Spinoff: Dealing With Geminis


New Member
So as I read through the 'Dealing With Leos' thread, I realized that there needed to be one for Geminis. They are ever elusive and Lord knows they hate being bored. I'm dealing with one right now (& have another on standby:grin:), so ladies please offer your wisdom with these Twin-minded creatures.
So as I read through the 'Dealing With Leos' thread, I realized that there needed to be one for Geminis. They are ever elusive and Lord knows they hate being bored. I'm dealing with one right now (& have another on standby:grin:), so ladies please offer your wisdom with these Twin-minded creatures.

My best friend is a Gemini and she is definitely a free spirit. I'm probably the only friend she's had for so long because she's so hard to understand but I love her. As far as the men, all the Gemini's I know were not "twin minded creatures" more like "two faced imbeciles". Can't stand Gemini men!:nono:
My best friend is a Gemini and she is definitely a free spirit. I'm probably the only friend she's had for so long because she's so hard to understand but I love her. As far as the men, all the Gemini's I know were not "twin minded creatures" more like "two faced imbeciles". Can't stand Gemini men!:nono:

I dated a Gemini before. Gemini's should not date Gemini's. But actually, the guy I dated would drive anyone crazy just not another Gemini. He was fine as hell though.
I dated a Gemini before. Gemini's should not date Gemini's. But actually, the guy I dated would drive anyone crazy just not another Gemini. He was fine as hell though.

LOL and that's the worst part they usually be fine as hell, but I can't deal with their bipolar like behavior.
Hmmm...I am a Gemini...this is what I wish guys would understand about ME and MY Gemini ways (obviously, we're not all the same)...maybe you can apply some of this to a Gemini man also...maybe not...

1. I NEED my space. Without it, I feel like I'm being suffocated, I can't breathe, I start to resent you, and I will act out to push you away.

2. I NEED to have fun. I'm in it as long as it's fun. When the relationship starts to feel like work...I start to trip...and pull out...and I might just have to move on...:look:

3. I NEED change. Which really can be problematic. The relationship needs to be fresh and exciting to help me deal with my need for change. If not, I will probably look towards the next new, exciting challenge and experience. :look:

4. I NEED you to understand I *might* have mood swings every now and then. I may seem like two or three or four different people in one body. Please learn to adapt. :look:

5. I NEED you to accept me as I am. Don't try to change me. It won't work. I am a free spirit, I'm independent, and you will fail if you try to change that about me. Keep in mind that's probably one of the things that you found attractive about me in the first place...why try to change it? :look:

Geminis can be the nicest, sweetest, most sensitive people you will ever meet. Crossing us though...will bring out that other side...that crazy twin. And it can get ugly. We are also FUN, so enjoy the ride! Don't be so serious! Laugh, have fun, go with the flow! Expect the unexpected from us! Gemini love can be FIYAH!
As an Aries one of the signs I get along best with is Gemini. :yep:

They pay me the attention I want and deserve and are interesting enough to keep me awake....

I think I may marry a Libra though. :blush::grin:
I dated a Gemini before. Gemini's should not date Gemini's. But actually, the guy I dated would drive anyone crazy just not another Gemini. He was fine as hell though.
The connection between Geminis is like WHOA. It's so crazy intense. Some of my most intense (and short-lived) romantic run-ins have been with fellow Geminis. It's like instant connection on a different level. They never work out though. :lachen: That kind of intensity can be hard to sustain long-term. Not to mention the fact that we were so much alike that it made it easy to be around each other but difficult cause it was like dealing with your twin so you could totally read each other--which wasn't always good! :sekret:

Anywho, first and foremost I want to end up with a good man, but I do kinda hope it's a fellow Gemini. We're the best!! :grin:
I think there was a thread about this at one time.. It was dead on.. My ex so is a gemini.. Whew I love that man. However, he really is 2 different people sometimes.. That is why we aren't together today.. There's still hope...

I think sometimes they just need space. It is like they are in there own world sometimes...
The connection between Geminis is like WHOA. It's so crazy intense. Some of my most intense (and short-lived) romantic run-ins have been with fellow Geminis. It's like instant connection on a different level. They never work out though. :lachen: That kind of intensity can be hard to sustain long-term. Not to mention the fact that we were so much alike that it made it easy to be around each other but difficult cause it was like dealing with your twin so you could totally read each other--which wasn't always good! :sekret:

Anywho, first and foremost I want to end up with a good man, but I do kinda hope it's a fellow Gemini. We're the best!! :grin:

Yes, I had a crazy connection with the fellow Gemini. It would be great to have the same feeling again with someone sane. If it could last, it would be awesome.
The Gemini male likes to travel and see the world. Consequently, it is probably unwise for him to settle down in a long-term relationship too early in life since he will only regret it at a later date. This is an emotionally chargeable man but not a bad-tempered soul. Indeed, the only thing that usually makes this male fractious is lack of sleep. He finds life to be a challenge and is so often exhausted by his own thoughts and emotions that he fails to cope in an efficient manner. Still, his energies are soon reassembled and he goes on with the fascinating business of living and watching others live. Although he may have many sweethearts prior to engaging in a long-term prospect, the Gemini man will devote all his thoughts and energies to pleasing the partner of choice. A fast-thinker who likes to have lots of friends, he prefers a partner who will keep him interested while also keeping him guessing. He also prefers an individual who can share his interests and often strives to keep his mate in the picture where his job is concerned. Because Gemini is the artistic Sign of the Zodiac, this man is probably engaged in a career connected with the Arts in some fashion. Therefore, he will need a relatively intellectual partner. Highly-strung, this is a male who can be passionate but tends to look for the ideal mixture of physical attraction coupled with mental and spiritual awareness in a mate. The man governed by Gemini is capable of adapting well to the character and personality of his partner and will be neither dominating nor demanding in a long-term relationship.

The Gemini male harbors an avid interest in people. He is an interesting and talented soul who is inclined to be flirtatious, but whose wandering fancy should never be taken seriously. Indeed, the man ruled by this Sign is blessed with a great deal of common sense and can close a potentially romantic chapter with more finality than any other male of the Zodiac when he suspects something valuable and dear will be lost to him should he choose to continue. If the man ruled by Gemini could find a partner who was capable of giving direction to his life as well as providing a personalized interest in family life without nagging or stressing this fact too much, then he would undoubtedly be more successful individual.

Source: http://www.novareinna.com/constellation/geminimale.html
I'm dating a Gemini. Loving every minute of it! :laugh: He can be childish at times though. But he always apologizes if he knows he's in the wrong.
Your man is generally not very easy to live with: he's sometimes cold and shrewd, and won't let himself get involved in strong passions. Naturally, love is important for him, but intellectual attraction suits his temperament even more. In his relational life, frequent quarrels may arise because of his pretense to have answers to all questions - and his partners sometimes wish to see him less pedantic, more discreet. Nevertheless, he quickly realizes this situation and turns it around to his advantage. He begins to improve around fifty. This period is important - he brings happiness to the woman he loves, his discreet attention for her is a delight, and he would even tend to stay in the background. He has the intelligence to adapt himself and to take life with philosophy. This modification in his character will be extremely beneficial. His sense of the family will follow the same direction: friends will play an important role, but as the years go by, securing good family harmony will become his main preoccupation. He'll not always have tranquility in his love life. The duality that characterizes his Gemini sign could bring certain instability to his emotional life - it's not impossible for him to go through many passionless love affairs. Generally, he prefers a loving friendship to a passionate love affair. He asks his partners to show merriment, communication and variety. He's neither jealous nor possessive, and his demonstrations of affection are often restrained. He would really like to have a love life like everyone else, under the condition of not being bored with the partner that he has chosen. Sometimes, however, he displays his difficult character, showing himself revengeful and even talking about breaking up, without really wanting to be taken seriously. However, if the other one gets tired of being knocked around, one fine day she could be tempted to say: "Let's stay friends... but I'm off!" He must beware of his tendency to think that he can always catch up with it owing to a nice word and a sweet smile. He does indeed talk a lot about his unfaithfulness - past, present and future. But he talks more than he acts, and he's often satisfied with imagining his conquests or remembering them. For in fact, cerebral as he is, he doesn't let his sexuality govern him and he controls it very well. Nevertheless, behind this apparent cynicism lies a true tenderness. And that isn't a make-believe show! He's neither jealous nor possessive, and finds it monstrous wanting to keep a woman all for himself. And, in a rather perverse way, he'll even insist on her having other lovers - providing that she tells him later about her pranks and affirms that she always values him as "the best one". When he's matured enough, the best thing for him is to have a "friendly marriage" with a woman he appreciates. She'll find in him a precious counselor - intelligent, lucid and even intuitive. But she shouldn't annoy him too often with "the things of sex" or ask him to demonstrate his feelings. He has his own way of loving, with charm and abruptness, being persuaded that the most important things don't need to be said. He'd easily accept to divorce, adjusting just as well to bachelorhood as to a new partner, and estimating that his children will understand the situation if they're explained naturally. He brings them up well, respecting their personalities and not overprotecting them.

Source: http://www.kchahiyo.com/astrology/gemini_male.htm
How To Date A Gemini Male
If you are dating a Gemini male, you can expect him to stand you up on our first date, but if you are lucky, he will call, say he is running late, and that the plans for the date have changed. Bring an overnight bag, he can get carried away and forget that you need to go home. He will have the cutest twinkling eyes, and you will forgive him. He will slightly ignore you in public, as he always knows everyone, wherever he takes you, and speaks to each one. Somehow, you can't picture him in a tuxedo, going down the aisle. Gemini males won't call you everyday. Gemini men are witty, fun, and can play, play, and play! These men thrive in occupations where they can meet the public, and talk. Gemini males are great as disc jockeys. If you want to catch this guy, don't lean on him, don't get pregnant, or talk marriage. Be a challenge do your own thing and let your Gemini male chase you. It's okay to date others.

Source: http://members.tripod.com/sofyand/zodiac-date.html

Date Guide

Insights into Likes, Dislikes, Motivations and Desires

The first step to keeping up with a Gemini date is to put on your running shoes. Ready for change, fast and furious? Gemini's love variety and are the most curious Signs of the Zodiac. They want to be constantly stimulated mentally, yet they get bored quickly. So, take your Gemini out on an unusual date, or maybe a bunch of mini-dates, all in one night! Gemini's enjoy literary events, intellectual events and unique experiences.

Suggestions for the perfect date:

Go to a book or poetry reading in a cafe or bookstore, attend a party together, go for a picnic, play a game, go dancing, spend the day at the zoo, go hang-gliding, go hot air ballooning, go to a drive-in movie, take a trip to Las Vegas, go to a science museum, go to a cafe or bar for a drink, take a yoga class together, go for a walk at midnight together, take a helicopter tour, fly a kite together, go to an air show.

Source: http://www.seventeen.com/fun-stuff/horoscopes/date-guide/date-guide-gemini
Gemini Men

A man in this Zodiac has a thin long and proportional face. He has a high forehead and very cleaver. He looks like he can not stand or sit still, a very fast person. His nose is just right in size, thin lips, talk fast and very talkative. He can think faster than he talks, but once he starts talking, he will talk non stop as if god has gifted him with that special talk machine mouth.

He likes to cut his hair short and he is very athletic. He is a tall, slim and every movement of his is “Fast” or nearly calls “Hyperactive”. He has long fingers and always tapping on table or moving his finger as if he is trying to grab something. He is the type, who will write or scribble on paper, he never stays still. His hair always well comb or neat.

He will spend a long time to comb his hair. He will keep his manicure and pedicure clean. He is a well dress and clean guy, so if you like cleanliness, you will love him. He will keep all his cloth in big closet, and never throw away even shirts he never wear any more, but yet he still keep buying new cloths and make sure he is in style. He knows how to dress well even with a low budget. He gets bored easily with his favorite cloths, cologne.

He is very picky, so soap and his cologne even have to be in the same trend or same scent. If you date this kind of guy, you might think you are dating 2 guys, you will have to guess his feeling and emotion. Is he doing thing because it is a duty, or is it because he wants to? He changes his mind as fast as he changes a new pairs of shoes.

He can pick up a book and roughly read through and understand its contents, so if you see a Gemini man who reads the whole book, then he must be influenced by other Zodiac. He hates to set fix schedule, and dislike a boring same routine job. He could hardly be on time, and can only keep time if it is complete important and necessary.

He does not come late because he forgets, but because he always fined other attractions along the way. He likes to act opposite to what he wants to do. He is a very good speaker and makes a very good politician. He can easily persuade other people and well presented himself in public, a real charmer. If he is a writer, he will write the best seller. He always searches for truth and constantly studies himself.

He never satisfies about his fame, his reputation or money, because he thinks he deserved more. He will keep searching even he is not sure what is his ultimate satisfaction. Woman in love normally wants to feel secure and stable, but if you fall in love with this guy be prepared to be alone. He will come to see you when he feels like it. He won’t even know how he spent his day everyday, so adjust yourself if you love him.

Dating him is like dating 2 guys, so today he can tell you how much he loves you, but tomorrow he might call you to cancel your date. When he upsets, he could tell you he hates your dress, even it is the same dress he used to tell you make you look very sexy. Do not ask him why he is that’s way for he won’t have any explanations too. When he is back to normal mood, he will take you out again and forget what just happened.

You can not expect him to be the same person now, and forever. His changes will depend on you, for better or for worst. If you like to take risk and dare for challenges, you will get along with him fine. He keeps his emotional secretly as if hiding it, so you will not be able to see if he is in love with you, or does not give a damn at all, but be calm and patient. He will never leave you if he thinks you are a puzzle, and then he will spend times solving this puzzle.

Source: http://fantasyworld.wordpress.com/gemini/gemini-men/
How To Date A Gemini Male
If you are dating a Gemini male, you can expect him to stand you up on our first date, but if you are lucky, he will call, say he is running late, and that the plans for the date have changed.

He wouldn't be my man after that! :lachen:
How To Seduce A Gemini Man:
A Gemini man is impossible to cling to so if you want to seduce him understand he must be allowed to spread his wings and fly. Gemini men require variety and mental stimulation so you need to seduce his mind. Flirting over the phone, via email or even writing him sexy letters will engage him.

When you plan to seduce a Gemini man, keep it light. No heavy emotions and no mention of commitment, thank you very much. Be fun, stimulating and don't be afraid to try something new in bed or at least talk about being willing to try something new. Variety is the key to seducing this man for the long haul but if you ever tell him you intend on a long haul, he'll fly away.
Laugh at his jokes, make him feel like the cleverest, witty man around and if he walks away to talk to someone else, let him be. Breathing room is the Gemini man's aphrodisiac.

Source: http://www.sexualastrology.com/howtoseducegeminiman.html
I am a Libra. I dated a Gemini this summer. He was fun. Great personality. Great conversationalist.

Everytime I saw though, he looked completely different to me. It was so strange. I guess it's that twin thing.
I dated a Gemini before a few years ago. Til this day, when I get a flashback, I get chills!! They are keen at stimulating the mind and look for the same from you too. I agree with the other comments too!! Gemini women are very attractive too, and the men are usually FINE!

My dad and my son are also Geminis. They can have split personality tendancies, but even I do sometimes (Aries). But for the most part, Gemini's are lovers not fighters.

My son is always touching and kissing on me and wanting to give me massages. And I can just tell, this boy is going to be driving these girls crazy when he gets older :rolleyes:
Hmmm...I am a Gemini...this is what I wish guys would understand about ME and MY Gemini ways (obviously, we're not all the same)...maybe you can apply some of this to a Gemini man also...maybe not...

1. I NEED my space. Without it, I feel like I'm being suffocated, I can't breathe, I start to resent you, and I will act out to push you away.

2. I NEED to have fun. I'm in it as long as it's fun. When the relationship starts to feel like work...I start to trip...and pull out...and I might just have to move on...:look:

3. I NEED change. Which really can be problematic. The relationship needs to be fresh and exciting to help me deal with my need for change. If not, I will probably look towards the next new, exciting challenge and experience. :look:

4. I NEED you to understand I *might* have mood swings every now and then. I may seem like two or three or four different people in one body. Please learn to adapt. :look:

5. I NEED you to accept me as I am. Don't try to change me. It won't work. I am a free spirit, I'm independent, and you will fail if you try to change that about me. Keep in mind that's probably one of the things that you found attractive about me in the first place...why try to change it? :look:

Geminis can be the nicest, sweetest, most sensitive people you will ever meet. Crossing us though...will bring out that other side...that crazy twin. And it can get ugly. We are also FUN, so enjoy the ride! Don't be so serious! Laugh, have fun, go with the flow! Expect the unexpected from us! Gemini love can be FIYAH!

:yep: I'm a Gemini as well!!!!!!!
My baby is a Gemini so was my ex. If we don't make it I'm DONE w/Geminis for good. They are a hand-full...OMG!!! Good luck to all the Tauruses out there who are dating them...we're not a good match at all :nono:
Well I had good and bad experiences with Gemini's. My ex years ago was very promiscuous just for the heck of it. I don't think it was an addiction though, he just did it for the fun of it.

But I've befriended two other gemini males and they were great.
I dated a Gemini. The relationship was intense to say the least. We had fun, but he was a male whore and I couldn't take it.
I'm a Gemini. :)

I need my space.

A man has to be the intellectual type that is always learning and teaches me new things. Good conversation is a must.

And vanilla sex is for the birds, man.

I've never dated a Gemini, so I have no advice to give in that regard. Sorry.