

New Member
Anyone take this supplement? If so, what dosage and how often and what were your results?

A one-celled blue-green algae, Spirulina is cultivated in man made ponds, where growth can occur under optimal conditions. Spirulina reportedly provides more protein and B-12 than beef and more calcium than milk! Spirulina's high quality 65% protein is thoroughly assimilated without the worry of cholesterol and fat that other protein sources may provide.

World's highest beta carotene food reduces long term health risks.
Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots. So even if you don't eat the recommended 4 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day (most people eat only 1-2, including french fries), get your natural beta carotene insurance from spirulina to help support your body's defenses.

60% easy-to-digest vegetable protein without the fat and cholesterol of meat.
People are eating less meat and dairy protein because they want to lower fat, cholesterol, and chemicals in their diet. Spirulina is the highest protein food with all the essential amino acids and has only a few calories to keep your waistline where you want it.

A rare essential fatty acid is a key to health.
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in mother's milk helps develop healthy babies. Studies show nutritional deficiencies can block GLA production in your body, so a good dietary source of GLA can be important. Spirulina is the only other whole food with GLA.

Iron for women and children's health.
Iron is essential to build a strong system, yet is the most common mineral deficiency. Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements.

High in Vitamin B-12 and B Complex.
Spirulina is the highest source of B-12, essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians.

Unusual phytonutrients for health and cleansing.
Scientists are discovering the benefits of polysaccharides, sulfolipids & glycolipids, and the rainbow of natural pigments that give spirulina a deep green color. Green (chlorophyll), blue (phycocyanin) and orange (carotenoids) colors collect the sun's energy and power growth. Chlorophyll is a natural cleanser and is often referred to as nature's green magic.
That's interesting. I heard the same thing about Barley Green which comes in a green powder. How does Spirulina come?
Yes, I've been taking Spirulina everyday for about 20 years now. Each tablet is 500 mg and I take about 6 each day. It is considered a food rather than a vitamin supplement since it's algae and it gives me much energy. I can't remember how my hair was before taking Spirulina but it's probably doing wonders for my hair and skin since it is exceptionally high in protein (as you mentioned) and also very high in Vitamin A (beta-carotene). Actually, my skin has been looking very good and clear all of these years. There is a lot of good info out there about the benefits of Spirulina, once considered to be the one food that could feed the world.

Now that I'm learning how to properly care for my hair, I'll really see how Spirulina is helping me. I've unknowingly abused my hair so much in the past and I still have a lot of thick hair on my head. It kept growing to a pretty good length before I'd screw it up somehow with heat and severely drying it out and breaking it off. Then it will grow back in a fairly short period of time. Maybe the Spirulina (and my other daily routines like flaxseed oil) has been saving me all along from being baldheaded by now.
*bumping*- I read that one of the benefits of taking this is healthier hair. I guess no one tried it. I'd rather take this as a form of natural protein instead of the Puritan Pride L-cysteine because today they confirmed that they use human hair to make the capsules/tablets of l-cysteine. I will not be digesting human hair! Most likely it comes from a cadaver!
I take something called "Green Phyters" from the Vitamin Shoppe. It has 200mg each of Spirulina, Chlorella, Barley Juice, Wheat Grass, Alfalfa Leaf and Chlorophyll. But I've completely forgotten why I started taking this in the first place. I know it wasn't for my hair, I think it just sounded like something good to take.
Are they as good as they say they are for one's overall health? I've read this from the research. What type of results do you see as far as health and even hair?
Personally, I have a lot more energy, since it is a "live" food rather than a vitamin. My skin is more vibrant and clear due to the betacarotene and protein. And as I mentioned a few months ago, my hair's thickness could be attibuted to spirulina. My hair went through all kinds of abuse before I came to the hair boards. I took spirulina all along and looking back, I think that made a big difference with my hair, keeping it thick and shiny and healthy-looking.
I take Barlean's Greens and Perfect Foods. Both contain Spirulina. I have noticed significant health benefits. I think my skin is clearer as well.
I take Barley Green as a nutritional supplement but I understand that Spirulina is a complete whole food that has numerous vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. It's also very high in protein. I've tried Spirulina but my body violently rejected it because I am allergic to algae.
I have been taking GNC Spirulina consistently for a few months now. I wanted to introduce it into my diet since I'm kind of bad about getting enough veggies daily. The biggest difference I've noticed is the energy increase, and its a healthy boost (not like caffeine--where once it wears off, you feel crappy; with spirulina, you just feel 'better' entirely). I also noticed a slight growth boost as well when I monitored it over a four week period. HOWEVER, I can't immediately attribute that solely to spirulina, since I take other supplements and I'm exercising more frequently now.
I think its a good supplement for overall health, and any benefits to your hair will be the result of the overall nourishment to your system.
Oh, I wanted to add that I take spirulina on an empty stomach first thing in the morning before I eat (if I eat!) and 30 mins before going to bed (doesn't interfere with sleep). I also take about 4-6 capsules a day.
I dont eat veggies just corn and I never have any engery I
am definitely going to try Spirulina.
Thanks for the info Ladies.
i used the tablet form and powder form this summer. i was concerned about malnourishment when i stayed in Cuba- this stuff kept me healthy and REGULAR! very healthy for you- you feel very clean and energized. i also used to take a protein drink called Spirutein. i stopped using it when i realized it was making me lose a lot of weight. it speeds up your metabolism. its good for keeping you regular. if if werent for the metablosim thing, i would continue to take in in place of multivitamins and i whole heartedly feel its a great supplement. ps- i dont recommend the vitamin shoppe brand, but EARTHRISE is probably the best brand out there. the powder form is a bit hard to take taste-wise, but its worth it.
Natori24 said:
How did it work for you, Spagirl?

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Back in that day (I was very young) I didn't note it for any results. I was just concern with maintaining a nutritional balance. To me it was considered another green food in a bottle. Though at the time I didn't monitor for results I'm sure it was helpful. I can also say I didn't experience any harmful effects.

Since those days, I have in the past 10 yrs taken other green supplements: Kyrogreen, Barley Green, Chlorophyll, etc. and have found them to be beneficial in helping me build up my blood during pregnancy quicker than traditional Iron supplements.

Overall, green supplements have been a good thing for me. I just haven't been consistent.
I have a green veggie powder that I wanted to incorporate into my diet, but it's so hard to take it. I took it for a few days, but I couldn't hack it any more. Any tips on how to get this stuff down?
You’re welcome Lunalight.

Brickhouse – the Spirulina I have at 500 mg per tablet has 0.5 carbs per serving - each serving is 6 tablets. Very low carb!
I just started taking the Rexall Super Spirulina 750mg and
you get 90 tablets for $5.00.
I was undecided whether to order from Puritan Pride 500mg for 60 tablets for $6.60.
Puritan Pride is having a sale buy 2 get 3 free.
I will probably try both brand and compare results.