Spriulina/Chorella Users - Hair Growth/Energy.

I got 1 inch in 5 weeks using Spirulina (3 tablets a day), biotin (1000mcg) and MSM 750mcg a day. The Spirulina was new to that time period and I've kept going!
My energy is still high cause I found it hard to sleep early on my long hours job (12 hour shifts 5-7days a week). I've been on-call over the weekend (did a 14+ hour shift yesterday. Still made it through today without feeling sleepy!
I believe hair growth is good, but retention of length is most important.
I tried the chorella for about two weeks. Felt tired, constipated:blush:

The spirulina on its own, gave me increased energy. Not sure about hair growth it's only been about three weeks.
Spirulina gives me mega energy. IDK about hairgrowth. I'm normally the energy bunny and this has me off the chain.
I just love love threads on spirulina and chlorella... The first week on chlorella I was really lathargic, due to detoxing, it soon passed... Spirulina no side effects just energy.. Love spirulina and chlorella...
Spirulina gives me mega energy. IDK about hairgrowth. I'm normally the energy bunny and this has me off the chain.

How much do you take a day? Are you taking chlorella too? I just started last week and I have noticed the energy I take both so I can't tell which one gives it to me.