I think some have a misunderstanding of the gift of tongues. The apostles received the gift to communicate with people from all parts of the world in their native language/tongue. In my past experience as a Protestant, I saw a lot of people speaking "tongues" or babbling. Catholic christians are baptized with the triune formula (in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit with chrism oil at confirmation. We believe that we receive these fruits of the Spirit. So yes, I believe that Christians receive and should show evidence the fruits of the Spirit in their life.
I don't believe in what many consider "speaking in tongues" because again, it was an actial dialect that others could understand.
Now, have I personally experience being "in the Spirit?"
Absolutely. I can't explain or describe it but I know when I feel the flow of the Holy Spirit come over me. It is usually when I am worshipping in privacy.