SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed hair

  • Thread starter Thread starter ballet_bun
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The post about "secret to long, healthy, relaxed hair" had me thinking about the followong questions:
Can someone please explain exactly by what is meant by a BOX RELAXER? Someone mentioned that it may be in reference to No-Lye relaxers ... is that so? Or, is it referring to all "store bought" relaxers that come in a box, whether it's No-Lye or Lye.

Why do these type of relaxers prevent your hair from growing long(er)?

If box relaxers are so bad, what do you guys consider to be some of the best relaxers out on the market? I don't think I can use Lye anymore, it causes too much shedding and doesn't get my hair as straight as I would like for it to be
. I have a <font color="red"> "BOX" </font> of Phytorelaxer Index 2 in my closet collecting dust
. I'd prefer to find something more affordable. Using this relaxer would mean spending $150-200 a year just for relaxers
, hmmmmm
. I'm not sure if i'ts worth it yet.


In your opinion, how does waiting 2 weeks help with growth?

Actually, when I was little, my mother did very little to my hair and it was long and THICK, THICK, THICK. She didn't wash it very often. And, when I first started getting relaxers, she sent me to the hairdresses every two weeks for a wash, deep conditioner and roller set. My hair was still thick then, but the hairdresser was a <font color="red"> SHS </font>
! And, when she would put relaxers in, both my mother and I would wake up the next morning with scabs on our scalp and crusty yellow stuff.

<font color="pink"> Ballet Bun ... </font>
Can someone please explain exactly by what is meant by a BOX RELAXER? Someone mentioned that it may be in reference to No-Lye relaxers ... is that so? Or, is it referring to all "store bought" relaxers that come in a box, whether it's No-Lye or Lye.

I guess they're just relaxers that came in a box...

Why do these type of relaxers prevent your hair from growing long(er)?

I never heard they prevent your hair from growing until I saw that thread on the secret to long, healthy, relaxed hair...

If box relaxers are so bad, what do you guys consider to be some of the best relaxers out on the market? I don't think I can use Lye anymore, it causes too much shedding and doesn't get my hair as straight as I would like for it to be
. I have a <font color="red"> "BOX" </font> of Phytorelaxer Index 2 in my closet collecting dust
. I'd prefer to find something more affordable. Using this relaxer would mean spending $150-200 a year just for relaxers
, hmmmmm
. I'm not sure if i'ts worth it yet.

I dont know how bad box relaxers could be since Ive never used one. The relaxers I have used are Elasta QP, Motions, and Hawaiian Silk.


In your opinion, how does waiting 2 weeks help with growth?

Actually, when I was little, my mother did very little to my hair and it was long and THICK, THICK, THICK. She didn't wash it very often. And, when I first started getting relaxers, she sent me to the hairdresses every two weeks for a wash, deep conditioner and roller set. My hair was still thick then, but the hairdresser was a <font color="red"> SHS </font>
! And, when she would put relaxers in, both my mother and I would wake up the next morning with scabs on our scalp and crusty yellow stuff.

Before I joined this forum, I hardly ever washed my hair and never used a lotta products (just relaxer, shampoo, and grease
). Ive seen so many threads on washing your hair more makes it grow faster and threads on NOT washing your hair makes it grow faster. IMHO, So I really dont think it matters how many times you wash your hair...as long as its clean and the way you want it to look
I know some people feel that manipulation causes them to lose more hair and maybe the woman in the other post had that problem. So washing less frequently worked for her. For me personally, I don't find such practices benefical for my hair. The longer I wait btwn washes the drier my hair seems to get, so I won't be trying this one out.

I think the woman was just saying to use a salon quality product when you relax. We've b/c a less articulate society as time progresses, so it's hard to decipher, but that's what I took from it. Nothing this woman or anyone else says can refute what I know works for my hair. So my 'boxed' Phytorelaxer will continue to be the only relaxer to touch my hair.

As far as what I consider to be the best, it would have to be Phyto, simply b/c it's 100% non-chemically based relaxer and I have been very satisfied w/it's performance. If for some reason I couldn't get Phyto or if it sky-rocketed and the price increased 100%, I'd try Affirm Fibergard or go natural again.
ballet_bun said:
The post about "secret to long, healthy, relaxed hair" had me thinking about the followong questions:
Can someone please explain exactly by what is meant by a BOX RELAXER? Someone mentioned that it may be in reference to No-Lye relaxers ... is that so? Or, is it referring to all "store bought" relaxers that come in a box, whether it's No-Lye or Lye.
<font color="blue"> Store bought relaxers that come in a box.
</font> b)
Why do these type of relaxers prevent your hair from growing long(er)?
<font color="blue"> I would agree, although I don't know why. My hair was definately its thickest, longest and healthiest when I had my stylist do it compared to a store bought. </font>

If box relaxers are so bad, what do you guys consider to be some of the best relaxers out on the market? I don't think I can use Lye anymore, it causes too much shedding and doesn't get my hair as straight as I would like for it to be
. I have a <font color="red"> "BOX" </font> of Phytorelaxer Index 2 in my closet collecting dust
. I'd prefer to find something more affordable. Using this relaxer would mean spending $150-200 a year just for relaxers
, hmmmmm
. I'm not sure if i'ts worth it yet.
<font color="blue"> Sometimes I just prefer my hair health over money.

In your opinion, how does waiting 2 weeks help with growth?
<font color="blue"> Less manipulation, I guess? I would like to know more about this if someone could explain it.
Actually, when I was little, my mother did very little to my hair and it was long and THICK, THICK, THICK. She didn't wash it very often. And, when I first started getting relaxers, she sent me to the hairdresses every two weeks for a wash, deep conditioner and roller set. My hair was still thick then, but the hairdresser was a <font color="red"> SHS </font>
! And, when she would put relaxers in, both my mother and I would wake up the next morning with scabs on our scalp and crusty yellow stuff.

<font color="pink"> Ballet Bun ... </font>

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sengschick said:
I know some people feel that manipulation causes them to lose more hair and maybe the woman in the other post had that problem. So washing less frequently worked for her. For me personally, I don't find such practices benefical for my hair. The longer I wait btwn washes the drier my hair seems to get, so I won't be trying this one out.

I think the woman was just saying to use a salon quality product when you relax. We've b/c a less articulate society as time progresses, so it's hard to decipher, but that's what I took from it. Nothing this woman or anyone else says can refute what I know works for my hair. So my 'boxed' Phytorelaxer will continue to be the only relaxer to touch my hair.

As far as what I consider to be the best, it would have to be Phyto, simply b/c it's 100% non-chemically based relaxer and I have been very satisfied w/it's performance. If for some reason I couldn't get Phyto or if it sky-rocketed and the price increased 100%, I'd try Affirm Fibergard or go natural again.

[/ QUOTE ]

How long have you been using Phytorelaxer? Do you apply it yourself, or do you go to a salon? If you apply it yourself, where do you order it from?
sengschick said:

We've b/c a less articulate society as time progresses, so it's hard to decipher, but that's what I took from it.

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I don't know why I found this to be so funny (and it IS true!), but I just could not stop laughing!
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

I really don't think she was referring to phytorelaxers. I think she was referring to no-lye boxed relaxers. Most people in this area seem to buy their relaxers from places like Wal-mart or large grocery store chains. I really, really don't think she was referring to phytorelaxers. As a matter of fact, she's probably never even tried this type of relaxer. Personally I've never tried this type of relaxer myself. I've never put much thought to doing so. I'm not saying that they don't work but I think lye is good for my hair. Shoot, I'm only 27 years old and I will probably try it soon or later.
I didn't know that their are lye relaxers that come in kits. I assume if they come in a box it must be a kit (although I could me wrong). Can someone please tell me what lye relaxers come in a box? I'm just curious.

As for the washing every two weeks, I also think it has something to do with less manipulation. I'll have to ask her about that next time I see her.
a box relaxer - from what i remember, the box relaxer that my step daughter uses came with a 'kit' - as in relaxer, some conditioner that you applied to the hair when the relaxer was still on your hair (my step-daugher gets her hair done in portugal, so this is what i am going by).

the box relaxer seems to be fairly gentle (i'm assuming no lye)from what i understand.

i think if your hair is thick the box relaxers may not put a dent in the thickness. the relaxer works for my stepdaughter because her hair is thin and fine.

how come relaxers are so expensive in norway? i thought that with the amount of africans living there, you would have various 'markets' that would make getting it cheap.

i must admit though, that when i fleetingly thought of a relaxer - i thought of the cost and the hassle (i swim - loads) and i'm glad that i haven't done it.

so... how are your thoughts on transitioning coming.

@BBun: I had it done professionally. I was natural before using it for the first time in March. I knew several people that took the plunge before me and their hair was so much healthier looking that I started researching. I was really pleased to learn that it was egg and soya based and lacked those chemicals present in both lye and non-lye products. I'd also found on info someplace on the pH and the Index 1 was so mild I was shocked. So that was the final green light for me. It's pricey, but isn't your hair worth it?

It's sad but true. I don't know what people are talking about half the time! You have to try to make the mess make sense. What kind of advice is that?! Don't use products in boxes
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

Dag ya'll!!! Ya'll are being alittle hard on her. See, this is why sometimes I don't share advice that I get from people because it gets all destorted and sh!t. She didn't say, "don't use products in boxes", she said, "don't use boxed relaxers"

I mean for real people, some people are not as into hair as we are and they may use their own words to collaborate what they mean or feel. Let's not be too hard on her. Remember I am the one that asked her for advice. She could have denied me and just walked away but she didn't. She was at least nice enough to share what she knew. Regardless of how "articulate" she was with the information.
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

sugawooga said:
Dag ya'll!!! Ya'll are being alittle hard on her. See, this is why sometimes I don't share advice that I get from people because it gets all destorted and sh!t. She didn't say, "don't use products in boxes", she said, "don't use boxed relaxers"

I mean for real people, some people are not as into hair as we are and they may use their own words to collaborate what they mean or feel. Let's not be too hard on her. Remember I am the one that asked her for advice. She could have denied me and just walked away but she didn't. She was at least nice enough to share what she knew. Regardless of how "articulate" she was with the information.

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Glad someone said it
ananas said:
how come relaxers are so expensive in norway? i thought that with the amount of africans living there, you would have various 'markets' that would make getting it cheap.

i must admit though, that when i fleetingly thought of a relaxer - i thought of the cost and the hassle (i swim - loads) and i'm glad that i haven't done it.

so... how are your thoughts on transitioning coming.


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Hey Ana,

The price that I mentioned was referring to the cost of Phytorelaxer in the states $40-60 a box .... But relaxers are more expensive in NOrway than in the States. We have high sales tax in norway ... 24% ... i always forget ... Hiza could correct me on this. These things aren't manaufacted in Norway either, there is little demand for them ... as in comparison to the States. There are heavy import taxes too. I get taxed when I order things from the States, if it's over a certain value.

As far as transitioning, that idea is starting to get thrown out the window
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

sugawooga said:
Dag ya'll!!! Ya'll are being alittle hard on her. See, this is why sometimes I don't share advice that I get from people because it gets all destorted and sh!t. She didn't say, "don't use products in boxes", she said, "don't use boxed relaxers"

I mean for real people, some people are not as into hair as we are and they may use their own words to collaborate what they mean or feel. Let's not be too hard on her. Remember I am the one that asked her for advice. She could have denied me and just walked away but she didn't. She was at least nice enough to share what she knew. Regardless of how "articulate" she was with the information.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry Suga I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry that I offended you. It's not what I meant to do at all. I know that's not what she said, I was exaggerating and apologzie. I think the rest of what she said was very valuable and I actually agree that you should use salon quality products, esp when relaxing. I hope this doesn't discourage you from sharing in the future. My apologies....
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't being hard on her nor cricizing her for voicing what obviously works for her. I just know for myself that boxed relaxers work for me. I haven't had a salon perm since I was a wee one (13). Everyone has to find what works for them and then stick to it.
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

sengschick said:
sugawooga said:
Dag ya'll!!! Ya'll are being alittle hard on her. See, this is why sometimes I don't share advice that I get from people because it gets all destorted and sh!t. She didn't say, "don't use products in boxes", she said, "don't use boxed relaxers"

I mean for real people, some people are not as into hair as we are and they may use their own words to collaborate what they mean or feel. Let's not be too hard on her. Remember I am the one that asked her for advice. She could have denied me and just walked away but she didn't. She was at least nice enough to share what she knew. Regardless of how "articulate" she was with the information.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry Suga I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry that I offended you. It's not what I meant to do at all. I know that's not what she said, I was exaggerating and apologzie. I think the rest of what she said was very valuable and I actually agree that you should use salon quality products, esp when relaxing. I hope this doesn't discourage you from sharing in the future. My apologies....

[/ QUOTE ]

Here let's take a moment to laugh... if you love dubayah Bush then don't look here
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

Dolce_Dawn said:
I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't being hard on her nor cricizing her for voicing what obviously works for her. I just know for myself that boxed relaxers work for me. I haven't had a salon perm since I was a wee one (13). Everyone has to find what works for them and then stick to it.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not mad at cha sista' girl
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

I agree even though I have not read the post as yet, I think all hair is different and what works for u might not work for others. I have been using box relaxers for years and last year when I decided to switch to motions lye it was one of the culprits for my terrible hair loss. Ever scince I have been using optimum no lye relaxer that comes in a box my hair has never looked or felt better. I have thought about switiching to no lye again ever scince coming to this board but I realized if its not broke dont fix it, so Im sticking to my box relaxers because it works for me.
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

I agree even though I have not read the post as yet, I think all hair is different and what works for u might not work for others. I have been using box relaxers for years and last year when I decided to switch to motions lye it was one of the culprits for my terrible hair loss. Ever scince I have been using optimum no lye relaxer that comes in a box my hair has never looked or felt better. I have thought about switiching to no lye again ever scince coming to this board but I realized if its not broke dont fix it, so Im sticking to my box relaxers because it works for me.
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

From my knowledge box relaxers are no-lye
Whats included in the box is:
-Relaxer Activator
-A wooden stick

-Neautralizing Poo
All this for a relatively low price.
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

trulynappy said:
why doesn't she deep condition?

[/ QUOTE ]
i was wondering the same thing
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

sugawooga said:
Dag ya'll!!! Ya'll are being alittle hard on her. See, this is why sometimes I don't share advice that I get from people because it gets all destorted and sh!t. She didn't say, "don't use products in boxes", she said, "don't use boxed relaxers"

I mean for real people, some people are not as into hair as we are and they may use their own words to collaborate what they mean or feel. Let's not be too hard on her. Remember I am the one that asked her for advice. She could have denied me and just walked away but she didn't. She was at least nice enough to share what she knew. Regardless of how "articulate" she was with the information.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree
...Ive had that done to me plenty of times
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

Dolce_Dawn said:
I can only speak for myself, but I wasn't being hard on her nor cricizing her for voicing what obviously works for her. I just know for myself that boxed relaxers work for me. I haven't had a salon perm since I was a wee one (13). Everyone has to find what works for them and then stick to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

My problem had nothing to do with people diasagreeing with her advice - I am a huge advocate of doing what works for you and your hair. My problem was with people talking about how she expressed herself. As I never looked at posts on LHCF as something that needed to be worded as well as my college thesis. I thought all the critisim about how she worded her advice to be a bit harsh.
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

ballet_bun said:
The post about "secret to long, healthy, relaxed hair" had me thinking about the followong questions:
Can someone please explain exactly by what is meant by a BOX RELAXER? Someone mentioned that it may be in reference to No-Lye relaxers ... is that so? Or, is it referring to all "store bought" relaxers that come in a box, whether it's No-Lye or Lye.

<font color="blue"> Yes they are store bought and actually come in a box, they are NO-Lye relaxers </font>

Why do these type of relaxers prevent your hair from growing long(er)?

<font color="blue"> They have calcium in them and over time it can build up in the hair causing breakage. If you have ever seen people with short choppy thin hair and they will often use gel to tame it, it is probably due to calcium breakage. </font>

If box relaxers are so bad, what do you guys consider to be some of the best relaxers out on the market? I don't think I can use Lye anymore, it causes too much shedding and doesn't get my hair as straight as I would like for it to be
. I have a <font color="red"> "BOX" </font> of Phytorelaxer Index 2 in my closet collecting dust
. I'd prefer to find something more affordable. Using this relaxer would mean spending $150-200 a year just for relaxers
, hmmmmm
. I'm not sure if i'ts worth it yet.

<font color="blue">Personaly I like Hawaiian Silky it has a nice balance of Lye (sodium hydroxcide) in it. The jar (which will do two touch ups on medium length hair) usualy cost about $3.50-$5.25 with the shampoo, conditioners, and gloves would cost you about $13.50-$18.50. The $18.50 I'm using just in case you may need something more then the things mentioned. </font>


In your opinion, how does waiting 2 weeks help with growth?

Actually, when I was little, my mother did very little to my hair and it was long and THICK, THICK, THICK. She didn't wash it very often. And, when I first started getting relaxers, she sent me to the hairdresses every two weeks for a wash, deep conditioner and roller set. My hair was still thick then, but the hairdresser was a <font color="red"> SHS </font>
! And, when she would put relaxers in, both my mother and I would wake up the next morning with scabs on our scalp and crusty yellow stuff.

<font color="blue"> Most of us here on the Forum wash every week or twice a week. Water itself helps with hair moisture, also when a person washes their hair they often condition which is an add plus. Not washing often enough can cause product build up which can prevent your hair from absorbing moisture. Look in the Forum list for tips on conditioners/conditioning you will get a feel for it.

To prevent the scabs:

1) Make sure not to get the relaxer on your skin or leave it on to long.

2) After you relax and use your neutralizing shampoo (twice) pour Sea Breeze over your entire head. Yes it will sting a little if you have relaxer burns, but I guarantee you will not have scabs the next day. Plus it will help restore some of the hair elasticity by lower your hair's ph.

Bonus: Also if you are burning during a relaxer use an ice cube on the area to easy the pain until time to rinse.

Oh my hair is 3c/4a my current length is shoulder/colar bone, and my goal is arm pit (4-5 more inches to go Summer 2005 here I come!!). I wash twice a week and relax every 10-12 weeks.
I hope this helps.....</font>

<font color="pink"> Ballet Bun ... </font>
[/ quote]
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h


To prevent the scabs:

1) Make sure not to get the relaxer on your skin or leave it on to long.

2) After you relax and use your neutralizing shampoo (twice) pour Sea Breeze over your entire head. Yes it will sting a little if you have relaxer burns, but I guarantee you will not have scabs the next day. Plus it will help restore some of the hair elasticity by lower your hair's ph.

Bonus: Also if you are burning during a relaxer use an ice cube on the area to easy the pain until time to rinse.

Oh my hair is 3c/4a my current length is shoulder/colar bone, and my goal is arm pit (4-5 more inches to go Summer 2005 here I come!!). I wash twice a week and relax every 10-12 weeks.
I hope this helps.....</font>

<font color="pink"> Ballet Bun ... </font>
[/ quote]

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Luckily, once I started doing my own relaxers, I did not have this problem, unless I used something too strong. My scalp doesn't even like Affirm Fiber Guard. It seemed ok at first, but it's a no-no for me now! I was having a lot of luck with Sheenique Sensitive Scalp, which was a no-lye relaxer. I base my scalp before the relaxer ... after washing the relaxer out, I ALWAYS used the STINKY aphogee stuff ... and never had a problem with my hair reverting either. It seemed healthy and strong then. I just got lazy after moving to Norway, and didn't have all the things I needed then. I guess I just need to go back to what was working before!
Re: SPINOFF ON: secret to long, healthy, relaxed h

trulynappy said:
why doesn't she deep condition?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think she's against deep conditioning. I think she just doesn't want to add it in her "to do list" (if you know what I mean) because it can be a little time consuming.