I wouldn't mind if my SO did, but I find it's random men I don't even know, and casual acquaintances who are trying to call me that and it gets on my nerves.
Yeah by my CHILDREN
What does Bae mean?
I can't stand "bae" It just irks me for some reason. How hard it it to add a bloody "b" sound to the end of it? ARGH. *pet peeve, sorry*
I...eh, not too fond of it. Baby is alright. Ma/Mami reminds me too much of the guys on the street trying to pick girls up. And some people sound absolutely ridic saying "Mami" and not being of the culture where people usually say it just to sound cool.
I can't stand "bae" It just irks me for some reason. How hard it it to add a bloody "b" sound to the end of it? ARGH. *pet peeve, sorry*