Feb 08 Protective Styling for Spring Growth/Retention Challenge - Wanna join?

Re: Feb 08 Fun Protective Styling for Spring Growth/Retention Challenge - Wanna join?

Hey girls, ok so here's a little challenge for those of you - like me - who needs to get a KICK in the tin when it comes to protective styling. You've got your regi down (or not lol) and seeing progress but need to get really disciplined about protecting and preserving those precious ends.

So here are the rules:

1. Must wear hair up 4-5 days out of the week. Now I'm saying 4-5 because getting yourself to stick to actually conforming can be tough so each week you can work your way up to 5 days.

2. The other 2 or 3 days you ARE allowed to wear your hair out if like me looking cute for yourself is an obsession, lol. BUT you are ONLY allowed to wear your hair out in a low manipulation style such as a braid out/twist out/roller set. And you MUST make sure you have moisturized and sealed your hair when it is out. This will give great practice time for those who want to master these styles.

3. Your protective style MUST be feminine and stylish which means experimenting with what I call hair candy! One of the problems with me and PS is that it can be boring, so adding accessories for me makes it a lot more fun and sexy. So I want to encourage all of you to think outside of the box to make your hair growing journey really fun. So stock up on your collection of jewelry clips, flower clips, head bands, elastic head bands and scarves, you will need it. Jazz it up and take pics that you will post either here or your fotki to share with others. Also in a few days, I will put up a tutorial in my fotki on how to make homemade hair flowers with silk flowers and double prong clips! I have a protective styles gallery with styles that I rock w/ hair candy in my fotki.

4. Must wash and DC your hair 1x a week, and throw in a Co-wash 1-2x a week (or more if you want). Clean and well moisturized hair retains and maintains the ends! Also your nite regimen must include moisturizing and either pin curling, re-rolling, flexirodding, wrapping, braiding, twisting, OR something - point blank hair's not exposed. Or at least sleeping with a bonnet or on satin/silk pillow cases is a must.

5. Play around with more than just buns. You CAN wear semi-protective styles like ponytails and loose up-do's. Try sweeping across a sexy fringe bang in the front... Maybe part your hair down the middle and do double buns with a small flower next to one of them. Whatever you want, the goal is to create fun looks you can stick to.

6. Finally, keep heat to a minimum. You ARE allowed to flat iron if you want a straight look, but ONLY on the day you wash and DC and no other time during the week. So that's once a week. If you need to take care of your roots after a roller set, that's allowed too, but again only 1x during the week.
So that's it. I want to keep this light and simple and fun. You've got to follow up each week with a pic of your favorite creation and post the pic either here or in your fotki so you can share with others and keep the ideas flowing on how to change it up. The challenge starts Feb 1st and will end March 21st.

The end result, hoping for that 1/2 inch of growth at the end of the challenge and a new respect for PS-ing and expanding the creativity behind it....

Post a starting pic and your regimen with your reply!

And the FABULOUS Participants are:

Ms LaLa

I'M IN:grin::yep:
I've been having trouble finding accessories or how Foxie would say it " Hair Candy" ...Where do I buy some?
I've been having trouble finding accessories or how Foxie would say it " Hair Candy" ...Where do I buy some?

:lachen:I came back into the thread to ask Foxie where did she order her flower accessories like the one in her siggy?:yep: I see you wanna know too:grin:
Hey guys, thanks for joining the challenge. I didnt get to add new names to the list because I didnt realize we had some new challengers! lol

I'll add you all in a bit (just washed my hair, doing my flat iron now, lol).

In any case, I actually make my flower clips myself. I've purchased flowers at the 99 cent store, at bed/home goods stores, etc... I attach them to double prong clips with a glue gun. I can then pair them with head bands or by themselves or with buns etc etc. When I do my check--in friday I'll give you guys all the info on where I get my stuff specifically and also a tutorial in my fotki!

I tried to wear my hair in a bun yesterday but it was soooo humid that my hair frizzed and puffed up so bad. I ended up wearing a full head wrap. It was still feminine though!
Well i'm like two weeks late but i wanna join. Foxieroxienyc, i hope you do another challenge after this one is over and we can extend it to 6months or so.
Yeeeeaaa welcome aboard ladies! I've been lazy and didnt add the extra names to the list in the first post in this thread, but I see all of you, and I'm keeping track! Maybe I'll get my lazy butt to do that now....:rolleyes:
I found some goodies at the BSS around the corner and on across town. I did get a cute banana clip with rhinestones and I found two kinda like scrunchies with a beaded flower on it. Okay... um I'm looking at my stuff and my description sucks. So I'll just take a picture and post it in a sec.

I was just bein lazy.:lachen:
Okay, here we go. This is what I've found so far. I like the yellow one with the earrings. I've only tried my banana clip so far and I like it much better than the ones we had when they first came out. The one on the top right is gonna be a easy keeper, it has the Chanel logo and came in a few different colors. I like, I like. My first to try tomorrow with some sort of bun will be the one on the top left with the pic through it. I've seen these tons of time, but never tried them.

Roxie, thanks for starting this b/c I always past that section of the BSS for some strange reason and they're cute and really reasonable. I have some chopsticks too, but I've had them for a while and forgot to take a pic. I'll be back with some newbies!! :yep:
