under a hooded dryer) with a moisturizing conditioner for 15 minutes every time you wash your hair. -Wash your hair once or twice a week with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Follow that with a leave-in conditioner.
-Use a blow dryer and flatirons maybe twice a month or less.
-Be gentle with your hair and detangle from the ends up to the roots. Never rip through your hair!
-Use a protein treatment every 4-6 weeks before you do your moisturizing deep conditioner.
-Moisturize your hair every day with a moisturizing hair lotion.
-Educate yourself! Read hair books. My fave is: Beautiful black hair by Shamboosie. That's what got my hair journey started even before I discovered hair boards. He breaks down everything you need to do and have in your arsenal.

My hair's extremely thick and that's what worked for me.
Hi OP! Welcome to the board!
You've gotten a lot of great advice already. I personally don't have much to add, as I'm not relaxed, but I wanted to share a really great blog, written by one of the members here.
She started at the length you are now, and now has long hair. She has relaxed hair.
I wish I could remember her name to tag her, but she's got some great tips on going through that stage on the blog.
here's a video on molding short relaxed hair. This lady has other great vids on styling short relaxed hair.
Good luck and I wish you all the best on your hair journey!
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wow thank you. if you remember who she tell let me know because im sure i will have more questions as i go on in this process.
Hello Lexidor. Welcome to LHCF (I'm a newbiew myself). I cut my damaged shoulder length hair 2/12 and went for a pixie cut with shaved nape out of frustration. Thankfully around the same time, I discovered the concept of healthy black hair and noticed a huge difference. I went from feeling overwhelmed with my hair "...I never ever combed my hair since highschool...blah, blah, blah," to getting a bette handle on what needs to be done. The most important part of the journey I've noticed is support, education, and patience. I am now 16 weeks post relaxer and I'm able to manage my once unruly hair. Once again-welcome. And as for the previous questions-different shampoos/conditioners helps to maintain the moisture/protein balance. Read this website and look into the scienceofblack hair/ blackhairinformation websites for more detailed information