SPINOFF: Do you shed when you stretch? EPIPHANY!


Well-Known Member
I created a thread in concern for my breaking hair. I was about 8 week post relaxer and I was experiencing a lot of breakage. I figured, perhaps it was because the line of demarcation and the two extremely different textures couldn't dwell on the same strand :lol: I gave myself a relaxer, and still whenever - and I do mean whenever - I manipulated my hair, there was way too much in my comb or the sink :nono: Even after using thermal appliances sparingly, I didn't see a change!

I'm not sure exactly what contributed to the change, but after moisturizing daily with either Neutrogena Silk Touch Leave In or Elasta QP Mango Butter, and Giovanni's Vitapro fusion Leave In, after about two weeks, I can count the number of strands that come out. I also added Giovanni's Nutraphix Conditioner to my regimen. THE EPIPHANY? The protein and moisture balance is absolutely essential in total hair care.

A member here has a blog with a strand test you can perform to see which your hair needs. I can't remember the link, but I believe if your hair made a loud snap when you pulled it but couldn't stretch much, you needed moisture. If your hair had efficient elasticity, but made a low snap or no snap at all, you needed protein. Iniitally, I'd always assumed breakage = weak hair and so I intensified my protein usage. No wonder my ish broke of :wallbash: Anyway, I believe the snap indicated strength and structure, while the stretch and elasticity of the strand meant sufficient moisture :yep:
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I totally agree. :yep: I started to concentrate more on protein/moisture balance after about 6 weeks post and I hardly shed at all now.
I created a thread in concern for my breaking hair. I was about 8 week post relaxer and I was experiencing a lot of breakage. I figured, perhaps it was because the line of demarcation and the two extremely different textures couldn't dwell on the same strand :lol: I gave myself a relaxer, and still whenever - and I do mean whenever - I manipulated my hair, there was way too much in my comb or the sink :nono: Even after using thermal appliances sparingly, I didn't see a change!

I'm not sure exactly what contributed to the change, but after moisturizing daily with either Neutrogena Silk Touch Leave In or Elasta QP Mango Butter, and Giovanni's Vitapro fusion Leave In, after about two weeks, I can count the number of strands that come out. I also added Giovanni's Nutraphix Conditioner to my regimen. THE EPIPHANY? The protein and moisture balance is absolutely essential in total hair care.

A member here has a blog with a strand test you can perform to see which your hair needs. I can't remember the link, but I believe if your hair made a loud snap when you pulled it but couldn't stretch much, you needed moisture. If your hair had efficient elasticity, but made a low snap or no snap at all, you needed protein. Iniitally, I'd always assumed breakage = weak hair and so I intensified my protein usage. No wonder my ish broke of :wallbash: Anyway, I believe the snap indicated strength and structure, while the stretch and elasticity of the strand meant sufficient moisture :yep:

I'm going to have to get some NTM Silk Touch Leave In. I hope I can find some. I was just talking about this in another post about how much hair I've lost due to relaxerstretching and other health issues. My hair has gained a lot of new growth due to Mega Tek and BT uses but stretching past 8 months has proven to be very detrimental to my hair. I only have a few strands of relaxed hair left on my head.
The only reason I can tell you that I've stretched this long is because my scalp is so irritated from all the scratching I've been doing. I don't know if its because I was using MegaTek every other day for about 3 months or eczema. Whatever it is my scalp has been on fire and has not allowed me to get a retouch. I've been trying ever since I reached 6 months post back in December. :perplexed
I am happy that you found out what works for you. I strecth my relaxer(I am texlaxed) for about 6 months and the only reason I can do that is because of the proper protein and moisture balance for my hair and this website.