Special Occasion Hair


New Member
Help! I am currently transitioning my hair, and I have about 5-6 inches natural hair and 6-8 inches relaxed hair. But now I want to go out where I will be dressing up and looking all formal. What can I do to my hair so it doesn't look all funky? The difference between the new growth texture and relaxed hair texture is definitely noticeable although it isn't extreme. Putting gel or whatever in my hair to wear it down just makes the difference look all that huger. I was thinking of flat ironing my hair, but the thought of blow drying my hair to get it straight and then flat ironing it in addition sends chills through my spine because I'm afraid of all the heat damage. I cannot relax worth a damn.

Any suggestions for nice hair styles that someone without any skillz whatsoever can do?
How do you do those? I tried a braid-out once before, I basically braided the hair into several braids, added setting lotion, and then let dry- but it just looked poofy and some of it was a nice curly and some was kind of frizzy looking.

How do you do a twist-out?