Spin-off from another hair board...When was your Golden Age in hair care?


New Member
I was browsing another hair care forum and I saw a pretty interesting topic:


Meaning when was your hair at its absolute longest/healthiest?

My first was my 7th and 8th grade years in Middle School and my 9th grade year in High School. My hair was waist length and so shiny. It was relaxed. I was washing and blowdrying it everyday. Never touched a flat iron. I was getting relaxers every 3-4 months. I would also deep condition it 1-2X per month.

My second golden age is actually NOW! I am in 11th grade and 17 years old right now. I am 100% natural. My hair is always soooo soft and always has a good shine. I've not had any problems with breakage although my hair does get dry sometimes in the winter. It's not a big problem anymore because I bun my hair up pretty much every day to retain moisture.

I can honestly say it has been a constant golden age with the exception of about 3 or 4 months. I had colored my hair twice and relaxed all within a month! It was horrible and then on top of that I got micros which messed up my hair. After that I transitioned and my hair got back to good condition. Shortly after, however, I did my BC. So I guess I've been in a Hair Golden Age for 3 years now minus 3-4 months or so!

How bout yall?
I can't exactly remember the length of my hair back then, but it definitely wasn't no waistlength, lol.

I remember when I was very very young, like5-7, my hair was so thick and dark and long. Then I became anemic etc

After I got my first relaxer, I think I was like 11 or 12, and it was shiny and stuff b/c it was very well taken care of.

First two years of high school, it was a disaster; flatironed every day, i once spent a month without washing it. WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Also, when I was in braids, I didnt wash it. OMG... that was terrible haircare!!

Last year when i was exercising often and getting growth spurts, I realized I could have long hair again. I just needed to keep it healthy, which brought me to this site. I'm now at the length that my hair has been at its longest. When I go past that, it'll be the longest my hair has been, as long as i can remember :grin: i'm so excited
CarLiTa said:
I'm now at the length that my hair has been at its longest. When I go past that, it'll be the longest my hair has been, as long as i can remember :grin: i'm so excited

lol i'm excited for you!!!! :bouncy:

i know how you feel though...im finally at a point now where i can actually tell and SEE that my hair is growing and im soooooo excited! i feel like i'll be at my goal in no time! (even though in reality its gonna take about 2 years!)

I am trying to remember what I was doing to it. I went to the salon every 2-weeks. Flat ironed at the salon. I would bump it up at home when I needed it.

I would alternate corn rows and wraps a lot. I was taking vitamins religiously...eating a lot of veggies other than that nothing extraordinary.

Actually in 2002, my hair was the longest it had ever been, that's how I found this forum. I was trying to hang on to it.
Good thread. I would have to say when I was 18/19. My hair was so healthy and long. I cut it and put color in it. That was all she wrote. I spent some many years going through changes with my hair. I now am enjoying being natural. I hope to have a natural hair golden moment soon.
My first golden age was from birth to about age 13. I can remember pics of my my mom patting my afro when I was 6 weeks old! By the time I was in the 5th grade, my hair was waist length! :D Granted, my mother only washed my hair every 2 months and it took her and my grandmother 3 days to do it,:eek: but it was long and healthy! After she passed, I started going to the salon where another older woman did my hair, but when she passed three years later, nobody else in the salon would touch my hair. They convinced my mom to put a relaxer in my hair and they used the strongest one they could find. My mom still talks about my hair coming out in clumps on my pillow every night!:crying3:

My second golden age was while I was in Grad school back in 2000. I basically found another older woman to do my hair. My hair never saw a blowdryer! It was rollersets all the way! After graduation I moved to Michigan and my driver's license pic looks like a head shot for a modeling agency...my hair looks so beautiful!:weird:

My hair hasn't been the same since. This may be the "hair capital" but between the hard water and SHS, I've been trying to get back to shoulder length for the last 5 years!:mad: Oh... I've seen the promised land many times... but just never made it down the other side of the mountain. But I'm claiming it for 2006!

(Sorry for the long post...must have struck a nerve mulattamami:lol: )
My golden age was in college at FAMU with my Atomic Bob! At least that is what they used to call me b/c my hair used to be shiny, straight, full and ba dow SMOKIN! I had a perm then but it was very healthy and strong b/c I used very little heat and washed it once a week and wrapped it up the rest of the time.

Those were the days. I still have friends who reminisce about that. LOL!

atl_mulattamami said:
I was browsing another hair care forum and I saw a pretty interesting topic:


Meaning when was your hair at its absolute longest/healthiest?

My first was my 7th and 8th grade years in Middle School and my 9th grade year in High School. My hair was waist length and so shiny. It was relaxed. I was washing and blowdrying it everyday. Never touched a flat iron. I was getting relaxers every 3-4 months. I would also deep condition it 1-2X per month.

My second golden age is actually NOW! I am in 11th grade and 17 years old right now. I am 100% natural. My hair is always soooo soft and always has a good shine. I've not had any problems with breakage although my hair does get dry sometimes in the winter. It's not a big problem anymore because I bun my hair up pretty much every day to retain moisture.

I can honestly say it has been a constant golden age with the exception of about 3 or 4 months. I had colored my hair twice and relaxed all within a month! It was horrible and then on top of that I got micros which messed up my hair. After that I transitioned and my hair got back to good condition. Shortly after, however, I did my BC. So I guess I've been in a Hair Golden Age for 3 years now minus 3-4 months or so!

How bout yall?
my hair was it's longest and healthiest in 2000. I was 22 and my hair was about bra strap length and thick and full all the way to the ends. I have a polaroid pic of me, my sis and my friend at the Master P concert and it's the only physical evidence I have of my hair when it was that length. I remember I cut it b/c I got bored and wanted a different style. I haven't gotten it back to that length yet. With the help of the LHCF I plan to get back there one day.:D
The only time my hair was every in a "golden age" type of condition that I can remember, was when I was pregnant. Sad but true!! So I guess, my golden age will be coming soon...
My golden age was about 3 years ago when I was about an inch from APL, and all one length. Though I'm nearing the same length now, my hair has shorter pieces all over. And to think, I was getting a straight blowout every week and had healthy even hair. I think one of the ways I held up so well considering the heat was doing heavy protein treatments about every two weeks (Now, I see how that could be way too much, since I only blowdry my roots). I was taking UltraNourish Hair vitamins too.

THEN, I colored with semi-permanent color, relaxed 3 weeks later, and used a new relaxer. Combined, these quickly broke my hair back to shoulder length, and thin.

But now, I'm very close to my longest length and I have a thicker head of hair because I've lessened the relaxer time. Also, I know exactly what to do to get to my goals since I found the forum. It's all a waiting game at this point :ohwell: , but at least I know what NOT to do.
I was just thinking I just hit one now when i saw this thread. Since transitioning (reached brastap last April before the bc) my hair is now natural (got no problem with perms, just had some damage and am now getting to know my hair). It is now a blunt cut, almost shoulder length with shrinkage. I cw it and put the Curly Custard on from Kinky-Curly.com and let it air dry and I see my texture coming out! :D I looove it! Even in the dead of winter! LOL!

I feel so free from stylists, and perms and fighting breakage. Mind you, I have a Phyto perm Index 2 on reserve (lol!) but right now, I am just enjoying my hair...Next stop, Maxiglide! :) HHG!
Hmmmm this is kinda wierd for me. The longests was waist length but I as 12 years old and it WAS NOT HEALTHY! Healthiest would be before I colored my hair. It was relaxed but thick and strong and long. I still think the best is yet to come. give me 2 years and it will be its healthiest I promise!
Hey BC!!!:kiss:

The best my hair has ever been is NOW! Its the longest and healthiest. My hair was never about nothin' before. :nono:
Good topic...I can't really remember a Golden Age...my hair has either appeared healthy but was not, healthy but short, had length (not long) but not healthy.

I'm hoping 2006 will be my Golden Age b/c even though I have some length I noticed my edges and nape are in need of attention so after this round of braids I plan on giving my hair ALOT of TLC!!!
My hair has never seen a Golden Age --- until now I guess :ohwell:. My mother relaxed my hair before I was even a year old :mad: and up until I was 15 she relaxed it as she saw fit (even if it meant 2x a month), or my hair dresser did. Looking back at all my old pictures my hair wasn’t anything to be happy about. As a baby you could see how the relaxer tore my hair up! My plaits were teeny tiny and I had underprocessed hair before I reached 2 yrs. old! :mad: Once I reached my teen years things never got better. Granted my hair wasn’t broken off, it was shoulder length, cut to my ears, shoulder length again, and then taken out by weaves gone wrong, braids too tight and improper hair care.

It wasn’t until I found LHCF that my Golden Age began in a way. My Golden Age doesn’t consist of length because I’ve never had that --- and it's still taking me a while to obtain, but it’s based on health and progress, both of which I've acquired over the past year ;)!
Sistaslick said:
Hey BC!!!:kiss:

The best my hair has ever been is NOW! Its the longest and healthiest. My hair was never about nothin' before. :nono:

your hair is absolutely gorgeous! do you have highlights in it? it looks kinda auburn. just asking because i really want to get highlights or a rinse and looking at your picture thats how i want mine
lovelymissyoli said:
My mother relaxed my hair before I was even a year old :mad: and up until I was 15 she relaxed it as she saw fit (even if it meant 2x a month), or my hair dresser did. [/font][/b][/color]

WHAT?!?!?! :shocked: That's INSANE! Wow I thought I had it bad when my mom took me to get my hair relaxed at 5! BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN 1 YEAR OLD??? Wow...

Well whatever the case, your hair is beautiful now and your hard work and dedication definately show! :yay:
My golden age was 11th to 12th grade and up until now (out of high school for over 3 years now). Before then it was before my hair saw a relaxer...7 years old on back. My mom or grandma used to press my hair and it was mid-back length or longer, shiny, thick.

Then someone got the brilliant idea to put a relaxer in it. Had a lot of breakage...then got it cut to like shoulder length...over the years my hair was mediocre-I used a lot of heat in late middle school to early high school. My hair was drastically uneven. Got a good cut again.

By the beginning of 11th grade my hair was waist length. I got a sew-in for a hair/fashion show and it broke off a sizable area in the right back quarter of my hair. Then when I got a relaxer the heifer put it on the ends of my hair---my hair was coming out in clumps as it was being washed out. I got my hair cut to 3 inches below my shoulders with layers in Jan 2002.

Since then I let that cut grow out and had long layers cut once again in April 03. So, since that hair changing beautiful layered cut in Jan 02 my hair has been great. I stopped using heat, wrapped my hair, washed and deep conditioned weekly. Granted I used to trim during that time every 8 weeks and wasn't thinking about stretching relaxers until I came here...my hair hasn't been better...I really want to stop relaxing my hair, so I am transitioning to natural-for real this time... :look: