Spinoff: Becoming the Wife


Well-Known Member
This is a spinoff of the booty call to wife thread (http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=135133).

This is for ladies that may have started off in a sexual relationship with a man, or were in a relationship with a man where you had physical contact too soon. Do you all believe that you can stop having a physical relationship with someone once you've started (I'm asking this for hypothetical reasons only--not based on me).

Basically, have any of you started off in a physical/sexual relationship with a guy...maybe you wanted it that way. But then as you got to know him, you realized you really liked him, and wanted to take things slower? If so, how did you put on the brakes? I would like to know! Thanks!
My brother had a child with a woman and they were living together she decides that the only way to get him to marry her was to keep her goods to herself. She decided to tell him when they were in bed and he was ready. When she told him he kicked her out the bed, they broke up.

Now the current GF is thinking about doing this.:nono:

I think it's hard to stop when a sexual relationship is already established. But it can work. I know of people who have successfully done it with the results they want.
My brother had a child with a woman and they were living together she decides that the only way to get him to marry her was to keep her goods to herself. She decided to tell him when they were in bed and he was ready. When she told him he kicked her out the bed, they broke up.

Now the current GF is thinking about doing this.:nono:

I think it's hard to stop when a sexual relationship is already established. But it can work. I know of people who have successfully done it with the results they want.

This makes sense. I was just thinking about it after reading the bootycall thread!
I'm not married.... but I've done it before. In my case, I know I slept with him way too soon, and after that first time I really wasn't feeling it. So I told him I wanted to slow down and get to know each other as friends and he respected my decision. Oh, not that he didn't try to make me change my mind. We continued to go out, but he didn't stay over. In the rare event that he did, I made him sleep on the couch. We resumed our sexual relationship about 6 months later. At that point, I was ready, and the sex was FIRE!
I'm not married.... but I've done it before. In my case, I know I slept with him way too soon, and after that first time I really wasn't feeling it. So I told him I wanted to slow down and get to know each other as friends and he respected my decision. Oh, not that he didn't try to make me change my mind. We continued to go out, but he didn't stay over. In the rare event that he did, I made him sleep on the couch. We resumed our sexual relationship about 6 months later. At that point, I was ready, and the sex was FIRE!

I have a male friend who is going through this.

They started a physical relationship early on because they were so attracted to each other. Both were equally involved in the physical.

Now (it has been about 6 months since the 'honeymoon phase') she complains that he is boring and not affectionate enough. He complains that she is needy, too sensitive and too attached to him. Now that he has come up for air from the sexcapades, he wants something 'deeper and more meaningful' from her.

I believe she would really like to marry him but last week he was contemplating taking 'a break' with her. I think they will remain together but it is causing a stress on the relationship. They may get married even one day but right now it's a little shaky.
I have a male friend who is going through this.

They started a physical relationship early on because they were so attracted to each other. Both were equally involved in the physical.

Now (it has been about 6 months since the 'honeymoon phase') she complains that he is boring and not affectionate enough. He complains that she is needy, too sensitive and too attached to him. Now that he has come up for air from the sexcapades, he wants something 'deeper and more meaningful' from her.

I believe she would really like to marry him but last week he was contemplating taking 'a break' with her. I think they will remain together but it is causing a stress on the relationship. They may get married even one day but right now it's a little shaky.

Wow, it’s interesting to hear this from the male perspective. Was he really forward sexually with her so early on because he really did like her or not!