SPINOFF: Okay, so who's thinking about transitioning?


hair bored
:D :lol: Just wondering b/c I was checking out the Cathy Howse transitioning thread, and I noticed that a lot of ladies have mentioned that it's on their minds lately. Now this is nothing against my relaxed ladies, cuz ya'll know ya'll have some gorgeous swinging heads of hair :), but I'm wondering how many ladies on this forum are thinking about giving their natural hair a go? And if you're thinking about it, what factors are making/breaking your decision? Maybe some of us who have gone before you can impart some knowledge/support! ;)
Well, I can say that I definitely have "Natural Hair Envy" :)

I've been thinking about this for YEARS but I don't know if I would ever do it. I have not had natural hair for so long, and I think that I would miss my styling options and have to seriously step up my regimen.

If I ever decide to go for it, I'd do it the way Hairlove did it by growing my relaxer out without a total BC. Then I could gradually cut away the relaxed ends.

I love my hair now, but some days I wish I were chemical-free!
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Ya know, the idea has been in my head for a minute. I know I'm not ready for that though because when I do go natural it's all or nothing for me, I'm getting dreads immediately after, so for now I will stick with the texturizing. Right now I feel like I'm transitioning because I'm 18.5 weeks post relaxer and counting and my hair is really easy to take care of. I couldn't have done this years ago! It all seems to easy...
I started to transition after stretching my relaxer last year.. but after 21 weeks I caved. So I decided to start again 2 weeks ago.. but I can't do it right now. I plan to start transitioning for REAL in April. The thing that makes me want to go natural is that I don't want to still be relaxing my hair 20, 30 years from now and because I don't want to have to worry about I'm going to wear my hair because my new growth won't straighter or whatever..
Candibaby, Allandra, and Alli,

You guys are making me sorta wanna :) I'm going to extend my relaxer as long as I can. I cut a nice, manageable length off so I think it could be doable. We'll see!
I once transitioned for seven months before I caved in and relaxed again. I am now considering giving it a go again, but I don't know....I am in the market for a job and I don't want anything (whether its right or not) to hinder my chances of landing my dream position.
I was seriously considering going back to natural but a certain someone's nasty comments about me having a weave makes me want to grow my hair as long as possible. Just to dispute the black woman=inability to grow long hair myth.

So I can't go natural now cuz I've done it before and I know I will reach a point where I have to do the bc and I don't want any delays in gaining length. I want to be at least bra-strap length by the end of this year.

After I have proved my point I will probaly change my mind and go back to natural.
I would love to go natural in the future, even now. But it's so much work and I'm just not ready for it at the moment. I really want to have the hair God created me with. Maybe one of these days...
I like the thickness of natural hair,the versitality, and the curl pattern. *sigh*
When/if I do decide to transition, it will most definitely be w/o the BC 'cause I don't cut my hair--period.
I think I really really want to go natural but to be honest I am a little scurred. But I think I may be more afraid of relaxers. I feel like my hair is so tired of being relaxed, especially the back. My mom started warm combing my hair (with the old fashioned pressing comb) before I was even five. Except for when I was really little, there are no pictures of my natural hair. All my mother can tell me is that it was thick and nappy. While my mother was pressing my hair it was always thick and healthy, just above shoulder-length. When I was 13 I got my first relaxer and the back fell right out right away. So I got a short haircut. And as I look back I can hardly believe that I didn't get that relaxers didn't agree with my hair---duhhh. The weird thing is that most of my hair responded pretty well to relaxers. It was always that dang back/kitchen area.

In my heart I want to be natural so bad, I can almost taste it. After viewing so many ladies albums, it is the natural ones, with the fly puffs, that I identify with. I usually relax every four weeks and it may be hard to believe but at just five weeks post relaxer, my hair has so much new growth so I feel like my transition is in progress. Why is this so hard? Why am so afraid of doing something that I have been contemplating doing for years, something that I believe would make me so happy? I don't like feeling in conflict about this. I have always been very feminine and until recently I could never identify with natural women, they always seemed so different than me. But the albums tell another story.

I am intrigued. I yearn to see what my natural hair will look like. I guess to be honest I'm afraid my husband won't think I'm as cute (but I know he will), that my relatives will say, "What the..." (and they probably will), that I won't be able to figure out how to style it so that I still look cute and professional, that I won't be able to get a comb through it, that people will look at me in a different light. But mostly I just want to try it. I've worn my hair very short in the past and feel fine that way so if I hate it I can always relax it, get a layered halle cut and keep rolling. It would be easy to relax again and go that route. I'm not afraid of short hair. I guess I'm just afraid of nappy hair and what people will think or say. No, I've always been bold and done what I wanted. I'm the one who's afraid of nappy hair. I'm afraid of the unknown. I'm 40 and there's something on my head that's never been seen by me or anyone else. Deep down I guess from the beginning we've been taught what God gave us wasn't good enough. Why else would a mother compulsively press her pretty baby's hair? From the beginning we're taught to be ashamed of and hide from who we are.:(

If my hair could talk I think it would say, "Why do you mistreat me? Why aren't I fine just the way I am? Hot combs and damaging relaxers. Countless dollars spent at the hair salon to hide me. Why?" I think it's kind of a form of self-hatred. (speaking for myself here). Going natural for me in a way I think would be a way of saying that I love me, all of me, the nappy hair, the extra ten pounds, the occasional pimple, the talking and writing too much sometimes. I think I just need to tell myself that I'm just fine just the way God made me. I need to see how that feels and my hair deserves a shot at at least once in my lifetime to be free and nappy and seen by me and all those who know me.
hopeful said:
I think I really really want to go natural but to be honest I am a little scurred. But I think I may be more afraid of relaxers. I feel like my hair is so tired of being relaxed, especially the back. My mom started warm combing my hair (with the old fashioned pressing comb) before I was even five. Except for when I was really little, there are no pictures of my natural hair. All my mother can tell me is that it was thick and nappy. While my mother was pressing my hair it was always thick and healthy, just above shoulder-length. When I was 13 I got my first relaxer and the back fell right out right away. So I got a short haircut. And as I look back I can hardly believe that I didn't get that relaxers didn't agree with my hair---duhhh. The weird thing is that most of my hair responded pretty well to relaxers. It was always that dang back/kitchen area.

In my heart I want to be natural so bad, I can almost taste it. After viewing so many ladies albums, it is the natural ones, with the fly puffs, that I identify with. I usually relax every four weeks and it may be hard to believe but at just five weeks post relaxer, my hair has so much new growth so I feel like my transition is in progress. Why is this so hard? Why am so afraid of doing something that I have been contemplating doing for years, something that I believe would make me so happy? I don't like feeling in conflict about this. I have always been very feminine and until recently I could never identify with natural women, they always seemed so different than me. But the albums tell another story.

I am intrigued. I yearn to see what my natural hair will look like. I guess to be honest I'm afraid my husband won't think I'm as cute (but I know he will), that my relatives will say, "What the..." (and they probably will), that I won't be able to figure out how to style it so that I still look cute and professional, that I won't be able to get a comb through it, that people will look at me in a different light. But mostly I just want to try it. I've worn my hair very short in the past and feel fine that way so if I hate it I can always relax it, get a layered halle cut and keep rolling. It would be easy to relax again and go that route. I'm not afraid of short hair. I guess I'm just afraid of nappy hair and what people will think or say. No, I've always been bold and done what I wanted. I'm the one who's afraid of nappy hair. I'm afraid of the unknown. I'm 40 and there's something on my head that's never been seen by me or anyone else. Deep down I guess from the beginning we've been taught what God gave us wasn't good enough. Why else would a mother compulsively press her pretty baby's hair? From the beginning we're taught to be ashamed of and hide from who we are.:(

If my hair could talk I think it would say, "Why do you mistreat me? Why aren't I fine just the way I am? Hot combs and damaging relaxers. Countless dollars spent at the hair salon to hide me. Why?" I think it's kind of a form of self-hatred. (speaking for myself here). Going natural for me in a way I think would be a way of saying that I love me, all of me, the nappy hair, the extra ten pounds, the occasional pimple, the talking and writing too much sometimes. I think I just need to tell myself that I'm just fine just the way God made me. I need to see how that feels and my hair deserves a shot at at least once in my lifetime to be free and nappy and seen by me and all those who know me.

Maybe it's time you gave it a go...I think every sister should see her true hair texture at least once in her life. It was quite an expericnce for me. I went back to relaxing cuz I didn't know how to take care of my natural hair...but I know I could now. With the support of the LHCF taking care of it shouldn't be a problem. But everyone has to decide what is right for their head on their OWN time. Whatever decision you make it will be the right one for you. :kiss:
Maybe it's time you gave it a go...I think every sister should see her true hair texture at least once in her life. It was quite an expericnce for me. I went back to relaxing cuz I didn't know how to take care of my natural hair...but I know I could now. With the support of the LHCF taking care of it shouldn't be a problem. But everyone has to decide what is right for their head on their OWN time. Whatever decision you make it will be the right one for you. Maybe it's time you gave it a go...I think every sister should see her true hair texture at least once in her life. It was quite an expericnce for me. I went back to relaxing cuz I didn't know how to take care of my natural hair...but I know I could now. With the support of the LHCF taking care of it shouldn't be a problem. But everyone has to decide what is right for their head on their OWN time. Whatever decision you make it will be the right one for you.

Falon, Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I can go to sleep now knowing I was heard and that someone understood and cared. By the way, I took a peek at your album and you and your hair are very pretty.
hopeful said:
I guess I'm just afraid of nappy hair and what people will think or say. No, I've always been bold and done what I wanted. I'm the one who's afraid of nappy hair. I'm afraid of the unknown. I'm 40 and there's something on my head that's never been seen by me or anyone else. Deep down I guess from the beginning we've been taught what God gave us wasn't good enough. Why else would a mother compulsively press her pretty baby's hair? From the beginning we're taught to be ashamed of and hide from who we are.:(

If my hair could talk I think it would say, "Why do you mistreat me? Why aren't I fine just the way I am? Hot combs and damaging relaxers. Countless dollars spent at the hair salon to hide me. Why?" I think it's kind of a form of self-hatred. (speaking for myself here). Going natural for me in a way I think would be a way of saying that I love me, all of me, the nappy hair, the extra ten pounds, the occasional pimple, the talking and writing too much sometimes. I think I just need to tell myself that I'm just fine just the way God made me. I need to see how that feels and my hair deserves a shot at at least once in my lifetime to be free and nappy and seen by me and all those who know me.

Beautiful post! Very insightful and introspective. Most people are afraid to go that deep into themselves...afraid to make sense of what motivates their actions. Hopeful, one way to conquer your fear of the unknown---is to face that fear in the face. Do what makes you scared. Come out stronger and bolder than ever before. You mentioned all the stereotypes about our hair being "bad" and hard to control, so chemicals and the pressing comb are needed. You said your mother lived by that truism. But guess what? You can break that stereotype.
I loved your post too, Hopeful! It was very sincere. Not many of us would say those very thoughts, even if we were in agreement :)

I share some of your feelings, mostly the curiousity part. I think the only thing that would make me not transition is that I love the way my hair looks straight, and I think I would press it too much and cause more damage than a relaxer would!

I'm still gonna do a "mini transition" just to see how far I can extend my relaxer. As long as I don't get major breakage/shedding, I'll keep going!
ChosenbyGod said:
I would love to go natural in the future, even now. But it's so much work and I'm just not ready for it at the moment. I really want to have the hair God created me with. Maybe one of these days...
I like the thickness of natural hair,the versitality, and the curl pattern. *sigh*
When/if I do decide to transition, it will most definitely be w/o the BC 'cause I don't cut my hair--period.

I feel the exact same way! :)
Whenever/If I ever go natural I'll just be the longest transitioner in human history :laugh: since I don't do haircuts.
Wonderful post hopeful! :kiss: It was so deep, honest, and insightful, I felt like we were having church up in here! :D

*Ahem* "If there's one, even one, who has been moved enough by this thread to give their natural hair a try, please stand where you are and raise your hand."

(Hopeful raises hand). Then all the ladies at LHCF rally around her and encourage her to do what's in her heart and give her natural hair a chance. And they assure her, that even if she goes back to relaxing, there's enough room for everyone here that that we'll support her no matter what. :) They also assure her that if people say nasty things about her hair during her transtion, that we will hunt them down and harm them both individually, and collectively. :look:

Go for it girl! You know you want to! And one should never live life harboring "what ifs" that are soundly within their control! PM me if you need to. ;)
SouthernGirl said:
I'm still gonna do a "mini transition" just to see how far I can extend my relaxer. As long as I don't get major breakage/shedding, I'll keep going!
Currently how far are you spacing your relaxer touch ups?
I have also been thinking about giving it a go when I'm around 40. I am LOVING learning about all the things I can do with my natural hair.
Dear Brownie, thanks for the words of encouragement. You are right--I can break the stereotype and I plan to do just that, hopefully sooner than later :yep: Sometimes you just need that little push.

SouthernGirl, thanks too for your comments and support. Your hair is beautiful and I don't blame you one bit for loving it when it's straight. Good luck with your mini-transition. ;)

Ayanapooh, Aww shucks, you make me want to blush. Thanks for having my back and for starting this thread. :) When I started writing I had no intention of getting so deep, but sometimes you just gotta go with the flow. I guess I just really wanted to share and I knew I'd benefit from any of you guy's comments. By the way, your hair is also the bomb.
I'm thinking about transitioning. At the beginning of 2001, I cut off all of my hair because I was just sick of it. I went Micheal Jordan bald and I kept it that way for months. Then I started letting it grow back. I kept it natural until Dec. 2003. My natural hair was really thick and I did not know how to take care of it ( that was wayyyy before I found LHCF). I am really tender headed, so I couldn't deal with combing, brushing, braiding my hair. Even with a relaxer, i still can't stand to comb my hair( Yes, I am a big hair baby).
I don't think I want to chop my hair off again. I know I would have to, because when I stretched my relaxer for 15 weeks, my hair was breaking off badly.

So my tender head and the thought of cutting all my hair off again, has me thinking twice about it. But I'm still thinking about it.
I am going to transition, I have went natural before. But I did not like the way I did it. I did not want to do the "big chop" I was scared to death of not having hair for any amount of time. So, I envy those who can because I can not do it right now. Anyway, I started pressing my hair once a week and I saw a little bit of growth but not much. Then I had kinky twist for about three months and after I took them out I had a lot of growth and my hair was so strong and healthy. I was using nothing but pink oil growth 3000, that's what the girl used on my hair and I was washing every 3 months when I removed the twists. But then I got tired of the twist and started pressing once again, and everyone was like put a perm back in your hair and it will be beautiful because it is beatiful now. I caved and went a head and relaxed again. Not just because of the coxing of others, but because I had been pressing my hair from the time I started transtioning, more in the front, my hair was super curly and pretty in the back because it did not have that much heat applied to it on a regular basis, but the front was super straight. And I wanted to be able to wear my hair curly all over but my front just would ot revert. So, I was back at square one. I am going to do it again because my hair was 100% healthier when I did not have a relaxer. When I put my relaxer back in my hair after going natural my hair was a lot prettier but not for long but I stopped retaining length and it stays the same length. This time I am going to grow out my hair with braids and then decide what to do afterwards.
I’m transitioning—16 weeks post relaxer. I plan on keeping my hair in braids, though—even after the relaxed part is gone.
I'm thinking about, especially since my hair has been acting up lately. Sometimes I think that my hair problems would be solved if I just went natural!
I have been thinking about it for several months now. I did it before, but texturized 3 or 4 months later. I have found more products/ingredients that work well on my hair since texturizing that I did not know about when I was natural. When I was natural previously, I was using products (shea butter, suave humectant, suave coconut, etc.) that others recommended, but they did not work well on my hair at all. Before anyone says anything, I know that texturized and natural hair are not the same, but I feel that the products I've been using when texturized will give my hair the care and look that I want more than products others recommended when I was natural.
Cincysweetie said:
I'm thinking about, especially since my hair has been acting up lately. Sometimes I think that my hair problems would be solved if I just went natural!

Hey Cincysweetie, I peeked at your album and your hair is really lovely and does not look like you have any "hair problems" at all. But only you really know your hair. I will tell you that going natural solved most of my hair problems. I am so much happier with my hair now. On the 27th I'll be 4 months natural. My hair has grown a lot and continues to amaze me. Good luck with whatever you choose. Feel free to pm if you need any advice or encouragement.:Rose: