Spinoff: Herbal Hair rinses!


New Member
This is a spinoff from the horsetail threads:

Prior to seeing it, I was thinking of making a rinse out of horsetail and pouring it through my hair to strengthen it...

Any other herbs recommended?
There was a lady here a while ago named Jade21 and she gave some the best nutritional and herbal advice. She mentioned a aubrey organics rinse that had all sorts of good stuff in it and how it really helped acclerate growth. When I find it online I will post the link.
mkstar826 said:
rosemary & chamomile :)
What she said, plus sage and nettle. I have seen folks use them as daily spritzes. I mixed mine with ACV and more filtered water for a rinse.

gymfreak: I don't think Aubrey's sells it anymore...I'm on that site all the time and haven't seen it... :(

To the OP's, I am taking note :)