Spinny: What's the biggest lie you've ever told a man?

"You are SO interesting" :rolleyes: (It was a big lie at the time)
"Yes, this relationship really is going somewhere" (same person, I didn't want to be alone/single at the time)
-"The last man that cheated on me, I shot him in the leg."
-"I moved to Houston only to find my homeless cousin, and as soon as I found him I was headed back home."
-"I cannot have sex with you because I'm saving myself for marriage"
-"I'm a lesbian"
-"That bedazzled T-shirt and matching belt buckle is sooooooooo stylish."

Damn...I'm cracking myself realizing that I've told men some crazy A$$ lies to get them out of my face...
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Late last year to this guy who was being extremely annoying while trying to get my number:
"Governor Jon Corzine is my father and if you don't leave me alone, he'll throw you in prison."
He apologized and walked away.
"I love you so much babe"
"I'm so happy I meet you, you're the best" (I feel bad in hindsight but I'm pretty sure he was lyign when he said he loved me, I felt like it was the nice thing to say at the time. He was just so mushhhyy. ughh)
A guy asked me who I was in a relationship with on facebook Me: "ohh that's just my gay bestfriend. really he's gay that's why we talk on the phone and go shopping together all the time" :lachen: that was my best one
"my momma said i can't have boyfriends, sorry" :rolleyes:
"babe you know im studying right now, I would love to see you but I gotta focus on school"
and the big one "I've never done this before, I'm a good girl" :look:
"Ummmm, I've got a boyfriend actually." :look:

"Yeah, I'll go out with you. What's your number?" :look:

"I don't know why girls don't like you." :look:

"I'm 15." :look:
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