I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Least!

Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

:superbanana: Another success story!! I am applying mine and ignoring my hair... I braid my hair and hide it after my weekly DC... I am not measuring... but I am noticing that my braids are starting to "hang low" since my DC in December.

I am going to have a big reveal in December because I am on my own personal hide my hair until December challenge. I have before pictures taken in January (I couldn't dare get a camera out before them, because my BC was serious, due to a relaxer gone bad so I didn't have any transition time.) Now I have braids ya'll :drunk: That MT ain't no joke!

You sound like me with your big reveal thing going on. I have straightened my hair since I started this journey over 1 year ago and I keep my hair in buns and twists mostly. I only do twists-outs on special occasions totalling 5 times I'd say since I started my journey. My braidouts are thick now. When I had more heat damage strands it was less 'big' but also the kinks were less defined.

Anyway, my big reveal will be next summer when I straighten, that is if I don't change my mind...again! I'll be trying MT to help me get to full BSL-Midback by then...

Happy hair growing!
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

get it girrllllllllllll!!!
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

hey me too! we almost have an identical goal/challenge in mind.
i'm getting a dominican blow out in jan after the holidays - the second week in jan to see my growth for this year.:grin: i started MT last month around the 17th.
so i'm going to do progress pics next month at the two month mark.
That is so cool!! I am holding off on the heat thing because I know me, once I start I might not want to stop so I'm just being patient... I'm not so good at waiting.:yawn: You are going to love the MT! My growing didn't take off until I started using it in March.
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

You sound like me with your big reveal thing going on. I have straightened my hair since I started this journey over 1 year ago and I keep my hair in buns and twists mostly. I only do twists-outs on special occasions totalling 5 times I'd say since I started my journey. My braidouts are thick now. When I had more heat damage strands it was less 'big' but also the kinks were less defined.

Anyway, my big reveal will be next summer when I straighten, that is if I don't change my mind...again! I'll be trying MT to help me get to full BSL-Midback by then...

Happy hair growing!
You are going to love the MT.... are you reading that thread, there is a lot of great advice / info in those threads. The MT has saved the day for me growthwise. :clap:
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

So all that criticism you received for using this product as a conditioner was overreacting? LOL I am still deciding how to use this product. I am trying to get through that 300 page thread. :lachen: Only reached page 10.

Basically. :lachen:

i took a peeky at your fotki, and have to say, congrats on your overall growth :yep:

BUT, i do have to say this... whenever someone makes a thread about how much their hair has grown, but doesn't put pictures to go along with the post, it has a tendency to raise an eyebrow or two. that would explain why this thread has gotten such a low star rating.

not saying we don't believe you! it's just that, when you make such an extrodinary claim, you've got to have evidence to back it up. readily accessible evidence.

Thanks! But....
Didn't you all lecture me about patience? :lachen:

As for star ratings. :rolleyes:

Note: I didn't know with the page change I need to repost my password. Off to do so! My pics will be up in 3-4 hours. I need a break of time to get to my webcam and load them.
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

very good.... sometimes patience is the key!!!
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

I got my relaxer in October 5th 2007, then I had severe breakage to the point I said time to start over. That was December 21st 2007. After the BC and a couple extra trims to get the relaxer and scab hair, I think I had a little under 1 inch. I haven't measured in a while because I'm just kind of ignoring it mode (while taking care of it)now. However when I stretch my hair, I'm just amazed at how long it has gotten... I'll measure it when I get home. I'm guessing I have about 5" - 6" at my longest points.

It sounds like you got most of your growth that would take a year to get! :drunk:So you should receive at least half of that by the end of the year. :yep:
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

You are going to love the MT.... are you reading that thread, there is a lot of great advice / info in those threads. The MT has saved the day for me growthwise. :clap:

So how does your hair feel? Does this product soften the hair? How about tangles?
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

They're up. My PW IS in my profile.


The last pic before the latest pic was at 4.5".

I now have 5".

Add in a poor college student's webcam's limited abilities.

Do the Math. :look:

These pics will not convince you to go buy MT. 1/2" of growth is not amazing looking on camera. There's a whole thread of those kinds of pics. :yep:

I know because I bought MY MT because of them! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

What album are the pics in?

They're up. My PW IS in my profile.


The last pic before the latest pic was at 4.5".

I now have 5".

Add in a poor college student's webcam's limited abilities.

Do the Math. :look:

These pics will not convince you to go buy MT. 1/2" of growth is not amazing looking on camera. There's a whole thread of those kinds of pics. :yep:

I know because I bought MY MT because of them! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

yeah what album are the pics in? i cant wait to see yet another MT testimony :yep:

In my earlier posts I noted they would be in my Length and Texture album. PW in profile.
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

well i must be some kind of loser because ive been using it for over a month and ive had no growth other than normal... as far as i can tell anyway...


boo. boo. boo.
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

You have to be logged into fotki to see the pics. HTH
Re: I DID Get Growth of Biblical Proportions...Fantastical Proportions at the Very Le

:clap: Go head girl!!!

:yep: A lot of people (including me) have noticed that it seems to take a while to ramp up, and then all of a sudden - BAM!!!

;) Congrats!