~* Spring/Summer 2010 Protective Styling Challenge!! *~


Transition Over
Hi Ladies!

Since the Winter/Spring bunning challenge ended, I didn't see any for the next season, so I thought I'd start one. I think that protective styling is perfect for summer months because they are supposed to be the fast growing months. It'd be a shame to grow eight lovely inches of hair in the next four months and then lose it all because it broke off. :look: Plus with global warming and all that, it's going to be hot as hell outside. You don't reallyyy want all that hair on your neck and shoulders...making you sweat and stuff.

So, putting it away is really the best thing. :grin:

The rules are simple:
1. You must protectively style your hair at least five days a week.

2. All protective styles are allowed. This includes buns, braids, phony ponies, wigs, half-wigs, and weaves. Twists on natural hair are also allowed, as long as the twists are not touching your clothing. I know that some people consider a style protective only if the ends are tucked away, but for the purpose of this challenge, we're going to go with the looser definition.

3. What is not allowed is loose hair ponytails with the ends left out or banana clips with the ends touching your clothes. If you want to wear a ponytail, you gotta tuck the ends away, and if you want to wear a banana clip, your ends can't touch your clothes.

4. Try to check in about once every two weeks, just to let everyone know how you're doing and how the challenge is treating you.

5. Everyone gets five passes.

6. Feel free to post pictures of your styles! Everyone loves the hair porn. :eyebrows2

And that's it! There are no rules about heat or product use...just do what your hair likes.

The challenge will start May 5, 2010 and ends on August 25, 2010.
For the sake of simplicity, I won't be adding names after May 12th, but any latecomers may of course post and share progress.

You don't have to post a starting and ending picture, but it would be nice.

So whoo is with me?

Miss AJ
BlessedRN prof
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To enter, just fill out this very brief questionnaire:

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?

And that's all. Very short, no? :grin:
I would LOVE to join!! I was planning on doing this anyways but until my graduation next May!!

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?

I will be wearing a weave

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?

This summer I would like to retain length, thicken my hair, and continue trimming off the last 2 inches of relaxed hair!! I willpost a starting pic after I remove my twists and get a BKT which will be done May 1st or 8th (depending on how studying for finals goes)
Im going to attempt this but hope I last til the end. I love to wear my hair out. I just remembered when I was younger, my nana used to french roll my hair for months and when I finally got my hair straightened it was way past APL, to bad after that, i started doing my own hair and it fell out:lachen:

Basically that story was to say I'M IN FOR THE FRENCH ROLL :grin:

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?

-French roll and french braid (switching up each week between the two)

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?

-To retain length and for hair to thicken up as well as to grow of course!
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I'm already in the wet bun challenge so i'll join this too!

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Buns, half wigs, full wigs, braids, updos

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
Retain as much length as possible while transitioning!
1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
I already been half-wigging for the past month & half so i'll continue that and I might get braids also.
2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?

To grow
I think this is the perfect challenge for me. From December to April I wore braids and twists the entire time and on Easter everybody was amazed at how much my hair grew (because I was able to retain the length). I think I gained at least two inches because I went from just above shoulder length to maybe 2 inches from APL. If hair grows faster during the summertime then I should definitely be swanging by the time the fall semester starts! Here's what I plan to do:

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Two strand twists with extension hair. I'll most likely refresh them every 3 or 4 weeks.

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
retain length, increase thickness, and hopefully reach APL

Good luck to all the other ladies.
count me in Chaosbutterfly!:grin:

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing? i will be baggy bunning exclusively because i'm finding it's the only ps that works for me, though i'm glad we've got 5 passes....!

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer? to grow my hair!
ok, i'd also like more fullness, and great, super healthy ends!

here's how i'm going to wear my hair in today's baggy bun.
excuse the housecoat around my shoulders....i just got out of the shower and threw this 'do up fast. thank God it's fast and easy to do!
(yes, i actually made that flower ornament myself...:grin:, my baggied (covered) bun is peeking out underneath)

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I'm going to try my best to stay in and complete this challenge. I want to do protective styling but I just love love love having my hair out :lick:. My retention has not been on point, so I need to do this to reach my goal of MBL at the end of the year.

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
I will be doing twist buns and wet buns. I'll be in whichever protective style for at least 5 days, wearing my hair out for 2 then putting it back up again.
2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
1. gain 2 in. by August
2. thicken up my hair
3. work up to wearing protective styles for a week (maybe even 2) at a time
4. get use to wearing my hair stretched instead of shrunken a majority of the time
I'm in! I love wet bunning and cowahsing daily, and I hope to be as close to BSL as possible by December.

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?

I will be wet bunning all day, every day. :)

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?

My goals are to retain all of my length and keep my hair strong and moisturized.
I'd love to join this challenge. I'm transitioning and I would love to keep my hands outta my hair.

I think cornrows might be my best bet or get really long braids (I'm grazing MBL)
Count me in!! I wore my hair in a bun for over a month back in Feb which was a first for me. I fell off the wagon after getting a re-touch so I'm back.

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Buns and maybe try the baggie again

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
Retain length and thicken the ends (especially the back) to reach my goal of full BS
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1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Buns, ponytails with ends tucked in and twists.

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
Retain all that grows in a healthy, moisturized condition.
I'll go ahead and join since I just bought some half wigs.

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Half wigs and probably bunning, get my hair off my neck on those hot summer days.

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
I would really, really like to be a little past sl or at sl. I'm so, so close right now, hopefully this challenge will put me over the threshold.
I'm in! I didn't take any pics before I twisted my hair on saturday but i'll remember to take some this coming saturday and post.

ETA: I'll be wearing twists, box braids, and maybe bantu knots. My goals for this summer are to thicken up my hair (mainly the left side so it can catch up) and to reach full SL in August.
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To enter, just fill out this very brief questionnaire:

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing? I will alternate between crochets, cornrows, kinky twists, and buns. I've had crochets since April 17/18.

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer? I would like to retain and grow my hair as much as possible. I didn't specify a certain number of inches because sometimes it's hard to see my growth since I only straighten one or two times a year. Hopefully I'll make it to BSL by the time I straighten in December. We'll see.:grin:

And that's all. Very short, no? :grin:

I would like to join, please, and my answers are above. Thanks.
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I'm in!

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Wet bunning 5-6 days a week

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
Continue transitioning, growth, and keeping it healthy
Hey Chaos :wave: - How you doing girl. See my info below :grin:

To enter, just fill out this very brief questionnaire:

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?

Half wigs with my hair braided underneath.

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?

I recently Big chopped to about 2.5 inches (couldn't take the transition anymore) so I want to see some major growth i.e. we are talking BAA :yep:

Tis all and thanks for starting this challenge.

p.s. will update with a picture soon !:drunk:
Yay! my first challenge, well I'm in.
1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
I am in a wig for now but will continue to get sew-ins through the summer and cowash.
2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
I would like to retain a lot of length and healthy hair.
I'm game!

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Well, I tried crochet braids, but until I learn how to properly detangle to avoid knots after take down I think I'll be stay from these. Phony ponies and will try half wigs (with my hair cornrowed underneath) soon.

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
FINALLY grow out the rest of my layers so I can chop my hair all one length. These layers give the illusion of thin ends and I hate it.
I've worn my hair in a bun for most of this week.
Next week I plan to do the same until I get my cornrow braid extensions on the weekend.
I'm in.........
1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?
Buns and updos

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?
To gain a couple of inches and retain ALL of my growth​
I wanna join!

1. What kind of protective style will you be utilizing?

Half wigs and braids.

2. What are your goals for your hair this summer?

I just bc'd so I want to be able to make a puff! OR close to it! :grin:
I want to join! I will be either in braids or bunning. I have a fresh perm this week, I'm currently shoulder length and thin!!! So my goals are retention and increased thickness. I will post a starting pic this weekend.