SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any church?


New Member
This is a spinoff from this quote in a thread in the political forum:
You have to pay your tithes before asking for the church services. I know a pastor that ask make its members surrender w2's and if you are behind on your 10% tough....you cannot get counseling.

In my church you don't have to be a member or a tither to receive certian services. The only time tithing matters is if you want to be a member of a ministry. At that point you must submit an application and they will review your tithing history. If they don't approve, you won't be admitted.

Other than that, if you need HELP or assistance you will receive it because the church is supposed to help the members and the community they have in their sphere of influence.

What does your church do or what have you seen other churches do?
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

My church helps with rent, bills, daycare, food, job searches, outreach, the list goes on and on. We go to a vineyard church and its huge, there are so many programs to help everyone and you don't have to belong. Every summer they grill in the park on saturday and have service, its free for any and everyone. They also have alot of counceling services for interviews, credit, parenting. I love that its for anyone, you don't have to belong and you don't have to pay.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

I once asked for counseling/prayer from a church I wasn't a member of...wasn't a member of any church. It was an evangelical denomination and we had attended a few services previously. I needed prayer about my dad. He listened to my situation and then asked me which church I attended. I told him I had no church home and he became indignant and said to come to the church a few weeks then he would consider praying for me.:ohwell: My situation was urgent...couldn't wait several weeks. I never went back.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

that's an interesting church philosophy. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

What does your church do or what have you seen other churches do?
You don't even have to be a member to benefit from church services. :/ That said I think if paying your tithes were a requirement most people wouldn't receive them because I think only something like less than 10% or church goers tithe :/

I know this is o/t but how are you supposed to deal with people who don't tithe. I know some people don't believe in tithing* but for the ones that do....?

or not completely I had a friend that told me that her family believed that 10% was too much money so they'd give like 7% :/
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

I once asked for counseling/prayer from a church I wasn't a member of...wasn't a member of any church. It was an evangelical denomination and we had attended a few services previously. I needed prayer about my dad. He listened to my situation and then asked me which church I attended. I told him I had no church home and he became indignant and said to come to the church a few weeks then he would consider praying for me.:ohwell: My situation was urgent...couldn't wait several weeks. I never went back.

:nono: Did he give any reason for this???
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

I know this is o/t but how are you supposed to deal with people who don't tithe. I know some people don't believe in tithing* but for the ones that do....?

or not completely I had a friend that told me that her family believed that 10% was too much money so they'd give like 7% :/

i don't deal w/ other people's tithing, that is between them and God not my business.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

My church has a food pantry every week. We feed many people in the community who otherwise may not be able to eat---elderly people ineligible for foodstamps, middle agers who are also not eligible.

We are an Angel Food Ministries site so anyone looking to save money can purchase a box of food each month.

I'm not sure what else we do, we are a service based church so I guess if there is a need and someone asks, we try to help or at least be able to direct them to the right sources. We believe that the church should be the only necessary social services because Jesus served, so should we.

I don't think there are any extra requirements. We also have a daycare and afterschool program and I think there is somewhat of a potential for discount if you can't afford full fee and are either waiting for a voucher or are ineligible. There is a scholarship too---my oldest actually was just awarded the scholarship for next summer---whoooo hoooooo what a blessing.!!!
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

All of our services are available to anyone who wants to use them. Doesn't matter if they aren't members, it's their first day, or if they've never tithed.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

i don't deal w/ other people's tithing, that is between them and God not my business.

not me personally. I meant the church. The church has to be run and I'm assuming it's run on tithes and offerings. :/ If you believe in tithing or that is part of the doctrine of the church you are apart of; If you don't give isn't that a sin? And if if it is, if you continue doing that shouldn't your church speak out against your sin? Otherwise isn't that turning a blind eye? :perplexed
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

not me personally. I meant the church. The church has to be run and I'm assuming it's run on tithes and offerings. :/ If you believe in tithing or that is part of the doctrine of the church you are apart of; If you don't give isn't that a sin? And if if it is, if you continue doing that shouldn't your church speak out against your sin? Otherwise isn't that turning a blind eye? :perplexed

sorry. oops.

there are a couple of tithing threads here w/ detailed info, opinions, and scriptures.

tithing is between that person and God. no church should have a policy or part of the service where they have tithers walk the tithe to the front in front of the congregation, that is wrong for many reasons mostly b/c not scriptural. *many take the "lay at the feet" scripture out of context and use that as the premission for their actions today but it is not scriptural.*

the church is run on tithes and offerings.

tithing is both a personal belief and church doctrine. it is scriptural but there are different opinions on what, how, how much b/c there are many scriptures that say different (not contradictory, just different) things.

i do not tithe because i do not like the way my church handles the money i believe they are wrong so i chose not to tithe there and to look for a new church home where i can tithe. i am the steward over that money and if i knowingly and willingly tithe to a church that i believe is mishandling funds or is out of order according to the word, i will not tithe there.

i should be saving that $ in a separate account to give to my new church but i'm not.

a tithe is a 10th and is supposed to be given to a person's churh home, not a charity or such like (this is a point of division and discussion see the other threads). the thithe is for the support of the church so that it can minister and help members when they need it. an offering is over and above and in addition to the 10th.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

sorry. oops.

there are a couple of tithing threads here w/ detailed info, opinions, and scriptures.

tithing is between that person and God. no church should have a policy or part of the service where they have tithers walk the tithe to the front in front of the congregation, that is wrong for many reasons mostly b/c not scriptural. *many take the "lay at the feet" scripture out of context and use that as the premission for their actions today but it is not scriptural.*

the church is run on tithes and offerings.

tithing is both a personal belief and church doctrine. it is scriptural but there are different opinions on what, how, how much b/c there are many scriptures that say different (not contradictory, just different) things.

i do not tithe because i do not like the way my church handles the money i believe they are wrong so i chose not to tithe there and to look for a new church home where i can tithe. i am the steward over that money and if i knowingly and willingly tithe to a church that i believe is mishandling funds or is out of order according to the word, i will not tithe there.

i should be saving that $ in a separate account to give to my new church but i'm not.

a tithe is a 10th and is supposed to be given to a person's churh home, not a charity or such like (this is a point of division and discussion see the other threads). the thithe is for the support of the church so that it can minister and help members when they need it. an offering is over and above and in addition to the 10th.
Thanks I'll check out the other threads.

I dislike and disagree with churchs that do that. :nono: I always thought it had to do with offerings being put on the alter. Anyway I don't agree with it being a requirement in the church. I went to a church (it was for a youth conference) that had you stand up if you had no money to give and then you had to walk up to the front. They said some other things to and I'm not exactly sure what they were talking about. :/

Also, I hope you find a new church home soon.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

All services are open to anyone in the community, city, county, state, country or globally.

If we can help we will. We don't discriminate you will not be asked if you are a member and we never ask if you are paying tithes or to view your W2. :nono: I don't know of anything biblical about that.

I found my church because of a free service they had for anyone who wanted to attend.
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Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

In my Church and most Churches that I know of personally, it's 'whosoever will'. Whoever has a need, we welcome them with open heart and open arms, no judgements allowed.

We have our minds and hearts set that all of us were in need at one time or another in our lives and we wouldn't be blessed if someone had not helped us to be where we are.

Pastor doesn't pressure anyone to tithe or give. However, we all just do; in our Church we are all Tither's and Givers. We flow with it and God has never failed to provide for all of our needs. No records are kept regarding anyone's gving except for the end of the year tax filing. Even this is kept private and respected individually.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

Right now, my church helps people with food, rent, etc. whether they tithe or not or whether they are members or not. However, the pastor wants to implement tithing as a requirement to receive services or to participate in church leadership or ministries.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

My church doesn't have any requirements either. Anyone who needs services are welcome to them. There's a soup kitchen that feeds 6 days of the week and the main office helps people with financial and counseling referrals. Other than those specific ministries, I'm not sure what else is done for those in need.

I do know there are a few families in the church who help people if they hear of a need, but that usually is through word of mouth.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

My church has no requirement to help those in need. If my church imposed a requirement to only provide services for this who tithe, only 9% of the church would be eligible.

But unfortunately that is usually the case, 10% or less of the congregation consistently financially supports 100% of the church. I just try to be faithful to do what God has called me to do and I tithe cheerfully because I am blessed to be able to contribute to God's ministry.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

All of our services are free to members and nonmembers. The only time giving is considered is when applying for a position in the church. How are you going to be a vision partner when you don't support the vision? You must be a consistent tither and giver to be considered for paid positions within the ministry. I fully support that.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

My church has no requirement to help those in need. If my church imposed a requirement to only provide services for this who tithe, only 9% of the church would be eligible.

But unfortunately that is usually the case, 10% or less of the congregation consistently financially supports 100% of the church. I just try to be faithful to do what God has called me to do and I tithe cheerfully because I am blessed to be able to contribute to God's ministry.

The bolded part is true for my church as well.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

:nono: Did he give any reason for this???

No, he just said that I needed to get to his church for a few weeks then he'd consider praying for me. Next! :lachen: I think he was feeling holier-than-thou :look:.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

No, he just said that I needed to get to his church for a few weeks then he'd consider praying for me. Next! :lachen: I think he was feeling holier-than-thou :look:.

Oh no... GV, that's scarey. This made me sad to hear of such a thing to happen to a person in need. I mean, you don't turn people away... to pray ?????????? :nono: This grieves me.

Gee whiz, even Jesus said to "Pray for your enemies". You weren't even an enemy; just a precious soul looking for comfort and prayer. :nono: :nono: :nono:

What does it cost to pray for someone? Nothing... except to have a heart.
Re: SPINOFF: WOW! What do you have to do to get services from your church or any chur

All of our services are available to anyone who wants to use them. Doesn't matter if they aren't members, it's their first day, or if they've never tithed.

Ditto here as for how my church functions.I have heard all kinds of stories about what this church does and that church does. I could never sit under the authority of a leader who refused to help someone b/c they didn't tithe or were not a member. That is not loving my neighbor as myself. :nono: Tithing is biblical but I can find no scriptures that say if someone isn't tithing they should not receive the help they need. Jesus met ppl at their point of need. He was wise and discerning and that is what we should strive for also.