Spinoff: Anyone here think all men cheat?

I don't know if I think that all men cheat but I overhear a lot of conversations that so called "good men" have with my SO and it does make me wonder(Sometimes I'm in the back room of my store when men come in and run their mouths about their ladies on the side or their one night stands when they are shopping.They don't know that I'm back there so they spill it...)You really never know what someone else is capable of and even those that appear to be quiet,shy Mr.nice guy can be a wolf in sheeps clothing,but you can't spend too much time sitting around worrying about it either.:wallbash:
I don't know if I think that all men cheat but I overhear a lot of conversations that so called "good men" have with my SO and it does make me wonder(Sometimes I'm in the back room of my store when men come in and run their mouths about their ladies on the side or their one night stands when they are shopping.They don't know that I'm back there so they spill it...)You really never know what someone else is capable of and even those that appear to be quiet,shy Mr.nice guy can be a wolf in sheeps clothing,but you can't spend too much time sitting around worrying about it either.:wallbash:[/quo

ITA with the bolded. I do not believe all men cheat. If some hoochie throws it in their face. I don't believe they are going to run from it.:lachen:
I do agree with ya on that one Dsylla :up:

Yup, i know that nice guys cheat and it's possible for any man to cheat.

however, *I* am not going to be in a relationship worrying about whether or not my man is cheating. The thought of living like that is karazy!

All i'm saying is choose a partner least likely to cheat. In my experience, the guys who were nice, had a spiritual connection, had good relationships with family members, were responsible and moral were the guys who didn't not cheat.

And hey, if they did, i didn't know about it.
I dont think all men cheat. A lot do but not all. i remember an article in essence about this guy. he wrote that women were always coming on to him and he did admit that sometimes he was attracted to some of the women but he never cheated. to him it wasn't worth his family.

to me if a guy cheats he wasn't a nice guy to begin with. JMO. i know some people dont feel that way but i agree to disagree.

i agree dsylla if you have to worry about him cheating all the time then you dont need to be with him.

and if you feel (you generally speaking) that all men cheat you might as be celibate and stay single cuz what would be the point of sleeping and staying with someone who you feel will cheat no matter what?
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:imo: All men do not cheat anymore than all women are faithful. I know some very faithful guys and some straight up gutter slut, female hoes (and vice versa).
I think it a good idea to never say never, However, I also think that a good relationship with a strong bond and communication will have a man head over hill in love with you. I believe when a man is truely happy, you satisifing him, your classy, confident, sexy, and sweet, these traits will keep a man. You must expect these things from him, no man loves insecurity, clinging, lots of crying or complaining, and ladies cook and clean, it's not that bad really. He will view you as so clean and well kept, it will only make him love you more. Queen

Oh, and know how to work that thing like no other.:yep:

works on my husband:grin:
i have to disagree..i was once with a dude that was too nice i think...and it was weird because while i didn't think he would really ever cheat i still didnt trust him. we broke up cuz he was over sensitive, i couldn't deal with that...like cryin cuz i wouldnt sit next to him type of sensitive...that serious...

but anyways i have not seen any relationships that someone has not cheated on the other person. so i guess thats where it comes from.

Tbh even though I dont believe all men cheat, I have had the experience of growing up around a lot of Black/Black, Black man /White woman rels that had cheating. I dont personally know anyone in my community to be faithful but when I set my nets wider I found men who were not into that.

Though I suspect there are plenty of Black couples who have made it and moved out of the ghetto, dont engage in that "man sharing" bull but I havent seen it:ohwell:

PS: Please dont take it as Black maloe bashing, just my experience. From what my White male and Asian friends tell me a lot of their friends cheat but I know enough that dont.
I don't know if I think that all men cheat but I overhear a lot of conversations that so called "good men" have with my SO and it does make me wonder(Sometimes I'm in the back room of my store when men come in and run their mouths about their ladies on the side or their one night stands when they are shopping.They don't know that I'm back there so they spill it...)You really never know what someone else is capable of and even those that appear to be quiet,shy Mr.nice guy can be a wolf in sheeps clothing,but you can't spend too much time sitting around worrying about it either.:wallbash:

My ex was like that, so nice, sweet voice always said what I wanted to hear, great conversation, said he never had the urge to cheat yada yada.

Ended up telling me he cheated (I hadnt slept with him yet thank god, I was younger) and he didnt want to show his real personality becuase he wouldnt have gotten this far with a girl like me:cry: Ive learned a lot since that rel
I really dislike hearing women say that all men cheat 'cause they don't. Not all men are alike.

If you are with the type of man and you have to worry about whether or not he is cheating than it's one of 2 things: shoot, maybe both...
  1. either you are insecure
  2. you should choose a better mate

choose the "nice guy". You won't have anything to worry about :)

I think a problem is that many girls like to go for the suave, very good looking, bad boy...then wonder why he cheats.
I dont think all men cheat. A lot do but not all. i remember an article in essence about this guy. he wrote that women were always coming on to him and he did admit that sometimes he was attracted to some of the women but he never cheated. to him it wasn't worth his family.

to me if a guy cheats he wasn't a nice guy to begin with. JMO. i know some people dont feel that way but i agree to disagree.

i agree dsylla if you have to worry about him cheating all the time then you dont need to be with him.

and if you feel (you generally speaking) that all men cheat you might as be celibate and stay single cuz what would be the point of sleeping and staying with someone who you feel will cheat no matter what?

Excellent post
Many men will cheat in the right scenario, but for example with my partener, he knows that there will be no backing and forthing about it, if he ever cheats, he'll be outta that door without a second chance.
We both love each other and he gets good lovin
from me along with a million other positive things...:look:

Now if he was in the position of getting free coochie...he'd think twice about loosing all of this.

many men will cheat if the person they are with will let them get away with it, and if the girl they're with is not keeping her game on point.

PS..i've gone a bit off point right?
In response to the original Q, NO.
I've been cheated on and became cynical in thinking all guys cheat. As I got older I realized I was always dating the same type of guy:ohwell:. I had to analyze why I was attracted to these types of guys. I then openned myself up to men I normally wouldn't give the time of day to and realized their are good MEN out their:yep:.

If you find yourself in the same type of situation over and over I think it is easy to think all men cheat because you set the bar very low you're not as hurt/can easily justify it when he does cheat.

Like Dsylla side it's one of two things or both
1. Insecurity-you don't think you deserve better:sad:.
2. your picking the wrong dudes:nono:
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