Starting from short hair-PICS


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Ive been looking at this site for a few days now and ive noticed a lot of you have nice hair and really know what you are doing. My question is what do you all suggest i should do to get my hair growing? Or should i cut my hair and start over? Im hoping to have it shoulder length by this time next year. Also my hair is relaxed and very thick; the back is very short and the sides cover my ears. Thanks for the help!!


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when my hair was your length (relaxed) as it started to grow out, i didn't go on a no heat regimen. i still used heat, but in moderation. i wore my hair with pieces flipped. i did this in order to create a style during that grow out phase. i would just wash/dc/mold and flat iron my hair and wrap it during the week. i did this once a week. i did this until i reached SL. once i hit shoulder length, i started getting flex rod sets. i would wear those for a week. once my hair got longer (collarbone/apl) i switched to roller sets.

i decided around that time that i didn't want to be bother with weave or braids. i wanted to work with my own hair.
You can grow it out from the place that you're at, but it will make a very awkward shape once it hits a certain length, and the top may hit shoulder length before the nape part does. You can also cut it if you so wish to even it out, start fresh. Many people (including myself) have started their hair journey from being bald or wearing a ceaser/low cut.

The relaxed hair you have now doesn't seem damaged, so I don't think it's necessary to cut it but at the end of the day you're the one who is going to have to deal with the conflicting lengths and textures. Try to figure out for yourself if the work is going to be worth the desired outcome (SL hair)
Welcome! :D

Look for a SL challenge and join or lurk (if it's closed). You'll learn a lot of tips and you'll see what ladies are doing to reach that length. OR you could even go into an APL challenge and see if there are any common practices those ladies are doing.

Either way, have fun and happy hair growing!

When my hair was your length, I was a bi-weekly salon woman. My hair was totally left up to my stylist. I got to NL and stayed there. I started going to the salon monthly and deep conditioning 2x a week at home.

I finally made it to SL - and stayed there. Then I found LHCF and the rest is hair history.

Limit heat and deep condition often. How often do you relax?

I used to wear my hair that length for years. Most of the time it was cut even shorter in a pixie cut. I cut my hair into an EL bob last July and I haven't looked back. You don't need to cut your hair at all. I would advise you to wash/DC weekly, make sure you maintain a moisture/protein balance, use heat no more than once per week, clip/trim ends w/every relaxer, and wear protective styles once your hair reaches that awkward stage.

I started wearing wigs about 3 months after my cut. Wigs allowed me to keep my hands out of my head. Stop by and visit the Shoulder length challenge. :grin:

You do have to be very patient with your hair and consistent with your regimen. It'll take about a year to reach SL. :grin:
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Hi everyone,

Ive been looking at this site for a few days now and ive noticed a lot of you have nice hair and really know what you are doing. My question is what do you all suggest i should do to get my hair growing? Or should i cut my hair and start over? Im hoping to have it shoulder length by this time next year. Also my hair is relaxed and very thick; the back is very short and the sides cover my ears. Thanks for the help!!

Welcome to the LHCF family, LexiDior !!

You'vre received some great advice so far. Its also a great idea to join one of the challenges we have going on. Perhaps the NL (neck length) or SL (shoulder length) challenge. Most of us here are "do-it-yourself"ers! So, for sure, if you've never really taken care of your own hair, then there's lots you will have to learn about what your tresses like from what they don't like. During your HHJ (healthy haircare journey) you will learn alot about your patience level... I know I DID!!! LOL!!! We are all here to support one another. We will be following you along the way to celebrate your milestones along the way. And when you need to laugh, to cry, to vent, a hug.....LHCF is here!!!

Welcome again. :bighug:
Also, Allandra started a great thread here "For those wanting Long Hair"...for both Relaxed and Natural heads. There's tons of ideas and techniques in this thread that may help you.

Remember PRODUCT DO NOT GROW YOUR HAIR!!! They may help greatly in MAINTAINING what you have....but for the most TECHNIQUE and how you handle your hair is what will keep the hair you have on your head. You can purchase the top-of-the-line products, but if you're ripping thru your hair daily with a fine-toothed comb, or handling your tresses roughly...then no amout of product in the world will save your hair. Enjoy the journey. I have learned so much from these ladies!!

Thanks everyone for the advice and warm welcomes. sunnieb i use to go to the salon to get my hair relaxed and cut but now that im doing it on my own i hope to stretch it for at least 8 weeks.

Sometimes after about 2weeks of being relaxed, my hair returns to being thick and hard to manage. this is actually why i cut it all off, i was tired of dealing with it lol. But now i miss my hair and i want to get back in the game.

Also i will check out a few of the challenges as suggested. Thanks everyone.
Thanks everyone for the advice and warm welcomes. @sunnieb i use to go to the salon to get my hair relaxed and cut but now that im doing it on my own i hope to stretch it for at least 8 weeks.

Sometimes after about 2weeks of being relaxed, my hair returns to being thick and hard to manage. this is actually why i cut it all off, i was tired of dealing with it lol. But now i miss my hair and i want to get back in the game.

Also i will check out a few of the challenges as suggested. Thanks everyone.

The relaxer didnt wear off :nono: so why do you think this happens?
My Friend OP may be underprocessed and not know how to manage the texture(s).

Welcome to the board OP! Everyone has said what I wanted to say, but I do hope to see you posting in some of the challenge threads. :)
@My Friend OP may be underprocessed and not know how to manage the texture(s).

Welcome to the board OP! Everyone has said what I wanted to say, but I do hope to see you posting in some of the challenge threads. :)

This is what I was thinking but I wanted to see if she really has a change in texture on previously relaxed hair.
Welcome to the board. I can't add anything to what this ladies have told you so far. I think Short Dubs advice is awesome!
Welcome! I don't have anything to add to the great advice you received. Hope you achieve your hair goal and post your before/after pics this time next year :)
Sometimes i know i underestimate how much moisture my hair needs. i hate waking up in the morning with a big oil stain on my pillow so i tend to under moisturize but im getting better at this. Im starting to venture beyond my typical Blue Magic grease and Pink Lotion because my hair needs more than that. hopefully i cant learn how to maintain my relaxers longer so my hair grows.
Hi! I had a cut similar to yours with the back shaved. When I started growing it out I found the worst part was the back itself. I was always tempted to relax the back to keep it neat but I was also trying to stretch relaxing. So, I found Nexus Humectress and some gel to be my friend. I would put the conditioner on then the gel and would get a neat look. That got me to a more even all over length. Then it was easier to stretch relaxers. That was my biggest problem growing out that cut, the ugly stage when I was trying to stretch.

I say all that to say that extending the time between relaxers helped me most. I've been transitions since Feb. 2011 now so I'm on an information search like you. Good luck!
I didnt think to gel down my back, thanks for that idea!!:imstupid: So @tarheelgurl how did you wrap your hair at night??
@LexiDiorI used a scarf that was long and thin and tied it in a circle around my head with the top being left out because I only wanted the back to lay flat. When it started getting some length to it, I would just let the texture show because it took more work to make it smooth than just let it be. Eventually, it got long enough to be curled with a curling iron like the rest of my hair.
Sometimes i know i underestimate how much moisture my hair needs. i hate waking up in the morning with a big oil stain on my pillow so i tend to under moisturize but im getting better at this. Im starting to venture beyond my typical Blue Magic grease and Pink Lotion because my hair needs more than that. hopefully i cant learn how to maintain my relaxers longer so my hair grows.

throw those things out! :lol: i can't believe you don't have brown gel in your stash! :lol: and i can't believe you don't know about the gel and scarf method to lay down your taper in the back as well as your edges/sideburns. that's the whole foundation of maintaining a short haircut between salon visits!

try ecostyler gel (olive) it doesn't have alcohol in it, but it will give you a strong hold. get some wrap strips from the beauty supply store. damp your nape with a little water, get a small amount of gel and a rat tail comb and smooth down your nape. once it is smooth to your liking, wrap a wrap strip around the perimeter. let that dry. once dry you should be good to go. if you want to maintain it laying flat, get a strong wax or pomade. this way you don't have to keep putting gel back there until your next wash. make sure you wrap your hair up every night so everything will lay flat how you want it.
i normally stay away from gel because i believe it breaks my hair off so I used mousse instead but ill look into the gel you mentioned shortdub78. The only gel i have in my stash is Shine and spritz. spritz is what i used when i wore weaves also.
Have you tried ORS Smooth-n-hold pudding?it's a creamy gel, maybe you can get samples first.

I would wait and not cut, but as others said, be prepared for your hair to be uneven for a long time. Don't worry, it'll catch up.

What relaxer do you use? Is it lye or no lye?
You are applying it to newgrowth only, right?
Are you covering the hair that is already relaxed with some product to prevent relaxer overlapping and/or relaxer running over your hair when you wash it?
Are you doing a mid step reconstruction (rinse relaxer, apply reconstructor, wait 5 minutes, neutralize, neutralize, neutralize)?
Are you doing a protein treatment the week before and/o the week after your relaxer?
I'd do searches on self relaxers as there are lots of tips in here.

If you do decide to relax your nape, you could consider doing it every other relaxer. Make sure to neutralize your nape very well and if you are going to a salon, insist on that because as you are on the wash basin sometimes it's easy for a stylist to overlook that area.

My recommendation would be patience first. There will be times when you think your hair is not growing, you will have setbacks, etc, IT IS ALL OK. You have decided to learn about your hair and that is the best thing you will do. Whether you later decide to stay relaxed or to transition to natural is up to you and your hair journey, but getting the basic knowledge (lye/no lye relaxers, protein/moisture balance, stretching/not stretching, protective styling, porosity,etc) will help you along the way.

I'm a rollersetting pusher and I used to have your hair length when I in my early 20s, almost shaved back and all. I also have a friend with natural hair and I do her rollersets using the smallest rollers I can find (even those carton bobbins that thread comes in) and her hair has responded very well. I truly believe that with correct rollersetting techniques, your hair will retain length and achieve thickness.

Do not jump into bandwagons eagerly, read about them and decide if that is what you want for your hair. As another poster said, products help but technique is more important. You will find your staples in time.

I'd read Sistaslick's articles or buy her book!

Don't listen to those close (or not so close) to you that will not support your hair journey. Some will laugh at your goals but be patient because :)

Good luck!

btw: I'm sitting under my dryer,and will soon post about my roller set process, feel free to check it out tomorrow.
LexiDior said:
Sometimes i know i underestimate how much moisture my hair needs. i hate waking up in the morning with a big oil stain on my pillow so i tend to under moisturize but im getting better at this. Im starting to venture beyond my typical Blue Magic grease and Pink Lotion because my hair needs more than that. hopefully i cant learn how to maintain my relaxers longer so my hair grows.

Welcome to LHCF. You have received great advice so far. Just wanted to say that the best way to moisturize you hair is with water or water based products. Oils and oil based products do not provide moisture.
Sometimes i know i underestimate how much moisture my hair needs. i hate waking up in the morning with a big oil stain on my pillow so i tend to under moisturize but im getting better at this. Im starting to venture beyond my typical Blue Magic grease and Pink Lotion because my hair needs more than that. hopefully i cant learn how to maintain my relaxers longer so my hair grows.

LexiDior I baggy my hair everynight with a shopping bag then tie it down with a silk scarf. I usually add Olive oil or coconut to my hair at night.

However I am natural and i keep my hair in cornrows as protective style so I don't have to deal with it daily. but baggy will keep the moisture in your hair.

I use the olive oil and coconut oil from the cooking and baking section of the grocery store not the hair section.:yep:
Hi and welcome.

When I joined the forum my hair was cut short similar to yours. I used half-wigs to get me through the awkwardness of growing out a short cut. However, I bc'd a year and half ago to go natural.

At any rate, you don't need to cut your hair, it's fine now. I think it's most important to find a suitable regimen. If you're serious about this, the blue magic, pink oil, spritz and mousse aren't good options and may deter your progress.

The basics you will need:
Clarifying Shampoo
Moisturizing Shampoo
Moisturizing Conditioner
Protein Conditioner
Leave-In Conditioner
Oil for sealing the hair

In terms of hair styling and maintenance, make sure your hair is covered at night to prevent breakage. Satin or silk scarves are best. Layoff the heat and try to stretch relaxer touch-ups as long as possible.

You can search the forum for ideas and suggestions on these items. And as time goes on you'll modify your need for them. For instance you may find that you don't want to use a leave-in or that you don't like protein.

There's a lot of info. on the forum. It's just a matter of finding what works for you.

Just know that your hair is continually growing. It's a matter of retaining the growth you get from month to month.