Speaking in Tongues


Well-Known Member
I received the Spirit of God (Holy Ghost) almost 4 years ago and it came with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Why do people fight so hard against the concept of speaking in tongue and believe it was only for the "bible days"? I speak in tongues but people that dont believe it look at me like -->>> :blush:..lol

Another thing, why do people think the Holy Ghost is something you "catch", they think its something that makes you dance and jump up and down and run around the church.(though we can feel the Spirit of God in church and it can makes us do a lil shout lol) That is not all the the Holy Ghost is good for. the Holy Ghost is the spirit of God that teaches you those things that pleases God and the course that God has for you. it prays those things that you dont know to pray for..(tongues) It gives you the power to resist sin and overcome temptation. Thats what the Holy Ghost is.I hardly hear churches even teach on the Holy Ghost when its a necessity for the chrisitan believer. Why is it taught that every one automatically everyone has it and we born with it, when scripture clearly states it has to be recieved? Please share on this topic...thanks in advance:grin:

Any LHCF members speak in tongues?
People hold varying understandings of speaking in tongues - from its definition to its expression. For example, I believe that speaking tongues means speaking known foreign languages for the communication of the gospel. I do also believe that speaking in tongues is only one of the evidences of the Holy Spirit and that not all Christians are given that gift.
Unfortunately some people FAKE it and just repeat what they hear other people say. I hate that about the church I went to from 14-18. It sounds like:

I do beleive some people really speak in tongues but I've never been a witness...
^^^Forgive me...but, yes..."ba-ba-sham-da-la-la." So, what are they saying? Any interpreters? I'm all for those speaking in tongues if it's real. I know a minister that was going around trying to draw it out of people...Copeland.

Anyhoo, the evidence of a walk with Christ is in the fruit produced. Perfection? No way! But there will be good fruit produced. OP, if you are not satisfied with your present church, I'd suggest finding one where your spiritual needs are being met.
Well actually i love my church. we believe in speaking in tongues.im just discussing the views of others...
Unfortunately some people FAKE it and just repeat what they hear other people say. I hate that about the church I went to from 14-18. It sounds like:

I do beleive some people really speak in tongues but I've never been a witness...

:lachen:Barack Obama in a honda :lachen:
Unfortunately some people FAKE it and just repeat what they hear other people say. I hate that about the church I went to from 14-18. It sounds like:

I do beleive some people really speak in tongues but I've never been a witness...

Not Barack Obama in a Honda. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I agree with Melody. Monroe some people abuse the word for attention. My friends and I were in church and this girl said sha na na na beyonce! I was through. That was years ago and people even older church members still remember that foolishness. I think instances like this make people reluctant to believe that it is true. I know of only one person who speaks in tongues and the spirit that comes over her is humble and sincere. I am a believer that the spirit makes itself evident. There are people who do it to boast or get attention and that can clearly be seen as well.
I came up in a Church where tongues were not spoken nor discussed, but there was a sense that the 'tongues talkers' were strange. Due to circumstances I joined another Church that seems carismatic but I distinctly remember when one of the senior district Pastors came to give a Bible study 'against speaking in tongues'. By that time I already knew the Holy Spirit was in me and as he spoke and used the scripture in Corinthians to prove his points I felt like I was the only one realising he was skipping some verses and just off base. I dared open my mouth but backed down after his response. Went to work the next day and re -read the passage and was fully convinced that it actually encouraged speaking in tongues but not in the haphazard way I had seen just a few times. So I got in a secluded place and asked my Heavenly Father some questions (always do that when something troubles my spirit) and then asked Him for the sign.I remembered that verse that says something like 'open your mouth and I will fill it', and simply put, that day was the first time I spoke in tongues.

I didn't tell anyone for a long time and I certainly didn't speak it out loud in that Church. May be I should have, then I probably would have been thrown out and saved myself from all the trauma of the last few years. However, I had a strange moment in a communion service. The Pastor had already started showing much hatred towards me and I like a fool kept judging myself as if I was at fault for her attitude. She was conducting the communion service and I suddenly felt like something was crushing my head and hearing a lot of noise in my ear. I notice she was not going into the usual time where people were allowed few minutes of private prayer for confession and coming clean before God and with the strangeness happening to me I started praying silently but she started shouting in the mic and the confusion in my head was getting worse. I distinctly remembered something in me saying 'pray in tongues'. I had only a brief doubting struggle before I did under my breath. The only way I could explain what happened was that it felt like two crushing weights shifted from the sides of my head. My mind was clear and all the noise and confusion stopped, except the Pastor, but at that point I was too relieved to care.

I can only give my personal testimony. I've since then had few other circumstances where breakthrough came after speaking in tongues. I've had other breakthroughs through simple prayer. I do believe there are Spirit filled believers who may never speak in tongues, as Guitarhero implied, you can tell by their fruits. Although I'm grateful for my experience I've never felt it made me 'special' in anyway. I feel special just knowing God loves me.
Copeland said, "say 'ba ba ba' and it will come and flow on your tongue." Those were in my IGNORANT days going along to places with some family and friends. Oh boy, was that a horrible experience. He was coaching people how to speak in tongues. In my church, we don't have that unless you're in the charismatic movement and I'm not sure people just start doing it...there is very definitely a holy order to the service and unity... A lot of what I hear about and see out there is craziness. I just don't trust it in most cases. I don't every desire it either...but that's just me according to my previous experiences.
Unfortunately some people FAKE it and just repeat what they hear other people say. I hate that about the church I went to from 14-18. It sounds like:

I do beleive some people really speak in tongues but I've never been a witness...

I agree with Melody. Monroe some people abuse the word for attention. My friends and I were in church and this girl said sha na na na beyonce! I was through. That was years ago and people even older church members still remember that foolishness. I think instances like this make people reluctant to believe that it is true. I know of only one person who speaks in tongues and the spirit that comes over her is humble and sincere. I am a believer that the spirit makes itself evident. There are people who do it to boast or get attention and that can clearly be seen as well.

You ladies are killing me. :lachen:

I've seen people try to fake it and stumble all over their words...hilarious! :lol:
Ahhh.. sis, love where you are going with this. I must say though, the Holy Spirit is indeed a person... He is not an "IT" and I don't refer to God as an 'It" He's not a pet dog, ya know? Dogs can't talk back and the day one does, well... :lachen:

We don't 'catch' the Holy Spirit, but there are times He moves..just like His did over the waters in Genesis 1:2.
Ever see water stand still when a strong wind blows?

I do utter/pray in the Spirit, only as Holy Spirit gives utterance to do so. I remember growing up in an pentecostal church as a child and repeating what I use to hear the adults say when I first went up to receive the Holy Spirit. That's wasn't it. I was ignorant then of the true power of God. I'd heard "She came in a Honda.." too many times in that church. lol

Oh, but when we truly accept and receive our gift of the Holy Spirit, we are no longer enemies of God but his sons and daughters. We become empowered with the Spirit of God. Our heavenly prayer language is unique, as it is our special way of speaking directly to the Father. It may sound strange to others and even to us, but He understands. Our unique prayer language is never forced of our own will, never fake, and certainly never ineffective because it is the perfect prayer. Things DO take place in the spiritual realm. People are healed, feel different, comforted, etc, as the Holy Spirit has a purpose...and that is to do the Will of God. :yep:

@the bolded: We receive the Spirit of God on earth because we came FROM HIM. To come to earth, we all pass through the matrix (our mother's womb) and are born into sin --i.e. our parents' iniquities. It is through the Holy Spirit (by believing in Jesus) that we are reconciled back to El-Eyon. This is the only way. We have the choice to accept or reject, as God will never force Himself on us.

Here are some good Scriptures

Ephesians 1:3-10 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, ...

Colossians 1:20-22 And through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him...

I received the Spirit of God (Holy Ghost) almost 4 years ago and it came with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Why do people fight so hard against the concept of speaking in tongue and believe it was only for the "bible days"? I speak in tongues but people that dont believe it look at me like -->>> :blush:..lol

Another thing, why do people think the Holy Ghost is something you "catch", they think its something that makes you dance and jump up and down and run around the church.(though we can feel the Spirit of God in church and it can makes us do a lil shout lol) That is not all the the Holy Ghost is good for. the Holy Ghost is the spirit of God that teaches you those things that pleases God and the course that God has for you. it prays those things that you dont know to pray for..(tongues) It gives you the power to resist sin and overcome temptation. Thats what the Holy Ghost is.I hardly hear churches even teach on the Holy Ghost when its a necessity for the chrisitan believer. Why is it taught that every one automatically everyone has it and we born with it, when scripture clearly states it has to be recieved? Please share on this topic...thanks in advance:grin:

Any LHCF members speak in tongues?
When I first got saved and filled with the Holy Ghost I was twelve years old. I didn't know what was happening especially when I begin to speak in tongues. I do however, remember feeling good and clean. Years later I strayed away from God and went back into the world. The spirit left and I no longer spoke in tongues.

Thankfully, God had mercy on me. I came back to God. He reclaimed my soul, saved and baptized me with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This time I was more aware of what was going on. Again it was a wonderful feeling and great experience. Now when I speak in tongues it is during prayer and sometime during praise.

Not all ministries/ denominations preach speaking in tongues. If one is not taught the pentecostal experience then it is foreign. That is likely the reason for fighting against it. Because I can't see anyone who has genuinely experience being filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues fighting against it. In fact, it is an experience one would not knowingly joke or make light of without fear of blaspheming. It's just that serious to me.
Adding for clarity... Paul makes it clear in Corinthians speaking in tongues are two different gifts of the Spirit:

Prayer language (private prayer or man speaking to God)
1 Corinthians 14:2 - “For he [man] that speaketh in an unknown tongues speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him…"

The Gift of Tongues (public or God speaking to man)
1 Corinthians 12:7- "to each one is given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. To one is given the word of Wisdom by the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the same Spirit; ...to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all theses things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills."

So, praying in the Spirit is not the Gift of Tongues.
Im not talking about the tongues used to speak in different languages, Im referring to our prayer language...just fyi
ITA ... We had an interesting discussing a while back in this Forum on speaking in tongues... thread got shut down because of such vehemently opposing views.. :yep:

Not all ministries/ denominations preach speaking in tongues. If one is not taught the pentecostal experience then it is foreign. That is likely the reason for fighting against it. Because I can't see anyone who has genuinely experience being filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues fighting against it.
Before I did this thread, i was looking for one but couldnt anything on tongues..i see why now lol
ITA ... We had an interesting discussing a while back in this Forum on speaking in tongues... thread got shut down because of such vehemently opposing views.. :yep:
ITA ... We had an interesting discussing a while back in this Forum on speaking in tongues... thread got shut down because of such vehemently opposing views.. :yep:

Okay, I can imagine, you know the enemy don't won't us talking about the Holy Ghost or the evidence thereof. :nono: Oh but there is going to come a day when people are going to be wishing for these type discussions. :yep:
Alicialynn86 - Do you know what you are saying when you "speak in tongues"? Alot of people that I've asked say they do not know what they are saying and that only God knows or an interpreter. I find that puzzling.

And you're not speaking a foreign language like they did in the Bible days? If not, then what is it? From the pentacostal churches I have visited, it seems more like a learned estatic utterance or babble that they picked up from other members that do it in their church.

One common "babble" that I hear alot is something pronounced like "Sha-ba-de-oh-sha"... what does that mean in English?
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So true! People make fun of it either because they dont understand or never experienced it...but if they could just taste and see!

Okay, I can imagine, you know the enemy don't won't us talking about the Holy Ghost or the evidence thereof. :nono: Oh but there is going to come a day when people are going to be wishing for these type discussions. :yep:
No ma'am,. i dont know what I'm saying.

They had did a scientific study on speaking in tongues. Scientists hooked someone to this machine speaking in tongues. They found out that the part of your brain that is active when you are talking, wasn't active. They said they human brain had nothing to do with anything when someone is speaking in tongue.
this is the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZbQBajYnEc

Romans 8
26Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
27And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

@Alicialynn86 - Do you know what you are saying when you "speak in tongues"? Alot of people that I've asked say they do not know what they are saying and that only God knows or an interpreter. I find that puzzling.

And you're not speaking a foreign language like they did in the Bible days? If not, then what is it? From the pentacostal churches I have visited, it seems more like a learned estatic utterance or babble that they picked up from other members that do it in their church.

One common "babble" that I hear alot is something pronounced like "Sha-ba-de-oh-sha"... what does that mean in English?
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So true! People make fun of it either because they dont understand or never experienced it...but if they could just taste and see!

:yep: The presence of the Lord is wonderful. Holy Ghost Power rain on me. Yesterday's gone, today I am in need. Holy Ghost Power rain on me.

Hey, they mocked Jesus The Christ. What makes us think we will get anything less.

I fervently believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and in the gift of speaking in tongues but I also know that based on ones religious affiliation and indoctrination one may not believe. I know this may be controversial but I will say that I do not believe in Juanita Bynum's recent interpretation of speaking in tongues.

By: Jenée Desmond-Harris

No, she didn’t fall asleep at the keyboard. Pentecostal televangelist, author, and gospel singer Juanita Bynum has been raising eyebrows in the Christian community and beyond with her most recent use of technology to spread her message: she’s been speaking (or rather, typing) in tongues in messages to her Facebook fans. An example:




Some religious bloggers are up in arms, emphasizing scriptures that say, “Speak in tongues,” not “write,” and fretting about the fate of the church. Others — hundreds on each post, in fact – have communicated with a simple “like” that they appreciate (and perhaps understand?) the unconventional messages. Some have even responded with comments mirroring the style of the self-proclaimed “prophetess.”
.................................................no comment :ohwell:
I fervently believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and in the gift of speaking in tongues but I also know that based on ones religious affiliation and indoctrination one may not believe. I know this may be controversial but I will say that I do not believe in Juanita Bynum's recent interpretation of speaking in tongues.
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1st Cor. 14
2For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

Forgot to add this!
you wont be the only one saying it, neither do I beleive that nonsense of typing in tongues and people 'likeing' her posts, smh

I fervently believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and in the gift of speaking in tongues but I also know that based on ones religious affiliation and indoctrination one may not believe. I know this may be controversial but I will say that I do not believe in Juanita Bynum's recent interpretation of speaking in tongues.
I fervently believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and in the gift of speaking in tongues but I also know that based on ones religious affiliation and indoctrination one may not believe. I know this may be controversial but I will say that I do not believe in Juanita Bynum's recent interpretation of speaking in tongues.

There is no biblical reference for what Juanita did. People need to check who they are following against the Word of God. Stop believing everything someone comes up with. Sad.