Spin-off: Long hair before the board


New Member
Hi guys!

Please don't dismiss the ladies who had long hair before joing LHCF:( Some times I get the feeling that people pay less attention to those ladies. Or, feel like they are here to show off or somethng. Some of us just adopted some healthy hair practices at a young age so what you see now is years or (for me) decades of constant deep conditioning, stretching, protective styles, etc.

I wrote this in another post but my damage phase(swimming daily+sun+blowdryer=damaged hair:() happened at a young age and I spent nearly 5 year going to the salon weekly to correct the damage. My hair was so damaged it was falling out. But because I was a kid, I never chronicled my hair journey so i dont have any before or after pics to show. I continued to go to the salon until 2006, when I started doing my hair on my own.

But even then, I had learned some healthy hair habits (deep conditioning, wearing hair up, etc.). When I started doing my hair on my own, I picked up some more and my hair flourished in other ways (thickened up, got shinier, etc.).

Just wanted to let people know that not all of us come from good genes. My mom hair never made it past shoulder length, my dad is thinning and my brother is bald. Not one member of my extended family (mother and father's side) has EVER had long hair.

I dont know, just wanted to post on that. Any other ladies feel the same way?
I just came from that thread...And I do have to admit, sometimes it's hard to not feel that way SOMETIMES but then I remind myself that healthy hair is a journey (marathon not a sprint) and we need to have everyone at different stages for this whole thing to work. Furthermore, I would never hold it against someone else b/c they have long hair and I don't. IMO if someone does that, it's their own personal problem, not yours.

So don't feel bad a/b your long hair girl. Just remember that for every one chick out there feeling animosity, there are 10 more drooling over your hair :lol:

I am right there with you! I didn't have really long hair when I came to this board (APL) but it wasn’t extremely unhealthy. I came here to learn tips on growing my hair longer, so my "before" picture looks like relatively healthy APL hair. I showed someone and she told me it wasn’t a true before picture since my hair wasn’t damaged. :ohwell:

I like you was working on my hair way before I ever found the boards.
Thanks artemis-you are too kind:) I feel you sugarose, there was just a comment made in another thread that really bothered me and I knew other pre-LHCF ladies might feel the same way.
I know what you mean.

I love to see the dramatic changes in people's hair, there's nothing quite like a series of pictures going from very short, or bald to long and luxurious hair. But the women who join with already long or healthy hair are just as wonderful.

But I never even thought of taking pictures of my hair before I came here.:lol: At it's shortest, it was a little above BSL and looked like black straw, breaking all over and super dry. I don't have any pictures that really show the condition of my hair before. I was just starting to lay off the excessive heat when I joined this board.

I came here with longer hair, but I joined to improve my hair also, not to show off.
I don't think they mean it in a bad way. I think people can feel more connected to someone who has turned their hair around.

I guess it is kinda like weightloss. It is great to take advice from someone who has always been skinny, but it feels different to speak with someone who has been exactly where you have been and came out on the other end..healthier, fit, etc.

You get the feeling that they know your "struggle" or have experienced it recently:)

Either way both are inspirations...just different
macherieamour said:
Hi guys!

Please don't dismiss the ladies who had long hair before joing LHCF:( Some times I get the feeling that people pay less attention to those ladies. Or, feel like they are here to show off or somethng. Some of us just adopted some healthy hair practices at a young age so what you see now is years or (for me) decades of constant deep conditioning, stretching, protective styles, etc.

I wrote this in another post but my damage phase(swimming daily+sun+blowdryer=damaged hair:() happened at a young age and I spent nearly 5 year going to the salon weekly to correct the damage. My hair was so damaged it was falling out. But because I was a kid, I never chronicled my hair journey so i dont have any before or after pics to show. I continued to go to the salon until 2006, when I started doing my hair on my own.

But even then, I had learned some healthy hair habits (deep conditioning, wearing hair up, etc.). When I started doing my hair on my own, I picked up some more and my hair flourished in other ways (thickened up, got shinier, etc.).

Just wanted to let people know that not all of us come from good genes. My mom hair never made it past shoulder length, my dad is thinning and my brother is bald. Not one member of my extended family (mother and father's side) has EVER had long hair.

I dont know, just wanted to post on that. Any other ladies feel the same way?

ITA with your post.
senimoni said:
I'm probably a tad guilty of that (eek)...but I do love your hair regardless.

Hehe, no its totally not a bad thing. I mean, its natural. Seeing is believing, ya know. And we all love to see progress pics so we have something to identify with.

IDK, I guess just hearing pokahontas' reply in the last thread made me realize that other ladies felt the same way so I wanted to comment on it.
trimbride said:
I don't think they mean it in a bad way. I think people can feel more connected to someone who has turned their hair around.

I guess it is kinda like weightloss. It is great to take advice from someone who has always been skinny, but it feels different to speak with someone who has been exactly where you have been and came out on the other end..healthier, fit, etc.

You get the feeling that they know your "struggle" or have experienced it recently:)

Either way both are inspirations...just different

I totally hear what your saying:) that was a great way to put it.
I'm glad you made this tread macherieamore. I was bothered in that other thread too and like I stated there, before hair boards and after I put in a lot of work, research, trial and error to get my hair where it is now. I've been determined all my life to have healthy long hair and my pursuit of that happened way before hair boards. I was not born knowing about hair care or anything about hair for that matter. Shoot, my mom dosen't even shampoo her own hair:lol:, so all of my knowledge had to come from elsewhere.

I see alot of people get dismissed because of their hair type or their starting point. The people that dismiss them could really be missing out on some valuable information because of that.
camellia said:
I know what you mean.

I love to see the dramatic changes in people's hair, there's nothing quite like a series of pictures going from very short, or bald to long and luxurious hair. But the women who join with already long or healthy hair are just as wonderful.

But I never even thought of taking pictures of my hair before I came here.:lol: At it's shortest, it was a little above BSL and looked like black straw, breaking all over and super dry. I don't have any pictures that really show the condition of my hair before. I was just starting to lay off the excessive heat when I joined this board.

I came here with longer hair, but I joined to improve my hair also, not to show off.
Same here. I don't have pics of my hair at it's worst either.
trimbride said:
I don't think they mean it in a bad way. I think people can feel more connected to someone who has turned their hair around.

I guess it is kinda like weightloss. It is great to take advice from someone who has always been skinny, but it feels different to speak with someone who has been exactly where you have been and came out on the other end..healthier, fit, etc.

You get the feeling that they know your "struggle" or have experienced it recently:)

Either way both are inspirations...just different
I see what you mean. Some of us have been where you are though.....we just don't have no pics:lol: .

This reminded me of my hair back when I was in beauty school. I wouldn't trim my ends and they were so chewed and fried it was awful. Well one day this girl went to curl my ends and my dang ends were so fried they wouldn't even curl. Yeah, I had the perfect example of "dead" hair:lol: . Anyway she called the teacher over and was like, "What is wrong with her hair? Look it won't even curl". I was sooo embarassed
. I knew I had to make a change after that.
You know, I went back and re-read my post and realized that I may offended, which was certainly not my intention at all. I used the wrong language and I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings...:(

I haven't been here that long, but this board has helped to turn around my hair in ways that I've imagined and I wanted to thank ALL the lovely ladies here, whether short, long, thin, thick, chewed, fried, "negro-esque" :lol: and all others few and far between.

Love all of you! :kiss:

Peace out...
Serenity_Peace said:
You know, I went back and re-read my post and realized that I may offended, which was certainly not my intention at all. I used the wrong language and I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings...:(

I haven't been here that long, but this board has helped to turn around my hair in ways that I've imagined and I wanted to thank ALL the lovely ladies here, whether short, long, thin, thick, chewed, fried, "negro-esque" :lol: and all others few and far between.

Love all of you! :kiss:

Peace out...

Thanks Serenity Peace! But this was not meant to call you or anyone out:) It was more of a general feeling, I guess;)
macherieamour said:
Thanks Serenity Peace! But this was not meant to call you or anyone out:) It was more of a general feeling, I guess;)

I know. I just had to check myself cuz I didn't want to come off as offensive... :kiss:
Great point! I wouldn't have considered my hair long, I was almost APL when I joined. I wanted to learn how I could get it past that point, even though most on the outside considered my hair healthy & long. Health never really was an issue. I knew alot of things that were good and bad for my hair years before I came to the boards. I never touched up my relaxer before 8 weeks, I'd go alot longer than that. I didn't get a perm until I NEEDED one. But I had other bad hair habits, like damaging weaves and neglecting my own hair. A few months before finding LHCF though, I consciously buckled down on getting the health of my hair on track and not needing or wanting to wear a weave again. I came here because I was very torn about switching to Lye and I also wanted to get past what seemed to be my length limit. This board definately helps everyone at any stage from neck to waist who joins because everyone at every level can have a different goal, even if they look like they already met what you consider your goals. The journey is endless!
Serenity_Peace said:
You know, I went back and re-read my post and realized that I may offended, which was certainly not my intention at all. I used the wrong language and I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings...:(

I haven't been here that long, but this board has helped to turn around my hair in ways that I've imagined and I wanted to thank ALL the lovely ladies here, whether short, long, thin, thick, chewed, fried, "negro-esque" :lol: and all others few and far between.

Love all of you! :kiss:

Peace out...
No harm done
I guess there is always going to be reason that someone can dismiss someone else. Personally, I am VERY interested in taking tips from people who have had long hair for a long time because I figure they must know something good!

I came here with hair around BSL, but shortly after that I big chopped, so my journey has been growing it out from there. However, I know that some people are not going to find my journey inspirational for one reason or another, maybe because of my hair type or the fact I don't do much with my hair or that I don't have pictures of heavily damaged hair....or any other reason. The nature of inspiration is that it varies from person to person. But I think it's better if we try not to actually dismiss those with different "hairstories" then ours, because I've found that sometimes it's possible to learn something really good from the least expected people and places. At least that's been my experience. That's not to say there is anything wrong with listening more or feeling more inspired by people who have been where you are now...and are now where you want to be. That's only natural.
I didn't read the other thread so can't comment on it. I personally hope I never come across as being condescending. because seriously I had NO HAIR. I never felt jealous, I would just feel sad about it.

When I came here I felt quite intimidated at first! But jealous...naw, More like intrigued!

I love the look of long hair, I know that there are some that had beautiful hair even before they got here...thats cool, because I like learning from all different perspectives and different practices. I got the feeling that all of us, no matter how long our hair was came here to learn what we could do to make it even better.

So while I may not always say anything because someone has already said what I was thinking anyway, please know from where I came from and from my standpoint, every one here long or short is a superstar. It takes a lot to grow the stuff, but then you gotta learn how to keep it on your head!

Lots of long haired ladies here have encouraged me along my journey (though they may not even know it)

Macherieamour, I use your conditoning practice with a little twist...it was great! thanks for posting it.

No combing I picked up from Sylver2. That was hard but I managed. I now comb 4 days out of 7.

I wish I didn't sweat so much in the gym otherwise I'd no Poo for as longa s I could stand it. I blame that on Pokahontas:p She goes a long time so I figured I could do it too (I tried it for a weeek...WHEW!:ohwell: it wasn't pretty) I also love checking out her hairstyles

Camilla's hair is just the bomb. We may not have the same hair type but I absolutely admire the simplicity of her regimine. Wish I could do that and get the same results...(one day:D )

And Cichelle...ah man.. BEAUTIFUL hair. Its soooo lush!

Me trying Amla was beause of DLewis.

Chiroco helped me greatly when I was worried about my ends and kept me from chopping off 2-3 inches. (thank you, it worked!)

And theres quite a few who are in my hair porn collection:D

I admire the fact that long hair people came here and stayed! That gives a lot of hope to people like me.

trimbride said:
I don't think they mean it in a bad way. I think people can feel more connected to someone who has turned their hair around.

I guess it is kinda like weightloss. It is great to take advice from someone who has always been skinny, but it feels different to speak with someone who has been exactly where you have been and came out on the other end..healthier, fit, etc.

You get the feeling that they know your "struggle" or have experienced it recently:)

Either way both are inspirations...just different

this is how I am....Im amazed at everyones progress no matter what. But I am more prone to the people who NEVER had long hair or never had hair that went past shoulder length, and then to see them at WL as an adult is very intriguing. I had long hair as a child and a teen so Im not biased.
Okay this is REAL TALK Part I: I'm not/nor am I usually biased based on the length of someone's hair. If someone came on to the board with long hair, I don't not listen to them anymore than I do to women's who has shorter hair that grew longer. I may stalk...I mean, view the albums a little more often of women with shorter to longer hair (just b/c the dramatic difference keeps me inspired when I want to say to hell with it).

HOWEVER...I do admit to solicting the advice of those with hair that is of a more similar texture. Thus, as gorgeous as her hair is, I might not solicit someone with type 2 or 3's hair texture for advice on a certain products...while I would probably ask a 4. :ohwell: On the same note...I might solicit more advice from women with napptural hair than relaxed hair because I feel like they understand the sheer torture and torment of the KNOTS! :grin:

Anyway, if you have gorgeous hair and a fotki, I WILL STALK YOUR ALBUM. I AM A NON-DISCRIMINATING STALKER. Gosh, I will be all up in your post too! :lachen:
Yes my hair may have long before I joined the board and BSL several times before the board. But it all came with a price and I need the board to not pay the price again.

1. Before I started taking care of my hair years, years, years ago and a teenager. My hair at it longest BSL. Then I took over the longest I could get it is SL, I colored, chopped and damage my hair many times after that. And if I damage it I just choped it off and started again, but never passing SL.

2. After marrying in 1999, I damaged my hair once again, and got an inverted bob before moving Hawaii. Not long after that in 2000 I was pregant with my daughter, I decided to get braids while I was pregnant. I found a great stylist and after I had my daughter I kept the braids, corn rows and other protective styles up. Three years pass and I am all natural, but so sick I had to go home, affraid I wouldn't find someone to take care of my hair I got a relaxer, praying I remember how to keep that up.

3. Once home, my friends cousin who owns a beauty school gets me his best student to do my hair and the continued BSL and longer went on until I got tired of the length and had her cut it to APL, I maintaned that length for a long time. But becuase of my illness, and meds I worried of reactions to meds, lack of nutrition due to my gastric problems. One of the meds I took awhile back cause my hair to fall out and my doctor had me to come in to do a blood test and told me to stop taking the medicine until he could get me something new. (Mind you he was white and told me the medicine was the cause of the fall out and it was true.)

4. So when I was back to health I fould LHCF and the rest is history.
cmw45 said:
Okay this is REAL TALK Part I: I'm not/nor am I usually biased based on the length of someone's hair. If someone came on to the board with long hair, I don't not listen to them anymore than I do to women's who has shorter hair that grew longer. I may stalk...I mean, view the albums a little more often of women with shorter to longer hair (just b/c the dramatic difference keeps me inspired when I want to say to hell with it).

HOWEVER...I do admit to solicting the advice of those with hair that is of a more similar texture. Thus, as gorgeous as her hair is, I might not solicit someone with type 2 or 3's hair texture for advice on a certain products...while I would probably ask a 4. :ohwell: On the same note...I might solicit more advice from women with napptural hair than relaxed hair because I feel like they understand the sheer torture and torment of the KNOTS! :grin:

Anyway, if you have gorgeous hair and a fotki, I WILL STALK YOUR ALBUM. I AM A NON-DISCRIMINATING STALKER. Gosh, I will be all up in your post too! :lachen:

DOUBLE DITTO!!! And that's totally natural and I'm sure reciprocal. There may be a few things that can apply across the board in haircare but there is line where what works from some textures, chemical processes or lack there of, won't work for others.
I actually find anyone who has grown out their hair inspiring. In my real life I know just as many type 4bs as I do 2as who can't seem to take care of their hair in a way that it can grow and thrive.
camellia said:
I know what you mean.

I love to see the dramatic changes in people's hair, there's nothing quite like a series of pictures going from very short, or bald to long and luxurious hair. But the women who join with already long or healthy hair are just as wonderful.

But I never even thought of taking pictures of my hair before I came here.:lol: At it's shortest, it was a little above BSL and looked like black straw, breaking all over and super dry. I don't have any pictures that really show the condition of my hair before. I was just starting to lay off the excessive heat when I joined this board.

I came here with longer hair, but I joined to improve my hair also, not to show off.

a little of topic but me either!! who ever thought of that??!!:grin: not that its rocket science but it is very encouraging to look at a then and now and really see progress. i was just looking at pics from 4-6months ago and was like, oh wow...my hair did grow...alot!! its longer and thicker. i also realized the weightloss in my face and neck:grin:
Cichelle said:
I guess there is always going to be reason that someone can dismiss someone else. Personally, I am VERY interested in taking tips from people who have had long hair for a long time because I figure they must know something good!

I came here with hair around BSL, but shortly after that I big chopped, so my journey has been growing it out from there. However, I know that some people are not going to find my journey inspirational for one reason or another, maybe because of my hair type or the fact I don't do much with my hair or that I don't have pictures of heavily damaged hair....or any other reason. The nature of inspiration is that it varies from person to person. But I think it's better if we try not to actually dismiss those with different "hairstories" then ours, because I've found that sometimes it's possible to learn something really good from the least expected people and places. At least that's been my experience. That's not to say there is anything wrong with listening more or feeling more inspired by people who have been where you are now...and are now where you want to be. That's only natural.

ITA-especially with the bolded! :yep:
Even if someone's hair has been long most of their life, they must've been doing something right to retain that length and so I want to learn from them too. If anything, I'd probably be more apt to listen to that person than to take advice from someone who only recently obtained my goal length.
Great thread!
Pokahontas said:
I'm glad you made this tread macherieamore. I was bothered in that other thread too and like I stated there, before hair boards and after I put in a lot of work, research, trial and error to get my hair where it is now. I've been determined all my life to have healthy long hair and my pursuit of that happened way before hair boards. I was not born knowing about hair care or anything about hair for that matter. Shoot, my mom dosen't even shampoo her own hair:lol:, so all of my knowledge had to come from elsewhere.

I see a lot of people get dismissed because of their hair type or their starting point. The people that dismiss them could really be missing out on some valuable information because of that.

I see this too. People on hair forum get dismissed for so many diffrent reasons. Think of all that information that these people hold that we are missing out on.

When I first join here I was dismissed on leaving braids in my hair for over two months. I post about how I was going to leave braid in my hair for 7 months. I was treated like I was crazy and didn't know what I was doing. Now I get a lot of PMs about it. The thing that i thought was crazy is Why dismiss me because I'm going to try something that seems like it's a no no around here. We use different product that women outside of hair forums would think we where crazy.
Even though I've never had a TWA, my hair went through so many chops and changes (before finding the board) and I don't have many pics from those times.:( But just because some of our hair journeys didn't begin here, doesn't mean they shouldn't count. Many of us had to struggle on our own, through trial, error, disappointments, and progress w/out the audience and advice of a supportive online community. I know a lot of us wish we had found the boards sooner! But at least we're here now. This hair board is a LUXURY!!! All of us have something to give and gain from being here.:yep:
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