Spinoff: Virgins until Marriage


Well-Known Member
For those that were virgins until marriage, what specifically did you do to avoid the temptation in your relationship? Was he open to the idea at first or did he have to eventually come around? How long were with your bf before getting married? Any other bits of info are welcome!!

Also what were your age ranges when you first met? What were your age ranges when you got married?
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My hubby and I were both virgins. I had no problem with this stance because my hubby and I both had the same moral standards and faith.
Seems like waiting for marriage is definitely one of the most unpopular things to do in this world, however, I am a virgin waiting until marriage or death. Whichever comes first.
For those that were virgins until marriage, what specifically did you do to avoid the temptation in your relationship?

Honestly, we were both very disciplined so this was never our issue. Just kept our hands to ourselves.

Was he open to the idea at first or did he have to eventually come around? How long were with your bf before getting married? Any other bits of info are welcome!!

Yes. He knew I was a virgin and was very respectful. He knew he wasnt getting any draws till after marriage. We met in May 2010 and married in July 2011.

Also what were your age ranges when you first met? What were your age ranges when you got married?

5 years. He is older.
LaBelleLL said:
^^ can I ask why? what are your motivations?

Partially because I am trying to do things by what the Lord says. I believe I will be blessed for it even though I don't like going through it now.

Partially because in all my 27 years I haven't met anybody I even like enough to tempt me. I don't think being sexually active just because I am a certain age and I don't just don't feel pressured to fit in with the world. Sex doesn't seem worth all the cons that come along with it. I am trying the utmost to protect myself.

Despite my little faith. I still have some hope that God has something good in store for me. It's taking a really long time though.
Partially because I am trying to do things by what the Lord says. I believe I will be blessed for it even though I don't like going through it now.

Partially because in all my 27 years I haven't met anybody I even like enough to tempt me. I don't think being sexually active just because I am a certain age and I don't just don't feel pressured to fit in with the world. Sex doesn't seem worth all the cons that come along with it. I am trying the utmost to protect myself.

Amen to all of this!!!

Totally OT kinda... And as far as your little faith, I know everybody who has been single in their later 20's and up has felt that way. Just start praying for God to get you ready for your husband. He'll keep you so busy with that that you won't think of the other stuff so much. That's what I prayed and everyday I'm thanking God that he is letting me learn things (about myself, life and marriage) before getting married. And pray for your husband. He's definitely alive somewhere so just pray that God's getting him ready for you too!