Spriulina/Chorella Users - Hair Growth/Energy.


New Member
For those of you taking either or both of these supplements are you noticing an increase in energy and hair growth rate.

Post your results:

For me energy has definitely increased. Even after the end of the day. I will do my regular work out. 1/2 hour weights and 1/2 hour pilates or nordic track. Afterwards I feel pooped, but within 15 minutes to a half hour I am feeling so energized. I take my spirulina/chlorella combo at night with carrot/orange juice.

As far as the hair, my hair continues to grow fast, so I don't know if it is from the spirulina/chlorella or what. Anyway I should be at waistlength finally by the end of the month.
I have been taking both but I haven't anything as dramatic as the results you have.

How much are you taking?

How long have you been taking them?
I began with the recommended dosage of 4 pills per day and my body did NOT like that at all! I am down to one pill per day because otherwise I still have very soft stool and that's always my indication that I am taking too much of something.
As far as energy, I have not noticed an increase, but I have a LOT of energy, so much so that I wish I could bottle some of it up and sell it on Ebay, trust I'd have more money than Bill Gates!
As far as an increase in hair growth, nope haven't found that magic key as of yet.
I take one heaping teaspoon of powdered spirulina with one heaping teaspoon of MSM powder in juice and then 2 500mg tablets of chorella. I am planning to up my dosage of chorella to 2000mg per day once I go back to the vitaminshoppe this week.
DSD take the powdered brands. I think they work better. Better absorption. I have got to find the powdered chlorella. The ones I take now are 500mg tablets.
I am taking the Earthwise brand of Spirulina and notice hair growth increased I take 3 tabs in am and 3 in the evening and I am loving the energy it give me I exercise more.
Edie said:
DSD take the powdered brands. I think they work better. Better absorption. I have got to find the powdered chlorella. The ones I take now are 500mg tablets.

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dontspeakdefeat said:
Edie said:
DSD take the powdered brands. I think they work better. Better absorption. I have got to find the powdered chlorella. The ones I take now are 500mg tablets.

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dsd, what would you attribute to the majority of your healthy growth? supplements? or a product? and do you put anything on your scalp for added moisture? TIA
Edie how can you stand the taste of the powdered spirulina? I tried it in juice and water, and almost lost it. It was so nasty.
Taliah said:
dontspeakdefeat said:
Edie said:
DSD take the powdered brands. I think they work better. Better absorption. I have got to find the powdered chlorella. The ones I take now are 500mg tablets.

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dsd, what would you attribute to the majority of your healthy growth? supplements? or a product? and do you put anything on your scalp for added moisture? TIA

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I would say biotin, multi vits or hair skin and nails, MSM and daily co washes. This three things in combo are key for me. They are always a constant in my reg. I do experiment from time to time with other supplemts but those are my mainstays. I don't use anything on my scalp.
Genesis said

Edie how can you stand the taste of the powdered spirulina? I tried it in juice and water, and almost lost it. It was so nasty.

Well I drink it very fast and just think to myself that I am being good to my body. Let's face it ladies, it is hard being beautiful.
I used to take the powdered chlorella for bout 4 months (this along with optimum nutrition amino acid in liquid form). I was definately getting at least 1 1/2 inch per month. Even when I was feeling bad, stressed, or a cold coming on......the chlorella always made me feel better(energywise). But it IS nasty as hell so, I stopped takin it.
Well the only thing I can recommend when it comes to the powdered variety of MSM, chorella or spirulina is the mix it up really well, drink fast and just concentrate on getting it down. The only time I have a bad time is when I get one of those clumps at the bottom and I swallow it with the last little bit of juice. GAGGGG!

But I am going to stick with it. After all it's just a minute or two of ickiness for a whole lot of hours of feeling good.
LABETT said:
I am taking the Earthwise brand of Spirulina and notice hair growth increased I take 3 tabs in am and 3 in the evening and I am loving the energy it give me I exercise more.

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I take approximately the same amount in tablet form of Earthrise. I can't tell how it has increased my hair growth since I started taking this many years ago for all around health. I didn't pay attention to my hair's growth before. I would say it must be contributing though and the energy I have is wonderful since spirulina is a living food.
I once had bought pure powder spirulina and the taste was horrific (and I can stomach some stuff). Anyhoo, I didn't eat it for a LONG time until today. This time I ate it mixed in yogurt. Uh, yuck. Then I added some honey to the my then green yogurt and yep.. I could eat it. So from now on it's yogurt, honey, and spirulina.
Yeh the taste is outrageous!!! lol. I don't breathe while I'm drinking it. If I get a whiff, it's all over.... And I just tell myself "it's good for you!"
My stats are in my signature.

I have experienced hair growth, stronger whiter nails, energy through the roof! I even effortlessly (no work outs) lost some pounds. I work nights and sleep all day. I never had this much energy before, I was sleeping my life away, it seemed like all of my awake hours were spent at the job. Not the case anymore. So happy to have added these GREENS to my diet. Green for life!
i've been taking these two for years now off and on. I recently stopped again because I was only able to sleep 4 -5 hours in a 24 hour period. They wire me UP!! Hair growth is great and nails are stronger & longer.
I forgot to add that I am taking Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella (1000mg). The energy is absolutely amazing. I usually take around 3 -4 depending. Most of the time I take 1 with breakfast and two with lunch. I can't take them after 6:00p.m. or I will be up all night. I am getting very good growth. Right now I am focusing on the the bottom layers of my hair to the nape. Everything is filling in very well. Before you could see bald spots and now you can't. I also wear two braids in the front (my own hair) to mark growth. The braids are longer every week. I have been taking chlorella for about 3 weeks to a month. I just added powdered spirulina to my diet as that was the main ingredient in my favorite multivitamin listed in my siggy that had always given me fast growth. I have also begun doing stress reduction/calming exercises. You have no idea how much stress affects hair, but take it from me, it does. Since doing the exercises, my hair follicles are staying open and letting me see results of my hair care and diet, FINALLY.
Does Spirulina ever go bad? I use to add it to my outmeal daily, but I stopped, this was years ago don't remember what the affects were on my hair. But I still have a quarter powder left in the jar. Does it ever go bad? just wondering
for all those people that take spirulina./chlorella at night, can you still sleep?
everyone it says it gives them so much energy...
are the powders better than the pills? i dont want to pay and then dont take them because of the taste.. lol :p
My energy is insane, to the point Ive had trouble sleeping this last week. I think, after reading more on this forum, the chlorella is definitely contributing to it. BUT I love the detoxifying effects on my body. Not sure how to find the happy medium. Dont know if its affecting hair growth as I wont do a real length check until Nov '10. Plus, I take biotin and garlic too, so I cant single anything out.