Spinoff:Is anyone giving themselves 2 years max to reach their goal?

I do! I have way healthier habits now and I know what my hair likes and doesn't like. I'm saying most of my tail should be APL by 2/23/09.. the shortest sides should be APL by 8/31/09 .. I gotta be full APL for my wedding.. I'mma be popping pills..MT..OCT..whatever I gotta do..lol..

The tail should be touching BSL by 12/09.. and full BSL by 4/10... yup 2 years on the nose.. no setbacks.. I'm ensuring this by NOT CHANGING MY STYLIST during this period..even if we have a knockdown drag out...lmao.. no permanent color or bleach... and healthy moisturized ends.. I'm thinking it will probably be about 3 trims required between now and 4/10.
I imagine I'll be disappointed if I don't reach my STG, or if I'm seeing no progress. But I've given up making any long term promises about my hair. I've done too much to it already and would contemplate doing too much to it in the future to make any promises. :ohwell:
I would like to be at my goal of MBL within the next two years, but I try not to put a time frame on reaching my hair goal because if it takes longer than that I might get discouraged. Me being able to reach my hair goal matters the most to me, then how long it will take to reach my goal.
I'd like to be APL by December 2010. I just recently relaxed and chopped my hair off into an ear length style, so im not sure if 2 years will be enough time to reach this goal. I'm going to do everything i can to reach it however. After i reach my ultimate hair goal (MBL) i really dont care what length my hair grows to, it'll all be about retention for me.
Sort of. I'm hoping to hit BSL at my two year mark. I started at SL and I'm still APL after 1 year. I have a long torso and my hair does not grow fast, so I know it will take a little while for me to reach BSL, so I'm giving myself till the end of 2009 to get there and hopefull FULL MBL in 2010. Then I will be satisfied. :)
No. There was a thread about people who had been on LHCF for a year or 18 months who were disappointed with their progress. But others chimed in and noted that it took a year or more for them to test out regimens and learn what worked for them before they began to experience growth.
Yes...I should be approaching MBL by Oct. of 2009. I officially started my journey to long hair in Oct. 07. I have come a long way since then, and want to continue.