Spinoff: Hair growth potions from back in the day


Well-Known Member
After looking up info on the snake oil, I found these and thought they were interesting. I bet they work too but I'm fresh out of crocodile.
.Recipes for the treatment of hair
pEbers 464

Beginning of the recipes for hair growth: sAr-plant cut into small pieces 1, in oil 1, it shall be mixed into water from the pAw-a body of water. One shall anoint therewith.
pEbers 465

Another (remedy) for hair growth on a bald man: Fat of lion 1, fat of hippo 1, fat of crocodile 1, fat of tom-cat 1, fat of snake 1, fat of Nubian ibex 1. It shall be made into an homogeneous mass, the head of the bald man shall be anointed therewith.
pEbers 466

Another (remedy) for hair growth due to nsso-illness: Hair of the porcupine, it shall be boiled in water, the head shall be anointed therewith for four days.
pEbers 467

Another (remedy): Ochre crushed in bile 1 shall be added to it. Cut-open afA-plant shall be added to it. That which is in a mussel, crushed in ladanum 1. It shall be applied.
pEbers 468

Another remedy for hair growth, made for Shesh, the mother of his majesty the king of Upper and Lower Egypt (Teti), the justified: Leg of a female greyhound 1, stone of a date 1, hoof of a donkey 1. It shall be cooked vigorously in oil in a DADA-pot. One shall anoint therewith.
pEbers 469

Another (remedy): Black lizard, it shall be crushed like a metal kAt-mtrxt vessel, it shall be boiled in oil. One shall anoint therewith.
pEbers 476

It (i.e. the hair) is to be removed as follows: Carapace of a turtle, it shall be cooked, it shall be crushed, it shall be added to fat from the leg of a hippo. One shall anoint therewith, very very very frequently.

Edited to post link: http://www.history.pku.edu.cn/person/yanhaiying/society/English/Ebers medical.htm