Sort of a spin off....What's your hair dream?


New Member
I was responding to the random thoughts thread and I mentioned a hair dream of mine. Not a "I was sleeping last night and had a dream" dream. I mean a place you dream of being with your hair.

Like I've had the same dream since high school: I want a long thick braid down my back, reaching to waist length. Since I've joined LHCF, I'm closer to that than ever.

simple. That's all I want....really

anyone else?
I want BSL hair and I want to be able to do spiral curls that come to shoulder length. Now that I think about it, I want a straw set that comes to shoulder length, so mid-back length may be in my future....who knows?
I want thick, full, midback length two strand twists that I can put up into an updo and wear hairsticks in.
Have hair that comes between midback and waistlegnth..all natural. Thats shrinks up to my shoulder/armpits...and then when i straighten it once in a blue moon draws drop...:D
I have always wanted to have dark glossy long hair that tumbles down atleast to my ta-tas. I have always wanted to do the whole spring of the water like a mermaid with hair glistening down my back. If I had to pick a person who has the hair I want I would say Cassie.
Each month as my hair grows out I am able to take out a row of this weave. I am down to wearing only 4 full tracks and a couple small pieces in the front. I want my own hair to be as long as my weave, and then have the ability to wear it up, down or parted down the middle if I want to. And I want the front of my hair to be as long as the back. I used to think these were lofty dreams until I found my two fav hair boards, lhcf and bhm.
Mine's simple....I just want to be able to wear a thick pretty ponytail, high on my head. :weird:

Can't wait until I get there!
To be able to Henna/braid/weave/rollerset my own hair!

ALSO i want relaxed midback hair cut in a "v" thats dark black almost blue!
OR a blunt cut textured browish hair from henna..Midback
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ITA with the mermaid ta-ta covers and long high pony. I am so close I can taste it thanks to all of you:notworthy :dance7: .
My hair dream came from an actually dream.

I came out of the shower and looked in the mirror. My hair was a little below my shoulders and natural. I had defined wavy/curly hair and it looked the perfect thickness.
Mine would be to have blue/black waistlength hair in the front and back since my hair in the front is shorter than my hair in the back...similar to how Cassie wears hers, and Jada's when it's really long.
Classic length hair I can sit on when stretched. When it was left curly it should still reach my tail bone.

I'd like to have a picture taken of me "dressed" in nothing but my hair and a silver pentacle.
I want my hair to unstreatched go to bra-strap length

also when flat ironed i want it full tailbone lenth, lastly i want to be able to put big curls in it and have it still cover my ta-ta's at midback length... :)

i probably have about 5-6 inches to go
I would just like to feel my hair on my shoulders. I haven't had shoulder length hair since I was in elementary school. I suppose my "dream" hair, though, would be bra-strap length or longer. Then I could wear nice updos and take them down, and shake it out all sexy-like.:cool:
My dream was to have my hair to my shoulders, to the ends of my shoulder. I made it. Never in a million years would I thought my hair would grow that long. Now that my hair is in the middle of my Bra Strap, my dream is 3 inches longer than the base of BSL. I think that is condsidered Mid Back. We will give it until the end of 2007 for sure. If my current length has proven to be my terminal length I would still happy. :D

I hear whispers now wondering if my hair is a weave, I just smile. I have had old friends come up to give me a hug and feel for tracks! how dare they! But they never comment on my hair. But I C M Lookin' :grin:
MizAvalon said:
To have princess/fairytale hair.:)

I believe that is tailbone length?

This is basically my dream, too. I like to say I want my hair to be classic length when wet, because I think with all my shrinkage, that might put me where I want to be when it's dry.
My hair dream is shiny, soft natrual, unstreched hair that covers my breasts.

Also to be able to do the "white girl" hair toss when straigthen! :D