Spinoff thread: Sometimes I just want to grow my hair longer than I really desire....


Well-Known Member
just to prove a point?

I'm tempted sometimes to grow to midback(my goal is brastrap) or longer just to prove a point that black women CAN have length!!! Then I wonder what in the world would I do with all that hair.:lol:
Re: Spinoff thread: Sometimes I just want to grow my hair longer than I really desire

Is your heart into seeing how long you can grow your hair,or are you doing it for the satisfaction to know that you can do this?

You know that you can....and are you up to the challenge to take care of it continuously?

Maybe you've reached a goal already....

Do what feels comfortable for you.
My goal is to bra-strap length because I do not know what I will do with all that hair but if it grows that long we'll have to learn how to take care of it like we learned how to care for it now....I think personally it will be easier to style just throw some caruso rollers in it maybe about 6 rollers and keep it moving...because it will be so long that it will just hang anyway...if it grows that long you can't stop it now can you....maybe once you reach that goal and if it becomes to much you can always cut it some...
I would like to grow my hair longer than I desire just to see how long my hair can really grow. I've always had shoulder length hair so I never knew that hair longer than that was possible. When I do decide to go natural in a few more years I think I will just let it grow until it just can't grow anymore.
Re: Spinoff thread: Sometimes I just want to grow my hair longer than I really desire

I just want to grow my hair to WL or lower midback so that I can wear my hair in spiral curls everyday that come to bsl or somewhere between apl and bsl. I also just want to see if i can grow my hair back to where it was when i was a teenager and to prove to myself that i can do it.
Re: Spinoff thread: Sometimes I just want to grow my hair longer than I really desire

MissFallon said:
I just want to grow my hair to WL or lower midback so that I can wear my hair in spiral curls everyday that come to bsl or somewhere between apl and bsl. I also just want to see if i can grow my hair back to where it was when i was a teenager and to prove to myself that i can do it.

I want BSL so that curled it will be around APL.

I thought I was the only one who thought about this. I am currently wearing a wig now and a white lady at work just gave me a nice compliment, then came in close to ask me is that your real hair? :eek:

I said what kind of question is that? I replied, "Is that you real hair?" She said you can ask me if I've had a boob job.....I said okay, time to go. Bye bye. :lol:

So now a big part of me just wants to grow my hair waist length just to prove a point to them. I have always wanted to grow my hair that long and now I am more determined to.

Now all I want for christmas are two long pocahontas braids.....:look:
I think the board did it to me. When I first stepped into the web looking for answers, what I had in mind was "enough hair for a decent ponytail". I didn't know what APL, BSL or any of those things were until I came here. Then, I thought "APL would give me a decent ponytail" and once I got there, it's like my eyes got big..."Hmm? Why not BSL? if I can make it APL I should be able to make it to BSL" And not that BSL is within my grasp. I'm sure I'll be there by the end of the year...I started thinking about MBL and, the next thing I know, I'm in a "WSL in 2008" challenge! How the heck did that happen? All I wanted was "enough for a decent ponytail"!

I'm not obssessed with long hair and I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone but myself (although it would be nice to show the ones that didn't think my hair would make it this far).
Kimberly said:
I think the board did it to me. When I first stepped into the web looking for answers, what I had in mind was "enough hair for a decent ponytail". I didn't know what APL, BSL or any of those things were until I came here. Then, I thought "APL would give me a decent ponytail" and once I got there, it's like my eyes got big..."Hmm? Why not BSL? if I can make it APL I should be able to make it to BSL" And not that BSL is within my grasp. I'm sure I'll be there by the end of the year...I started thinking about MBL and, the next thing I know, I'm in a "WSL in 2008" challenge! How the heck did that happen? All I wanted was "enough for a decent ponytail"!

I'm not obssessed with long hair and I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone but myself (although it would be nice to show the ones that didn't think my hair would make it this far).

:lol: I don't know why but this was so funny to me.