Spinoff: are you ready for it to just get on?!


New Member
Do any of you ladies ever wish that the time would just pass already so you could be MORE weeks post relaxer? Not so that you can go ahead and relax, just so you can have that feeling of lots of new growth on your head?

I'm feeling that way right now, I'm only 2 weeks post relaxer and I'm like GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!! I'm ready to get this transition started, I'm ready to have my braids and play with my new growth and now it seems like time is draaaaaaaggin on by but if I was planning to relax again I BET you time would fly like a mutha. *sigh*

Anyone else feel like this?
yup.. i'm about 3 months post and still going!

i loovee all the ripples of new growth. cant keep my hands out of it.
I feel like this all the time. I am at that in-between stage.....ya know....transitioning so I'm not natural but not relaxed......My back is shoulder length but my sides and front aren't even with my back.....I am growing out color so it's almost out but still on the ends......My hair is long enough for a pony tail but not long enough for a horsey tail...... :p
All the time. I'm so ready to chop off these relaxed ends, but I need more new growth first. Hopefully I'll get my desired length some time this Summer.
yeah my next relaxer isnt till April but I can't wait because I will have a years worth of progress to compare and I have had so much growth since I joined LHCF.
SilkyandSmooth said:
All the time. I'm so ready to chop off these relaxed ends, but I need more new growth first. Hopefully I'll get my desired length some time this Summer.

congrats on your transition.. WOAH @ 39 weeks.. geesh almost 10 months! i can imagine all the new growth you must have.. i cant WAIT til i'm there. i'm officially so through with relaxers.