do you shed when you stretch?


Well-Known Member
I'm 2 months post relaxer and I'm experiencing a lot of shedding! The strands are long but there's usually no bulb on the end. Initially, I had no protein in my regimen except ORS Hair Mayonnaise occasionally. I added Giovanni Vitapro Leave in of which I use on a daily basis, and Giovanni Nutrafix Conditioner. What can be the problem?
If there is no bulb on the end then it is probably breakage. If they are long strands , then your hair may be breaking at the line of demarcation.

I stretch to 12 weeks or so and I get both shedding and some breakage. I try to keep the breakage to a minimum by finger combing my hair when I co-wash and only combing with an actual comb just once a week. I think for me that some breakage is inevitable because my hair strands are fine. When I do comb, I really take my time by doing it in sections. I also try to remove the tangles with my hands rather then ripping through them with the comb. By doing that, I am able to keep the breakage to a minimum. HTH.
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I shed and have breakage around the 10 week mark. When I noticed more breakage then shedding, it's time to relax. The breakage is always at the demarcation line.
When I was forced to stretch, couldn't get an appoinment I would run a hot comb through my new growth and keep my scalped oiled. Don't know if this is good but it stopped some of my shedding until I could get my relaxer.
If you are seeing breakage no bulbs. You need moisture badly. Please make sure you DC with a good moisturizing DC. Also your daily moisturizer needs to be applied at the like of demarcation... ORS Mayo is protein. You need to DC at least once a week. Im 6 months 3 weeks as we speak. And I DC a lot.
I usually stretch for 12+ weeks but I don't get any shedding or breakage. If there is no white bulb on the end then it isn't shedding. Make sure you are moisturising enough. That's the key when stretching for long periods and handling hair gently.
I only shed excessively sometimes, and I see a bit of breakage, but like these ladies have said you have to be on your top DC game!! I do it twice a week when I stretch 12 weeks. I just finished my third or fourth stretch so I consider myself fairly knowledgeable :)
Yes, I moisture more and deep condition my hair more to help with the shedding. It was worse during my first few stretches. Now it's not as bad at all.
I shed and have breakage around the 10 week mark. When I noticed more breakage then shedding, it's time to relax. The breakage is always at the demarcation line.

Yeah, this is off topic but I had to say . . . Your hair is gorgeous!!!!:wow:
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The same with me. I can usually hold out to 9-10 week mark and then the shedding begins. When the shedding becomes too much, then I perm it. This year I'm trying to see if I can stretch to 12 weeks. If you don't see bulbs, then it's breakage not shedding. Try some moisturization.

I shed and have breakage around the 10 week mark. When I noticed more breakage then shedding, it's time to relax. The breakage is always at the demarcation line.