Squeeze water out before conditioner?


Well-Known Member
I tried to search this but didn't really find what I was looking for so please forgive me if I missed the thread discussing this. If I missed the thread, I'd appreciate if someone can direct me to the thread. Thanks.

Do you squeeze the excess water or towel/t-shirt dry your hair before applying conditioner?

I usually just apply the conditioner right after I shampoo but yesterday I squeezed the conditioner (Keracare Humecto) out with a t-shirt. It seemed to be more difficult to apply the conditioner and when I went to rinse it out, I got no slip. I'm wondering if perhaps I didn't put enough conditioner. It was weird. I'm transitioning so maybe my hair isn't responding to the Humecto but I think it might have to do with squeezing the water out. Or maybe I just didn't put enough conditioner. I don't know but I figure someone here has some type of input/experience to share. :look:

Thanks in advance.
I do not squeeze the water out.

here is what I do with no problems applying conditioner. BTW I am 6 months post BKT
Wash in shower(hair is in 6-8 twists).
Finish my shower(hair has a chance to drip excess water).
Apply conditioner(once out of shower because I take my time to apply to every section).
I do not squeeze the water out.

here is what I do with no problems applying conditioner. BTW I am 6 months post BKT
Wash in shower(hair is in 6-8 twists).
Finish my shower(hair has a chance to drip excess water).
Apply conditioner(once out of shower because I take my time to apply to every section).
Neither do I. Conditioner goes on easier and I don't have to apply as much.
If you apply conditioner to soaking wet hair then you'll likely use less simply because it's easier to spread it around when the hair is wetter. Since you squeezed your hair first this time, you probably would have needed more conditioner than usual to coat all the hair.

I usually squeeze out excess water before applying conditioner, especially if it's a deep conditioner (some of them actually tell you to towel dry before applying anyway). With quick rinsing conditioners that I'm using for slip I just squeeze a little so it's not all dripping and everything. It's just a habit.
I always squeeze out the excess water before I apply a DC.

I heard by doing that the DC can penetrate ya strands better or something. *shrug* but I dunno. :lol::look:
I also towel dry before applying. More like 'blotting' instead of 'squeezing'

I personally do not apply my Deep Conditioner(s) to dripping wet hair.

However, I do Detangle on dripping wet hair.
I sorta kinda do squeeze out excess water. Or the braiding I do to put my twists or braids all together so I can pull out a few strands at a time to apply conditioner relaxer style does the wringing out of excess water for me. So my hair is never soaking wet when I apply conditioner. I just don't towel dry my hair as I used to, unless the conditioner calls for it. I'm a stickler for rules so I do what the bottle says. I just think dripping wet hair will not reap the benefits of conditioner if it's flowing off so I prefer my hair to be wet, just not drenched with water.
Thanks for replying. I definitely had to use more than I usually do. I'm not sure why I towel-dried because I've never done that before and I don't think I'll do it again.

ETA: I think I was thinking i might have been thinking what KnottybyNatur3 mentioned. If DC on dry hair is working well for so many people, then removing excess water might have been the happy medium.... I don't know.
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i do take some of the excess water out before i put dc on. it works better that way for me.

my hair doesnt take as well to conditioners on sopping wet hair and it also doesnt do so well with completely dry dc's...so just a bit of wetness helps, but not too much.
If I am cowashing I don't squeeze out the water. But if I am applying DC I do. And then I put on my t-shirt until I am ready to apply the DC. I don't towel dry it though. That would be too much. My DC goes on better with taking out some of the excess water. Its really hard for me to apply the DC if I have too much water on the surface of my hair.

And like the previous poster, I've never had any results from a dry DC.
If it's a rinse out conditioner I apply it to soaking wet hair.

If it's a deep conditioner, I always towel dry my hair then apply the product to my hair. If I don't towel dry, I'm dripping water all over the place for two hours.
I used to apply my conditioner to soaking wet hair, but I remember reading a post here that said the conditioner will penetrate the hair more if the hair is not soaking wet. They used an analogy of a sponge, and mentioned that a sponge filed with water will pick up less of a spill, then a semi wet or dry sponge. So I decided to to towel blot my hair and I noticed after I DC my hair is much softer, whereas before it seemed like the conditioner was just sitting on my head.

I think its a porosity issue too. I remember reading an article on CurlyNikki.com that said if you're hair has low porosity then you should put conditioner on damp hair rather then wet hair, and if you have high porosity you should put the conditioner on wet hair.
I towel dry my hair before I put conditioner in. After I put conditioner in my hair, I put a shower cap on and leave it in for about an hour. I find that if I dont towel dry my hair, at least a little bit, I just get water running down my back and neck.

If I dont have much time and I'm just doing a quickie condition for a few minutes then I dont towel dry or squeeze water out.