

New Member
[USER=311837 said:
GoodMernin[/USER];17525505]I went on cynthiarf's natural hair channel on youtube and she created this product called SprAngz that I ordered today.

It's really simple and not a complicated idea to stretch hair.

It looks really interesting and I can't wait to receive it so that I can give a review and some pics to match. :grin:

Have you used them yet?
Have you used them yet?

Honestly...one got caught in my hair but it may have been they way that I was using it being that I was brand new to this product and my hair is extremely thick so...

...maybe others will have a different experience than I did.
I must be slow because I can't figure out what these are supposed to do, even after watching the videos.

It looks like they're essentially weights that you leave in to keep your hair stretched. Is that correct?

I wish there were better videos, too, with less talking and more showing how the actual product works.